“Now want to do everything to kill me? Don’t you think it’s too late?”

Verdant Ruins’s gaze fell on the piece of the sacred jade that was fixed in front of the eyes, but it was suddenly aok, and the next moment, the barriers of the entire Primal Chaos universe were all opened, in the creation of the gods, and Ringed around the many Raw vibrations around the gods, it spawned a circle of extremely fast-spiriting ripples, and the crazy moving towards all directions spread.

“weng weng! ”

The moment when this ripple spreads out, it has been merged with the Immortal Dao civilization, which is omnipresent and filled with the three kings of Primo Chaos, the Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Lord, and the fusion of this power. The Immortal Dao Civilization World Law, which has long lost its power due to various factors such as breakage and brokenness, is like being reinjected with a force that radiates the energy fluctuations of the mysterious, but the rapidly moving towards Verdant Ruins in Primal Chaos The universe is projected and instantly infused into the Primal Chaos universe of Verdant Ruins.

Under the infusion of this Law power, the essence of the Verdant Ruins Primal Chaos universe began to change. The immortal breath escaped from the Primal Chaos universe and absorbed the power of the Primal Chaos universe itself, with the help of Primal Chaos. The power of the universe itself is also moving toward the immortal direction.

Moreover, although the power of these Laws is very weak, even weak, and can not be broken into martial dao, when these Laws are injected into the Primal Chaos universe of Verdant Ruins, the natural jade is derived from Profound Light. Shine on those broken Law forces and fill those Law one after another.

After the completion of the Law compared to the broken Law, the power is not at the same level, and even with the Verdant Ruins itself Primal Chaos universe.

Although the weight of these completed Laws is still nothing compared to the volume of Primal Chaos’s life, but the number is too much.

How much is the broken Law owned by the entire broken Immortal Dao Civilization World?


If all these Law forces are concentrated and repaired, even if it is comparable to a sacred life that enters the Primal Chaos environment, it is not inferior.

At the moment, under the layer of ripple summon that spreads from the gods, all the Law fragments resonate at the same time, and are given power, and then turned into a Primal Chaos universe of Verdant Ruins, and then Primal of Verdant Ruins. The Chaos universe was reborn, recreating the glory of the heyday.

In this countless number of Law streamers, Verdant Ruins’s indiscriminate Primal Chaos universe is able to block the time of the Lord’s offensive, plus Verdant Ruins itself is also taking advantage of this time, will The immortal things accumulated by the Lord of the Blood for many years have all been thrown out to block, and his Primal Chaos annihilation and enhancement speed has reached a level of glory…

Moreover, it is foreseeable that as time goes on, more and more Law streamers are activated, awakened, empowered, and put into Verdant Ruins’ Primal Chaos universe. Verdant Ruins’ Primal Chaos universe will inevitably change. It grew stronger until it was restored to the state of Immortal Dao Civilization World.


“Immortal Dao civilization’s fire!?”

Originally confident and full of fear, there will be no accidents. The moment of the Lord is also becoming dignified. With the spread of the creation of the god jade, more and more Law is activated, these broken Immortal Dao Civilization Law has eclipsed his Primal Chaos universe, seemingly to exclude him from the Immortal Dao Civilization World.

“hmph! Even if you can reunite the Immortal Dao Civilization World and ignite the fire of the Immortal Dao Civilization World? When the Immortal Dao Civilization World was in its heyday, we were all attacked, not to mention the power of the entire Immortal Dao civilization. Being re-awakened and activated is nothing more than the 10% of the heyday. This kind of ability, you thought you got me? Repression…”

The Lord of Time shouted in a low voice, the rapid transformation of the universe, a far more powerful than the rule of his original territory, as if the landslide tsunami rushed from his creation universe, Verdant Ruins was originally The Primal Chaos universe under his attack was hit by this force, and suddenly it was like a fragile building in the tsunami, and it was completely collapsed.

But when Verdant Ruins ignited Immortal Dao Civilization World fires are hard to support, a mighty force suddenly rushed into the universe of the Lord of Time, while the gods that radiate the threat of terror are even more In the creation of the universe of the Lord of Time.

“Where is the Lord of Time, why is the fire of Immortal Dao civilization ignited in your creation universe? It is hard to become the master of blood-burning is your piece of chess, just to distract our attention, so that you have the opportunity to take time,趁 We are not ready to ignite the Immortal Dao civilization, and glimpse the ultimate eternal mystery from the civilized fire. If you think that this will be able to get rid of us, then it’s a big mistake. I last ate your loss, you thought I will have no backhands in this action? I am already guarding against the conspiracy you may have… tear me apart!”

“hong long long !”

During the violent shock, it seems that more than one billion light-year-old Primal Chaos universe exploded, all the energy broke out in an instant, and the creation universe of the Lord of Time is the equivalent of a momentary self-destruction of a Primal Chaos. Fourth Layer Primal Chaos The creature’s horror explosion is shattered in front of it, and a huge gap traverses the Primal Chaos universe of the Lord of Time.

