Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 1: Gods in Yunmeng

In Yunmeng Lake, the sky and the earth are dark, and the violent wind and rain continue to hit the water surface, causing waves.

The water is turbid, but there is one place that is slightly different from the surrounding environment.

From the sky, although it is no different from other places, it is a little abnormal when you get close, as if the wind and rain are separated by a cover.

But the feeling is the same as other places, no difference.

In the cover, the rain is quiet and the wind is clear, and white lotus flowers are blooming in different sizes.

It forms an endless and endless lotus kingdom.

In the center, there is only a giant lotus that is more than ten thousand feet high, with four huge lotus leaves around it, three big and one small, guarding it, and slowly blooming.

Every time the lotus opens a little, the surrounding rosy light spreads out for thousands of miles.

Until the edge of the cover is blocked and reflected in the water.

As the lotus blooms completely, the rosy light gradually stops and shrinks back to the lotus body. The four lotus leaves, the lotus and the lotus roots in the water begin to leave the water.

Three large lotus leaves turned into a large white drum, and the handle turned into a small green hammer, with the tail connected to the drum body by white lotus silk.

The small leaf turned into an imperial bell, with the leaf forming the bell body and the handle forming the bell handle, which was used to hold the hand.

The lotus root turned into a white jade whip, and the flower stalk connected to the lotus formed a handle.

Each section of the lotus root turned into a whip body, with 6 sides, each side had 900 talismans, a total of 24 sections.

The lotus and lotus pod turned into a pure white lotus platform, with twelve layers of petals stacked around the lotus platform.

The rosy clouds were all collected into the flowers and leaves, and then released again, but only surrounded the lotus platform.

The lotus pod left twelve lotus seeds behind after becoming the platform, and the lotus seeds merged into a string of prayer beads, floating above the lotus platform.

A god in the lotus pod also began to wake up after all this was completed.

Who am I?

But there was no voice in his heart that responded to Him. He searched in his memory, and it seemed that he had some memories of being a human, but they were vague.

What I remember most clearly is the image of a giant swinging a giant axe.

In the process of swinging the giant axe, light appeared in the place where nothingness had originally appeared, and fire, wind, electricity appeared...

Various air and colors appeared in the nothingness, filling the entire nothingness and enveloping the nothingness.

Air and nothingness merged and separated, constantly going back and forth, transforming into each other, and gradually becoming various airs generated in the nothingness.

The giant smiled with satisfaction after seeing this scene, although he did not see it.

But he felt that the giant smiled and was very sure of it.

But soon these began to squeeze each other together, and the feeling of nothingness appeared again.

This made the giant very angry, and he continued to swing the giant axe, cutting open the newly appeared nothingness until the giant axe broke.

The air that was originally formed gradually layered and formed the world, and the giant stepped into it.

He was already very tired, and nothingness no longer appeared, or it was immediately transformed into various air currents after it appeared.

But the newly transformed air began to squeeze this newly born world.

The giant had no choice but to stand up again, his body became even bigger, and the air spreading from his hands lifted up the top of the world.

And it kept getting bigger, until the clear air rose and the turbid air fell, and the sky and the earth were separated.

The giant's body was riddled with holes by various kinds of air during this period.

There was the turbid air and gold air that sank in the sky when the world was separated, and the clear air and water air that rose from the ground and flew to the sky.

The resentment formed by the demon god born from nothingness that was killed by the giant at the beginning of the world, the floating clouds and strong winds between heaven and earth...

These airs took away part of the giant's body and formed many different things, such as the lotus platform beside him.

It was not until the world was stable that the giant noticed himself now.

He looked down at the ground. Except for those creatures that were stained with his body, there was no life.

He looked up at the sky, which was empty and silent.

Suddenly, as if he had made up his mind, the giant made the first sound between heaven and earth: "Zha."

Suddenly, the heaven and earth were filled with divine power, thunder was everywhere, and thunder sound appeared. All things in heaven and earth vibrated uneasy under this majesty.

The creatures that were originally surrounded by the demon's resentment and were born with the giant's flesh and blood suddenly lost their resentment and their original appearance was revealed.

But the resentment still existed in the turbid air of the earth. The world was opened up too wide and too big by the giant, and the giant was too tired.

He had never rested since the beginning of the creation, and he had no strength left.

So the giant sat down, and he looked at the world again. The hair on his head fell off, flew into the sky, and turned into stars.

But the stars were in disorder in the sky, so his eyes also flew into the sky.

Turned into the sun and the moon, governing the sun and the moon, and combing the stars.

The blood stains left by the blood flowing through the places turned into four rivers and eight streams, and flowed into the four seas.

Gathered together, turned into the eye of the sea, purifying the world.

Lakes and swamps were formed in the concave land, and rivers, lakes and seas were connected.

The dirty blood became a whole, turned into a sea of ​​blood, independent of the world's water system.

The body turned into endless mountains and veins, such as Kunlun and Zhongshan.

The limbs turned into pillars supporting the heaven and earth, and the spine turned into Mount Buzhou.

At the same time, various auras in the body gushed out and flew to various places. Among them, the pure air penetrated the body and turned into three streams of light flying to the east Kunlun.

The turbid air took root on the ground and turned into twelve pieces of gray soil scattered around Mount Buzhou.

The vital energy fell mostly in the east, the metal energy fell mostly in the west, the fire energy fell mostly in the south, and the cold energy fell mostly in the north.

The water vapor turned into heavy rain, scattered between heaven and earth, and the valleys filled the water system of the world.

The grass and trees rose from the ground, their whiskers turned into flying birds, their blood vessels entered the water and turned into scales, and they fell to the ground and turned into walking animals.

Seeing this scene, the giant nodded with satisfaction, and his figure disappeared into the world, and the world began to have vitality.

At the same time, the creatures between heaven and earth also knew the name of this giant, His name was: "Pangu".

The memory ended here, and the creatures in the lotus pedestal walked to the edge of the lotus pedestal and looked at the reflection in the water. It had red whiskers and white hair, four eyes on the face, a human body with a snake tail, wings on the back, and blue eyes with vertical pupils.

This image was completely different from the vague image in his memory.

But he didn't think this look was ugly, he just felt that there was a kind of beauty of Tao, which gave people a very strong feeling.

Looking at the clear pool under the lotus pedestal, he felt that there seemed to be starlight flashing in it, and looking at the lake in the distance, he found that the two waters were not the same.

Looking up and seeing the four treasures floating in the air, he felt very familiar and instinctively stretched out his hand to wave.

The rosary was automatically put on the left hand, the jade whip stood in front of the body, the imperial bell and drum were on the right side of the body, the bell was on the top and the drum was on the bottom.

They were all places where you could immediately grab and use them.

On the stage, he reached out and grabbed the drumstick, and gently hit the drum.


Instantly, the mind seemed to be like a huge rock falling on the lake, causing huge waves, and like thunder in the wilderness, which made people tremble. But it did not hurt him, but made him sober.

He suddenly knew his name.


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