A Great Expert has come to the door.

These Great Experts are different from the Ordinary people, each with the ability to be a veteran strongman. For the ordinary Great Expert, one enemy two, even one enemy three, is placed in the martial dao of the lineage of the gods. This is the equivalent of the Divine King level.

Originally, Verdant Ruins and Kiyomizu-dori had the strength to compete with the brilliant Divine Venerable. He only needed to be able to pull two or three of this type of Great Expert, defeating, and even killing the brilliant Divine Venerable. It is not difficult.

Verdant Ruins invited these people one after another to the mountain.

When talking to them, there were three other Great Experts coming to visit, bringing the number of Great Experts available to Verdant Ruins to six.

As he proposed to go with everyone to kill a Divine Venerable, the Great Experts answered, and four people agreed to work with Verdant Ruins and four Great Experts. Verdant Ruins paid ten The two servant places are taken as human feelings.

Taking into account the time constraints, Verdant Ruins directly asked the four to go down and prepare for Divine Venerable, who invaded the territory of Primal Chaos, and Verdant Ruins himself further understood the two big Goes of Primo Chaos and Primal Chaos. Great Dao Law.

His Road of Cultivation itself is based on the Great Dao, which is based on the creation of the gods and jade, condenses three thousand Great Dao, reproduces the Immortal Dao Civilization World, and then gathers the 12 God Beast’s Great Dao Law. The source of the disk, Creation of the World, the realization of the virtual reality, condensed the real Immortal Dao civilization World, and thus promoted to the Primal Chaos, the Fourth Layer, to the same level as the outside evil spirits.

As for whether it can rely on this re-formed Immortal Dao Civilization World to re-energize the broken Immortal Dao Civilization World, it is unknown, even if Verdant Ruins itself does not know that at that time. What kind of realm is reached.

Comprehend, the Great Dao Law represented by Primal Chaos God Beast, although skipping the stage of condensing the 3,000 Great Dao, will not affect the cultivation of Verdant Ruins. Instead, when he re-cultivates this step, there are these Based on this, he can more smoothly complete the fusion of the two God Beast Bloodlines of Kun Peng and Primal Chaos.

In three years, Verdant Ruins learned more about the Great Dao Law of Kun Peng and Primal Chaos God Beast, and there was a tendency to melt it into the Great Dao.

Just because he has not completed the cultivation of the Wheel of Great Dao First Step, he has not used the 3,000 Great Dao to create the virtual Immortal Dao Civilization World, and if he forced the Great Dao Law represented by Peng Peng and Primal Chaos God Beast Bloodline In the Great Dao, not only will it take a long time like other Great Experts, but a carelessness will lead to damage to the Great Dao, making future cultivation more difficult.

Only Immortal Dao Civilization World has been reshaped, and Verdant Ruins has turned its own Great Dao into Heavenly Dao in Immortal Dao Civilization World, which can carry Primal Chaos and Peng Peng with the power of the entire Immortal Dao Civilization World. Great God’s Great Dao Law, with no difficulty completes the smelting of two Great Dao Laws.

This is a sharpening of the knife.

“Virtually shaping the Immortal Dao Civilization World will not only make it easier to smelt the twelve God Beast Law, but the most important point is that it will resonate with the broken Immortal Dao Civilization World in the future and refine it into me. In the World that Great Dao evolved, I once again ushered in a sublimation during the breakthrough to the Primal Chaos. At that time, perhaps I still could not reach the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time, the Lord of the Gods. Level, but at least it is not like the Ordinary evil spirits, directly expelled by the top three…”

Verdant Ruins muttered to himself.

For a moment of patience, in exchange for the future of flying into the sky, he is naturally clear and sturdy.

But before that, it is still necessary to solve the trouble of Immortal Dao civilization as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Verdant Ruins sent a direct message to the Great Expert who accepted his invitation, including the hidden emptiness, the Sen Lijie, the Holy Brahma, and the Apocalypse.

In a short time, the four Great Experts once again gathered with Verdant Ruins and Shimizu Dojo, and a group of six quickly rushed in the direction of the brilliant Divine Venerable.

Among the main territories of Primal Chaos, the cultivator below the Ruler can only use the time-space giant cannons to travel. The Great Experts can choose a lot of peers, and the convenience is far from comparable to the overtime guns.

Even though they are currently on the verge of the main territory of Primal Chaos, they have only been used for less than a decade, and have appeared in the location of Verdant Ruins.

“It should be this band…”

Verdant Ruins snorted.

The brilliant Divine Venerable is chasing the Immortal Dao civilization, and the Immortal Dao civilization is in contact with Verdant Ruins. The place where he is currently is the coordinate point that Duobao Tianjun passed to him a month ago.

“I can feel the vast power of the gods… There is indeed a powerful god that has appeared here… Hey, in addition to the gods, the atmosphere of the Immortal Dao civilization? But this breath is too weak, it is estimated that it has been The gods have been destroyed…”

The hidden emptiness was carefully sensed for a moment and soon started talking.