Lord of Primal Chaos!

It is the ambush attack of the Lord of Primal Chaos!

Only the Lord of Primal Chaos has the power and amazing power of these great shores, instantly igniting the power of the Primal Chaos universe equivalent to hundreds of millions.

“Lord of Primal Chaos! You are crazy!”

Enthusiastically attacked by the Lord of Primal Chaos, the Lord of Time screamed with anger.


This is just the beginning!

When the Lord of Primal Chaos launched a large gap in the creation of the Lord of Time, a vast scent of breath, a path of tyranny quickly spread along the gap, traversing the Lord of Time. In the creation of the universe.

“What happened? I just felt the breath of Immortal Dao civilization!”

“Imortal Dao civilization’s inheritance is left in the creation universe of the Lord of Time? Is there a treasure of Immortal Dao civilization inheritance at all?”

“Is it all the time for the Lord of Time to calculate behind? The Lord of Time wants to enjoy the eternal mystery? We destroyed the entire Immortal Dao Civilization World and tried everything. The only thing that didn’t get was this goddess of creation. The treasure, then, the Eternal Aura that we felt that year, must be hidden in this treasure, who can get this treasure, maybe you can penetrate the eternal, the ultimate achievement!”

At the same time as many gods come, there is a stock that is so powerful that Verdant Ruins can resist the forces that want to flow from the crack into the creator of the Lord of Time. Some of them are powerful and not afraid of the top of the Lord of Time. Existence is far from the gap that was torn by the Lord of Primal Chaos, and it is extremely incomparable to attack the creation universe of the Lord of Time.

The Lord of Primal Chaos can instantly tear the creation universe of the Lord of Time by launching a dark hand, they…

The same can be!

Nothing more than spending some effort and time that’s all.

In an instant, the original spirit was also high, and Verdant Ruins was able to barely support the struggle at the death of the death time. The time Lord was attacked by countless people, even if he was a Primal Chaos Sixth Layer, facing Primal Chaos. The Lord, the Lord of the Gods, and the joint attacks of many evil spirits were completely slain, and there was almost no effort to kill Verdant Ruins.

“This will not work!”

The Lord of Time suddenly understood his situation.

He is not the owner of Primal Chaos, can not stop so many life, Primal Chaos life attack, and then continue, others do not know, but he himself will inevitably be hit hard.

At the moment, he directly sent a message to the Lord of Primal Chaos and the Lord of the Gods: “The two majestys, many evil gods are now traveling outside, glare like a tiger watching his prey, if we break out at this time, it is very likely that these evil lives will be Primal Chaos is the life of the fishermen. It is better to clean up the life, the life of Primal Chaos, and kill them. Then the three of us comprehend the treasure of the gods. It’s also a good thing for those who make life, Primal Chaos!”

“The Lord of Time, do you think that I will be easily calculated by you? If it is not because I have just sensed the atmosphere of the Immortal Dao civilization in this Primal Chaos life, I don’t know that the original god of my life is not aware of it. It has fallen into your hands.”

In a low, muffled voice’s sorrows come out, mixed with a strong sense of oppression.

This is the owner of Primal Chaos.

“The lord of Primal Chaos, I can only tell you, this is a misunderstanding! And you should be able to see that the real life of your sacred jade is the newly born Primal Chaos life, I am also killing It was only when he forced him to sacrifice his goddess to ignite the fire of Immortal Dao Civilization World. With the power of Immortal Dao civilization, the impact of Primal Chaos on the Fifth Layer, things have nothing to do with me.”

“Want to make me believe in you, can, transfer this new Primal Chaos life to my Primal Chaos universe. Only when he stays in my Primal Chaos universe, I will join you again, and these will come to Primal. Chaos life, life and life expulsion.”


The Lord of Time has the slightest hesitation: “The Lord of Primal Chaos, your power is obvious to all. If we control the life of this new Primal Chaos, you can contact one of us to force him to take it. This new Primal Chaos life enters your Primal Chaos universe, and you don’t allow us to comprehend with you, we will not let you half, this new Primal Chaos life can only be controlled by me and the Lord of the Gods. ”

“The Lord of Time said it is good, but now that you and the owner of Primal Chaos can’t reach a consensus, then simply give me the new Primal Chaos life, wait until…”

The Lord of the Gods was also involved in this time.

But without the words of the Lord of the Gods, the Lord of Primal Chaos, who could not achieve his purpose, has already furiously shot directly: “The main thing of my Primal Chaos, no one can stop it. Since you don’t want it, then you can rely on it. Let’s go!”

The next moment, a huge stalwart force that seems to be able to blast the time of the Lord’s creation of the universe, flows into the universe of the Lord of Time along the crack that was torn by the Lord of Primal Chaos!

In the face of the most probable eternal Profound Truth, the three supreme existences have no previous harmony.

Great war, full outbreak!

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