Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 126: Refining in an instant

After the banquet dispersed, everyone gradually woke up. After drinking and eating, Qi and Taiyi still didn't wait for the so-called incident to happen.

"It seems like it won't happen anymore, so you can let go of your worries about it."

Seeing that Taiyi looked more relaxed, Qi said with a smile.

Seeing that nothing unexpected happened, Taiyi relaxed and didn't care about Qi's joking and said:

"It's time to let it go. I think we will be fine after we leave the Sun Star. It may be an illusion caused by the stress of practicing for too long."

Nuwa walked out from the side, inserted herself between Qi and Taiyi, and asked curiously:

"What illusion? It seems you are hiding something."

Nuwa sniffed gently, as if she was smelling the smell of melon.

Qi was amused by this scene, and when he saw that nothing happened, he directly told the whole story.

"Taiyi seemed to have sensed something before, and felt that something bad or good would happen, so he was a little uneasy."

"But now that I'm back in the wilderness, I haven't seen any surprises. It must be an illusion caused by the nervousness."

Taiyi didn't care about this, as long as it didn't happen, it would be fine. It was just an illusion. Whether Nuwa knew about it or not had no influence.

This was when Nuwa suddenly smiled evilly and said:

"Perhaps this thing will not happen on the Sun Star? Maybe we will encounter it on our way back."

As soon as these words came out, Taiyi's expression suddenly changed, and Qiye looked at Taiyi with a strange expression.

It seems that what Nuwa said is not unreasonable. As the position is constantly moving, the possibility of encountering accidents is indeed greater than in the Sun Star.

Seeing the two of them like this, Nuwa looked a little confused and said:

"It's just a joke, you don't really believe it, do you?"

"And with the combat power of the two of you, they are considered to be the best in the ancient world, so how can any accident happen?"

"Qi and Fuxi, I, and I are all innately divine. If there is any unavoidable accident, it's impossible for you, Taiyi, to be the only one who gets the hint."

"Taiyi, are you really thinking too much? It's probably just an illusion caused by the mental stress caused by practicing for too long, adjusting yin and yang, suppressing the poison of sun and star fire."

Taiyi seemed to be moved by Nuwa's words. He was no longer so nervous and explained to Nuwa:

"Maybe that's not a bad thing, so you guys didn't get the tip, and maybe you had nothing to do with it, and that could be one of the reasons why you didn't get the tip."

Qi stood aside and said comfortingly:

"Everyone's luck is connected. If we don't sense it, it probably won't be a bad thing. Don't worry, I can't think of anything that can stump you Taiyi."

Seeing everyone approaching, Taiyi hesitated to speak. After a long while, he replied:

"That's all, we are going to have to go through this journey eventually. Whether it will be a blessing or a curse is still unclear, so everyone should set off first."

Everyone turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky. Five rays of light of different colors complemented each other, seizing each other's original passage from time to time, both for traveling and for entertainment.

After traveling like this for thousands of years, I saw two shining white lights in the distance heading towards the sun star.

At this time, the sun and the moon shine together, and the yin and yang qi intersect. The Taoist charm emanating from the other party's body actually vaguely matches that of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

Under the qi machine hub, at the intersection of yin and yang, rays of precious light suddenly emitted, like the sun and moon shining together, shooting towards Emperor Jun and Chang Xi.

In an instant, endless light emerged, and the vision of heaven and earth revealed the starry sky, as if there was another sun and moon. In the reflection, the truth of yin and yang was fully revealed.

This scene shocked everyone. Taiyi reacted immediately. The Chaos Bell stood in front of Di Jun and lowered his spiritual light to protect him.

The object that shot at Emperor Jun was intercepted by Taiyi. Its appearance was like a disk, embossed with the shape of the sun, and was surrounded by inscriptions of one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred, which corresponded to the stars in the sky.

Emperor Jun seemed to feel something, and stretched out his hand to capture it with his divine power, feeling that he was destined to be with it.

After touching it, there was no movement yet, but it was immediately refined under the infusion of divine power.

This scene made everyone stunned.

On the other side, Xihe also rushed in front of Chang Xi, and his divine power turned into aura, protecting Chang Xi behind him.

However, it easily broke through the spiritual light, but it did not harm Xi He. Instead, it bypassed his side and flew to Chang Xi's side.

Only then did Chang Xi react, and his divine power turned into a shield that seemed to surround him.

When the thing came into contact with Chang Xi's divine power, it instantly stagnated, like an emperor. Before anyone could react, it was refined by it, as if it was actively cooperating.

Only then did everyone see clearly what was shooting at Chang Xi. It was shaped like a crescent moon, and there seemed to be many moon craters sunk into its surface. There were also 129,600 inscriptions surrounding the moon craters.

While Di Jun and Chang Xi were refining them, they also understood what it was.

Sun Chakra and Moon Chakra.

If they are separated, each is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, each containing the path of the sun and the moon, commanding the yin and yang aspects of the stars in the sky, and controlling the yin and yang qi respectively.

If they match, it will be the supreme innate spiritual treasure, the sun and moon essence wheel, which governs the stars in the sky, governs the two qi of yin and yang, and contains the changes of yin and yang, the way of the sun and the moon.

The scene in front of him shocked Qi. When could the best innate spiritual treasure be used by two people?

Moreover, it does not require painstaking refining. The moment it comes into contact with the divine power, it will be instantly combined with it, and it does not even need to be warmed up.

This made Qi suddenly feel that the vast wilderness in front of him became unfamiliar.

Taiyi looked strange. An ominous premonition seemed to be happening in his heart, but he didn't know how to stop it.

Emperor Jun was extremely surprised. He had never thought that such an opportunity would fall into his hands. He was so excited that he was a little confused at this moment.

Chang Xi was also like this. In her perception, this spiritual treasure seemed to exist for her. Although she felt a little narcissistic, she did have this feeling.

Such a thing that matched her avenue actually fell into her hands while she was on the road. The surprise at this time made her feel overwhelmed.

"Sister, this, this!"

Xihe was also happy for her. After all, such an opportunity was rare in the world.

Everyone's emotions were extremely surging. After all, no one had heard of such a situation. Until this time, the two sides who had stopped had the energy to notice each other.

Xihe then noticed Qi and Taiyi and others. She was shocked and felt a lot of pressure for everyone's cultivation. After all, another spiritual treasure fell into her sister's hands, and the grade was extremely excellent.

She was worried that Qi and the others would not be able to control their greed and attack them, but she was unwilling to let her sister give up the opportunity, so she was in a dilemma.

Gritting her teeth, Xihe still took a step forward under the pressure and said:

"I am Xihe, the star god of the moon, and I am honored to meet you all."

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