The side of the Saint-Buddhist Lord said with a faint smile: “Mr. Hideaway’s tracking technique is unparalleled in the world, and you will be able to track the position of the brilliant Divine Venerable.”

“This is simple. The traces of their stay here have been dissipated for less than a month. I can’t imagine my eyes.”

Invisible, a virtual hand, an invisible wave spurred the power of Great Dao in the territory of Primal Chaos, and quickly moved toward all around, like a stone in a calm lake. The escaped ripple spreads in this way and will soon reach the entire lake.

“This is the Yuanxiao sensory, which is one of the strongest tracking techniques in our lineage. The inheritance is in our easy-to-use Elder. There is this secret, unless the brilliant Divine Venerable has left Primal Chaos. The territory of the Lord is either dead or dead. Otherwise, even if he hides and hides, his trace will be invisible.”

The Saint-Brazil Lord on the side smiled.

“Unfortunately, I have not learned Edel’s Da Yan, it is the real supreme means. It is said that the Great Derivative is easy to evolve according to the characteristics of Primal Chaos. Inferior to the tenth-order derivation, but in terms of tracking and searching, it is more on the basis of deduction.”

The hidden space said regretfully.

After that, he has had a feeling in the heart, and he looked up at the end of the sky. “There should be nowhere else. You, please come with me.”

The present group is quickly chasing by the hidden space, but half a month, a large god that is obscuring its own power fluctuations, is appearing in the induction of six Great Experts.

This god is composed of three large gods, sixty medium-sized gods, and tens of thousands of small gods. Although the whole gods converge on their own power fluctuations, many gods can be framed together. A huge cluster of galaxies occupies a much larger area than the Great World of God, but because the entire space of the universe is too vast, the strongest who can reach the Great Expert level is too rare. Such a large group of gods quickly moved through the territory of Primal Chaos and was never noticed.

Or it was noticed, but it was too late to be heard, and it was annihilated by this huge god, so that it was unknown.

“This is the god of the brilliant Divine Venerable.”

Verdant Ruins Road.

“So, you, we will follow the tasks assigned by each other. The greatest difference between the gods and the individual is the mass power. If the divine Venerable of the god of the gods mobilizes the power of the entire gods, Next, any one of us is afraid that we can’t resist it. The best way to defeat a god is to disintegrate it and not let the Lord of the Lord have the opportunity to mobilize the power of the gods.”

Qingshui Road Jundao.

“So, as I said before, give me the task of blocking the brilliant Divine Venerable.”

Verdant Ruins nodded.

Shimizu Jun also added: “I am responsible for solving the High God on the right side of the god.”

“High God on the left side of the gods is handed over to me. I have some experience in attacking and killing.”

Sen Lijie master smiled.

“Then, I am in charge of cutting the fascinating Divine Venerable’s gods with the hidden emptiness and the Sanskrit Lord, and will not let him connect the power of the gods.”

Apocalyptic king.

The six Great Expert conversations have been equated with the death penalty for the brilliant Divine Venerable.

A Divine Venerable, the ability to use the power of the gods and the power to use the gods is two concepts, as long as their plan can be smooth, cutting out the gods of the brilliant Divine Venerable, so that the brilliant Divine Venerable can not afford the power of the gods. Any one of the six is ​​afraid of having the ability to compete with the brilliant Divine Venerable.

“One shot!”



Six Great Experts negotiated, along with Verdant Ruins shouted in a low voice, and everyone showed their power of Great Dao.

This time, the power of the Great Dao, which was manifested by the crowd, can be different from the scene when Verdant Ruins and Kiyomizu Jun used the Great Dao Law.

The six Great Experts were all out, and the power of Great Dao was directly manifested by the way of God Beast. At one time, six horrible giant beasts with an area of ​​hundreds of millions of kilometers suddenly appeared in the endless Void. These horror giant beasts Everyone is condensed from the condensed to the ultimate energy, with no effort between Plucking Stars Seizing Moon, with no difficulty, if it hits, it is able to hit a World like the Great World. Let it break up.


“Great Expert! of the main lineage of Primal Chaos”

“Damn, how can there be six Great Experts suddenly appearing here? We have been in the territory of Primal Chaos for less than five years. How can such a short time be targeted by Great Expert!?”

“Everyone is careful!”

Six monsters with horror and horror appeared, and suddenly caused the excitement of the divine Venerable gods. The powerful power of the gods fluctuated from those gods and connected with the Divine Venerable. To make these gods a piece of iron.

But before they could get all the power of the kingdom of God to be completely solidified, the incarnation God Beast, the pioneer of Verdant Ruins, already carried the power of horror, and slammed into the fascinating Divine Venerable gods, for a time, unprecedented. The impact force formed a shock wave visible to the naked eye, and the explosion spread out, officially kicking off the prelude to this war of the world.

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