Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 10 The Great Disaster is Coming

During Taiyi's sermon, the water level in Daze dropped by almost half, and the water area shrank to a quarter of its previous size, but Qi didn't mind and was very happy.

Nowadays, Yunmengze's spiritual inspirations are all over the place. From the natural emanations in the past, they are now refined into individual spiritual essences by real fire.

It would take at most ten thousand years for the waters to return to their original state, but the influence brought by the elves will not only last for ten thousand years.

Moreover, the remaining ferocious beasts in Yunmengze were almost killed by the real fire. Those who survived basically fled Yunmengze long ago.

The next few Yuanhui Yunmengzes will be the top spiritual places, blessing all living beings for all generations.

Taiyi’s lecture did not last long, and his teaching was always very clear.

He Qi is different from Di Jun, and even different from most innate saints.

Most people seek to understand Tao through analogy. One Tao gives birth to hundreds of Tao, and they advance in parallel, with one as the main one, and then comprehend the Tao related to it, just like the branches of a tree.

Taiyi is the only one who only pursues the way of the sun. He ignores the fire, light, Shaoyin, etc. that are derived from the sun and only pursues the anode.

Therefore, Tai only talks about the way of the sun and the changes of the anode, without any side details, and the explanation is concise.

The end of Taiyi's sermon was not as embarrassing as that of Qi and Dijun. His sermon was short and he only talked about the essentials, so he appeared much more relaxed.

The three of them all gained a lot, but the greatest blessings came from Yunmengze and Lianchi.

There are currently eleven low-grade spiritual roots in the lotus pond, six white lotuses, two green lotuses, and three red lotuses.

The white lotus is like jade, the green lotus is like glass, and the red lotus is like flame jumping in the crystal.

This sermon actually made Qi's net worth rise a lot, the lotus seed production increased, and the taste became more delicious.

The three of them looked at each other and smiled.

At this time, a mysterious sound suddenly sounded from the heaven and the earth, thousands of golden clouds appeared in the sky above Yunmengze, flowers fell from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and the vision revealed the vast wilderness.

The three of them were a little surprised, not knowing why.

They feel it happened because of them, but they don't know why.

The golden clouds turned into golden auspicious clouds, divided into three parts, and fell towards the three people.

The piece of praying is the largest, about 45%, followed by Taiyi, about 30%, and the piece of Dijun is the smallest, about 25%.

The golden auspicious clouds approached the three of them and surrounded them like smoke. They then dived into the sea of ​​consciousness and turned into golden streamers, flying over the sea of ​​consciousness as if they were protecting the sea of ​​consciousness.

They also understood that this was the merits of heaven and earth. The three of them discussed Taoism in Yunmengze, which caused a strange phenomenon in heaven and earth. Yunmengze underwent great changes, which was beneficial to heaven and earth, so heaven sent merits to show its glory.

Merit is almost omnipotent, and has the effects of enlightening the Tao, refining weapons, increasing Taoism, cultivating spiritual roots, etc., and the effect is excellent!

At this time, after the prehistoric innate saints understood the role of merit, some were very confused. They had also discussed the Tao among the innate saints. Why was there no expression in heaven and earth?

Another part of the innate saints thought that preaching would bring merit, and began to go out to preach in excitement in order to gain merit.

Little did they know that the three people discussed Tao without hiding anything from each other. The witnesses had excellent foundations and greatly improved Yunmengze. They also eliminated the ferocious beasts that were harmful to heaven and earth. They had a far-reaching impact and were rewarded by heaven and earth.

If any one point is lacking, there will be no such large-scale merit.

The three of them had just come out of the wilderness and were still young. They had a deep understanding of their own Tao, and they didn't know how to explain the Tao.

So I tried my best, started from the beginning, connected with heaven and earth, revealed the true meaning, spoke from the heart, and was unprepared. That is why I received this praise from heaven and earth, a sermon that is rare in such a huge world.

