Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 29 Taiyi Supreme God and Taiyi Golden Immortal

Sun Star.

Under the Fusang tree, Taiyi slowly opened his eyes.

He had also completed the re-cultivation of the Taiyi realm at this time, and the aura on his body was extremely surging.

Taiyi was different from Qi. Qi was more like blending into nature, while Taiyi seemed to have taken the sun into his body.

Taiyi casually took out a handful of mulberries and stuffed them into his mouth, muttering:

"Since the battle with Chaos, I always felt that there was something wrong with the Taiyi realm."

"When using the true form of the Golden Crow and performing the technique of turning into a rainbow, it seemed as if I was about to fall out of the Taiyi realm."

"It seems that when I exerted my full strength, I couldn't passively maintain the Taiyi realm like before."

"At the critical moment, I had to divide my mind to maintain it, and even the true fire of the sun seemed much more frivolous."

"It seems that Qi has taken the wrong path."

"The Taiyi he constructed is actually a trick and a shortcut."

"In other words, the Taiyi realm he constructed is actually just a state where he can use the power of the Taiyi realm."

"It's just that because of our own particularity, he mistakenly thought that this state is the right path."

"Qi is really not very smart."

At this point, Taiyi seemed to remember something and smiled.

"Now that most of the origin has been restored, the rest of these mulberry fruits are of little use."

"It will take time to refine the mulberry fruits later, and this is a slow process that cannot be rushed."

"Now just inform my brother to practice the Taiyi realm again, and then we can continue to travel."

"This time of re-cultivation is just right for my Taoism to advance greatly, and it would be nice to organize everyone to discuss Taoism together."

Taiyi walked out from under the Fusang tree and turned into a rainbow light and flew to their palace on the Sun Star.

The palace on the Sun Star is covered by a formation, which has no other function, but is simply used to isolate the fire poison of the Sun Star.

There is no other life on the entire Sun Star except the Fusang tree.

The sun's true fire that erupts all the time is enough to burn the vitality of all life.

Except for the Fusang tree, the spiritual root that represents the yang of heaven and earth, other life can't survive on it at all.

Di Jun and Taiyi are the star gods of the Sun Star. Rather than saying they are life, it is better to say that they are the sun itself.

Their true form, the three-legged golden crow, is also the manifestation of the yang of heaven and earth, and cannot be maintained for a long time.

Because when they show their true form, they actually turn into a real sun star.

And the three-legged golden crow is exactly the pupil of Pangu God.

This is also the reason why Taiyi can suppress Chaos when the origin is not exhausted during the battle with Chaos.

The art of the golden crow turning into a rainbow is even worse. Its essence is to release as much of the true fire of the sun as possible in a short period of time.

That is to say, only the top foot among the innate sacred gods and the expanded origin can withstand this consumption.

If Qi Lai uses it, I am afraid that the time it can support is not even half of Taiyi.

It can be said that the art of turning into a rainbow is a technique specially tailored for Taiyi and Di Jun.


When Taiyi entered the palace, Di Jun sat cross-legged on the cushion, and his soul visualized the sun star.

The true fire of the sun around him condensed into a dark red fire line, and there seemed to be a constant explosion in the fire line.

Seeing Taiyi coming, Di Jun released the fire line.

The fire line left the vicinity of Di Jun and transformed into dark red birds, flying to the outside world.

They landed in various places on the Sun Star, causing even bigger explosions.

"Taiyi, the consumption of the origin should be fine this time."

In the face of Di Jun's concern, Taiyi simply replied that it was fine.

He couldn't wait to tell Di Jun that he had discovered the problem with the Taiyi realm.

"In other words, our current Taiyi realm is just a special state."

"In this state, we can use the power of the Taiyi realm, right?"

Di Jun asked.

Taiyi thought for a while and explained:

"Well, Qi at the beginning may be because our innate sacred adaptation to this state is too perfect."

"Therefore, it led to the mistaken belief that entering this state and maintaining it would be the Taiyi God."

"With Qi's wisdom, according to common sense, this mistake should not happen."

"It should be the so-called immortal way that blinded him."

Di Jun became curious when he heard this. Why was he blinded by this leaf?

Taiyi said again:

"Hongjun the Great God created the immortal path and is the ancestor of the immortal path. I don't think the path he created is created for the innate gods like us."

"Perhaps it is because most creatures cannot achieve the step of Taiyi Supreme God, so Hongjun Daozu simplified it."

"It is the so-called Taiyi Golden Immortal, because the perfect Dao fruit, apart from heaven and earth, no one else can succeed."

"With an imperfect Dao fruit, it is difficult to achieve Taiyi Supreme God."

Taiyi pondered for a moment.

He said again:

"At least I am not sure that I can succeed within ten Yuanhui."

"I can only rely on continuous carving and polishing to reduce the flaws in the Dao fruit."

"Until I am powerless, and then rely on time to slowly accumulate life cultivation, I can succeed."

"This state is the real broad road for all living beings and those innate beasts and spiritual creatures."

"Give them the opportunity to open up the Daluo Heaven and spy on the Daluo Dao fruit."

"After all, there is not much difference between the two. They are both Taiyi, but our foundation is better and can be more perfect."

After hearing this, Di Jun fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he sighed:

"This move has great merits. It is not unfair for Qi to fall on it."

"Now I have to rebuild it, which is a bit troublesome."

"When I rebuild the Taiyi realm, I will go to Qi to try my tricks."

"I am always suppressed by you two. There must be a chance to turn over."

"Let me beat him up and report the pain I suffered when we discussed the Tao, and then tell him the reason."

"It's just a few more tens of thousands of years. This time is not enough for retreat."

It seems that he has thought of Qi's surprise during the exchange. Di Jun can hardly suppress the smile on his mouth.

Seeing his brother like this, Taiyi also became a little interested.

It's just a little time. It doesn't matter if he makes his elder brother happy.

Anyway, after Qi finishes his training, the eldest brother will only suffer a little, and it will be just a pastime after his training.

After telling Di Jun to train Taiyi again, he let Di Jun go into seclusion to practice.

In Yunmengze, Fuxi and Nuwa had already gone to the lotus pond for seclusion, so Qi sent a message to the Sun Star.

At this time, Di Jun had just been in seclusion for a thousand years.

After receiving the news, Taiyi smiled quietly and did not tell Di Jun.

Instead, he crushed the jade talisman of the message, ignited a ray of the sun's true fire in his hand, and burned the remaining debris to pieces.

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