Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 18 The Nature of the Great Disaster

"Isn't this a bit extreme? They are also one of the living creatures!"

Nuwa found it difficult to accept this.

But Qi did not agree with Nuwa's words, because this is the fundamental contradiction between the innate holiness and the ferocious beast.

It is too difficult for a ferocious beast to gain wisdom. Moreover, when it is not wise, it can already be called the overlord of the ancient times.

If you have wisdom, the huge number of ferocious beasts and their pursuit of power will definitely speed up the devouring of spiritual machines.

And the amount of inspiration in the ancient land determines the growth and survival of the creatures in the ancient world. This is an irreconcilable contradiction.

If ferocious beasts are rare and difficult to reproduce, then the primitive creatures can still be tolerated.

Unfortunately, there are so many ferocious beasts that reproduction is not difficult.

It is impossible for them to resist the instinct of living beings to become stronger. With the speed of their evolution, they can only face destruction.

This is the manifestation of the great tribulation, and there is no way or possibility to avoid it.

Before the great catastrophe of becoming a god, all great catastrophes were like this, unavoidable.

It can only end with a complete victory of one party. If the loser's backbone is broken, or there is no winner, both are losers!

"So what do you think?"

Pray asked.

"At least it shouldn't turn into such a catastrophe!"

Nuwa vowed.

"The present prehistoric world can only support the existing creatures, and can no longer afford a future in which ferocious beasts become powerful."

"Letting them go until now is enough tolerance."

"They are growing unscrupulously and have affected the entire world!"

Qi retorted.

"They are also part of the world, and they are also primitive creatures."

Upon hearing these words, Qi knew that this was not Nuwa's original intention.

She was probably bored enough and was going to find a reason to argue.

After all, no one who has always been very sane would say such a thing.

But Qi plans to cooperate, otherwise life will be too boring.

"No, they are not. Don't forget, we are descended from the legacy of the Great God Pangu."

"And they are the residual thoughts of the Void Demon God, combined with the earth's turbid resentment."

"There is an inherent conflict between our innate holiness and the primitive creatures."

With a smile on your face, there is no suspense in this debate.

When Nuwa saw Qi's eyes, she stopped pretending and thought about it seriously.

"But doesn't the prehistoric tolerance have a place for them?"

It can be seen that Nuwa has really thought about this problem, but he has no solution.

Because this is fundamentally a contradiction of survival. In this environment, we can only choose one of two, the ferocious beasts or countless ordinary creatures from the ancient times.

And anyone with normal thinking would not betray their position and choose a vicious beast.

Heaven and earth are only sacred to the innate, and they are the home of parents. They can tolerate other living creatures living in the home.

But termites and borers will not be tolerated damaging the home.

The ferocious beasts progress by constantly eating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and all kinds of flesh and blood.

The recovery of the spiritual power of heaven and earth is extremely slow, and the vitality of flesh and blood is the foundation of life.

As long as they continue to use this as the basis for progress, then, regardless of whether they have intelligence or not, catastrophe will break out.

Just like the subsequent Lich War, if the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not expand the group, then just to accommodate them to eat the world, no living beings would react.

After all, there are only twelve of them, no matter how they can eat, they will not turn the wilderness into their pasture.

And when they expanded their ethnic groups, the lives of each race suffered too great a loss.

It was too big to bear and could not be tolerated. The entire prehistoric world became the pasture of the witch clan, and all races became prey.

Moreover, they only respect Pangu and not heaven and earth, which is also a huge contradiction with the innate sanctity.

Although the innate holiness respects Pangu, it is ultimately born and nurtured by heaven and earth.

And to survive in the world, the innate divine has been at the top position in the world since its birth.

Even for people like Hongjun and Luohu, who are founders of their own schools, it is reasonable for the innate divine to call them fellow Taoists.

Even the birth of Heavenly Dao was after them. From beginning to end, their status of existence was at the pinnacle. Their respect for Heaven, Earth and Pangu was nothing more than respect.

The ancestral witch is also innately divine, but he regards Pangu as the father god, which is equivalent to adding another person to the world.

And there are incense beliefs and sacrifices.

All the gods know the power of faith. Although it is powerful to them, it is just a foreign object. However, the role of faith may bring back the disappeared gods.

Especially the great god Pangu responded to the sacrifice.

This is something the gods cannot tolerate.

One is because I don’t want an unshakable mountain to appear above my head.

Secondly, I don’t know what would happen to the prehistoric world if Pangu returned?

After all, Pangu incarnates all things. Once he returns and the starting point of a world disappears, what will happen to the end?

The gods dare not imagine it, so the catastrophe will definitely arise.

The demon clan doesn’t want to become prey, while the witch clan just wants to eat enough to expand its tribe.

And witches do not have absolute power. With the support of the gods, the demon clan itself is also the overlord of the ancient world, so war has become inevitable.

The Great Tribulation of the Gods is even more obvious.

First, the heaven was unable to maintain the order of heaven and earth at that time, and the purpose of conferring gods was to maintain the order of heaven and earth and the peace of the world.

There is a reason for the catastrophe.

The second is that the two Tianzuns, Yuanshi and Lingbao, had different ideas at that time. They used this as a medium to compete for luck and the operation mode of heaven.

The third is the possibility of immortality trying to artificially manipulate the catastrophe.

I want to use this to eliminate the calamity and not affect the living beings in the world on a large scale.

Qi thought, Hongjun should have succeeded, after all, the subsequent catastrophes were like a joke, without any strength.

Through the continuous occurrence of small tribulations, the tribulation energy of heaven and earth is released, so that the status of saints is stable, but this is also like stagnant water, which continues to weaken.

After all, according to normal circumstances, if there is no saint, the battle for Hunyuan should be after the Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation.

By increasing the intensity of the calamity, most of the creatures are washed away, and the remaining creatures' classes change, absorbing the results of the previous calamity.

And bring forth the new from the old to expand the world.

And the original power of the world is recycled, and the dead creatures become the driving force for the advancement of the world, promoting the expansion of the ancient world, and can carry higher status fruits.

Just like the Three Emperors took the initiative to return to Guixu, all in order to make the world take a further step forward.

The ferocious beast's calamity is a further means for heaven and earth to recover its origin.

At this time, there were only a few Daluo Jinxian (God Luo Tianzun) at the top.

And after the catastrophe, when the three clans fought and the immortals and demons fought, the top few were no longer just Da Luo!

Qi told Nuwa his thoughts, but it was limited to the evil beast measuring the calamity at this time.

Because the evil beast calamity at this time has already happened and cannot be changed, but the future has not yet been determined.

No one can decide what the future will be like, just like no one knows what kind of damage the northern continent will suffer this time.

The degree of destruction exceeded everyone's imagination, and it also left the northern continent with no future.

P S: Please vote, the second update will be tomorrow. In the future, as long as the recommended votes reach 300, I will add a chapter, which can be accumulated every Monday. If the monthly votes reach 100, I will add 5,000 words.

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