The reason why Di Jun was not worried about being weak after preaching was because of his trust in his younger brother. With the combat power of Chaos Bell and Taiyi, he would not be in danger of his life.

Moreover, he first said that as long as Taiyi's combat power was not damaged, he would not worry, which was why Qi Pai Er said it.

Qi was not worried because the lecture was held in Yunmengze, his dojo.

Even if they have different intentions, under the innate Yunmeng Formation and relying on the innate twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus, they are not afraid of the two brothers joining forces.

Even if Taiyi had extraordinary combat power and was protected by the Chaos Bell, he would not be able to leave them alone and would not put himself in danger.

Taiyi is confident if he is not worried. He is confident in his own combat power. If he takes action, he can move freely with his own strength.

Although the Yunmeng Formation and the 12th-grade Xiantian Pure World White Lotus are powerful, they are nothing more than a turtle shell to him.

Even if he really couldn't leave, he was confident that he would be able to drag the other person to be buried with him.

With the support of each of the three people, a rare top-notch argument was formed.

At this time, as these merits fell, a trace of calamity appeared in the heaven and earth.

The current top masters in the prehistoric world have also come out one after another, and as the gathering of masters progresses, it is becoming more and more intense.

The protagonists in the catastrophe also sensed it and sped up their actions.

Beast King Mountain.

Shenni held the God-killing Spear tightly, feeling the misty aura of calamity between heaven and earth. Shenni's power also grew with the increase of calamity aura, and the God-killing Spear buzzed excitedly surrounded by the calamity aura.

"The catastrophe has been brought forward. The catastrophe that was supposed to take thirty Yuanhui to come has been brought forward. Based on the calamity of Beast Emperor Mountain, at most twelve Yuanhui catastrophe will come."

Looking at the four giant beasts under the seat, one of them is Chaos.

Chaos has fully recovered from its injuries, but it still looks smaller than the other three.

The god retorted: "I don't believe that my family of ferocious beasts will have no chance of survival."

"Chaos, Qiongqi, Taotie, Taotie, from now on, summon all the ferocious beasts to return to the northern continent.

All the ideas in the northern continent can be freely devoured, dug into the earth's veins, and released to release the resentment and turbidity of the demons and gods who were killed by Pangu back then! "

"As long as we, the ferocious beasts, continue to feed on the energy of heaven and earth, we can become stronger. We are the legacy of the devil. We are innately hostile to the creatures of the primitive world. We are hostile to the primitive people. This battle is inevitable."

"Now we can only gather our strength and gather together in the northern continent, otherwise we will only be defeated one by one by those innate saints.

If we gather together in the hope of a decisive battle, there is still a glimmer of hope, but if we separate, we will surely die. "

"When all the ferocious beasts gather together, with the blessing of the turbid air, the resentment of the devil and the calamity of heaven and earth, we will be able to fight."

"Even if the world and the earth are disgusted by the digging of earth veins and devouring the wilderness after the war, we can only let the ferocious beast clan survive this battle first before considering it."

"Chaos, Qiongqi, Yaotao, and Taotie, I have high hopes for the four of you.

You are different from other ferocious beasts. You have gathered the fate of the ferocious beasts in you, and you are the last hope of the ferocious beasts. "

"Unlike me, my spiritual wisdom was opened because of the unexpected encounter at that time when I swallowed an innate divine being that had not yet been born.

And you are born with wisdom. If something cannot be done, you must escape first and leave behind the fire of the ferocious beast clan. "

At this time, a ferocious beast that looked like a tiger, with long hair, a human face, tiger feet, pig mouth teeth, and a long tail asked:

"Why don't you leave, sir?"

"I can't leave, I can't leave, I don't want to leave. I am the one who deserves the disaster. No matter whether I win or lose this battle, I will die. Only when I die will this disaster end."

As soon as these words came out, the four ferocious beasts and Shen Ni fell silent.

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