Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 3: Walking out of the formation, the catastrophe begins to show signs

Since the time of Zhu Li, Qi has been studying in the Yunmeng formation for more than 20 Yuanhui.

It was not until this time that he dared to say that he had some delusions about the Tao, and from it he sorted out a magical power that suited him and had some means of protecting the Tao.

Once this magical power is used, it is like a white waterfall of flowing light, forming a white silk. Wherever the white silk passes, there is a change, and the earth, water, fire and wind are repeated, turning into a void.

If an ordinary person is hit by this, it will be difficult to escape this disaster if he does not have a treasure to protect himself.

Qi named it Qingjing Shenguang.

Qi swung his snake tail, swam to the lotus platform, and turned into a human form.

It is not that Qi has a preference for this form, but the original form is the body of the Tao, which cannot be lightly shown to others.

Moreover, the human form is one of the 81 forms of Pangu, and it is born with the Tao, which is liked by the gods.

It is also widely circulated in Kaitian’s memory, so the human form was chosen.

Qi's appearance is like a young man, with blue eyes, red eyebrows, white hair and a childlike face. He looks like a jade, with a white hairpin holding his hair and wearing a black robe.

Qi looked at his reflection in the water and thought it was too plain.

He picked up a lotus leaf and turned it into a white jade crown, which he used with the hairpin.

He took a few lotus flowers and shook them into his robe, turning them into embroidery, like silver thread flowers, with distinct tendons and bones.

Only then was Qi satisfied. He raised his hand and the spiritual treasure in the sky flew into his sleeve and disappeared.

The formation dissipated, and a spiritual bead was suspended in the air. Qi took it and held it in his hand.

After thinking about it, he put it into the jade crown again. This spiritual bead was exactly the formation diagram of the Yunmeng formation, and it was also the center of the formation.

The Yunmeng formation can be quickly deployed by injecting spiritual power, and the vast lotus pond where Qi lives is also in the spiritual bead.

It turned out that Qi felt that he had the power to protect the way in the last Yuanhui, so he wanted to go out to see the prehistoric world and see the difference of Buzhou Mountain.

He was also worried that it would take too long, and it would be bad if his home was taken over by some unknown god.

So he refined the secret realm of the lotus pond into the center of the formation and released it when he returned home.

After all, these belongings are all immortal medicines and immortal herbs. Although there are no top-grade spiritual roots and treasures, they are also a pool of three-light divine water.

Seven or eight lotus flowers can also be considered as low-grade innate spiritual roots.

Each Yuanhui can produce hundreds of lotus seeds, which is more or less an accumulation, and the flower dew is also an output.

At least when there are guests, they can show it off, so as not to talk about Taoism dryly.

This is too shabby and embarrassing.

Since Qi was born, although his understanding of Taoism has been gradually increasing, there has been no progress in his cultivation except for the continuous accumulation of mana.

Although the innate essence in his body is full of vitality, like the yellow buds of grass and trees, the golden tripod yellow buds grow every day, but he has stagnated in his realm, as if he has reached the end.

Examining himself, he found that there was no leakage in the Tao, his life was perfect, and there was no place to go.

Qi did not want to waste time, so he decided to travel.

Practice Dharma, wealth, companions and land. Now the Dharma has "White Lotus Purifying the World and Universally Enlightening the Dao Beginning True Sutra", and it is still evolving.

On the road, they are mutually verified, and the art has pure divine light to protect the enemy. For the Dharma, there is no shortage for the time being.

Wealth has four innate spiritual treasures, and they are of the same origin, which are enough to protect the Tao and the enemy.

He does not need spiritual roots and precious medicines to accumulate mana, and lotus seeds and flower dew are enough to entertain guests in the future.

There is also a pool of three-light divine water, and there is still some surplus in wealth, so there is no shortage.

Located in Yunmeng Lake, although it dare not be called the best cave paradise in the world, it is also a place with abundant spiritual energy and beautiful things.

Practicing here is also unique, and Qi has no idea of ​​changing to a new dojo.

Only as for the companion, since Qi was born, there have been no living creatures except lotus, let alone like-minded companions who practice and cultivate together?

So Qi's trip, first, wanted to see the vast prehistoric world, the majestic Kunlun Mountain and Buzhou Mountain.

The second is to find out if there is a source of blessing for himself in this prehistoric world where opportunities are rumored to be everywhere.

The third depends on luck. After all, people of the same path can be encountered but not sought, and this Taoist companion is hard to find, even more rare than opportunities.

In other words, finding a true Taoist companion is the greatest opportunity.

A cloud was summoned, and Qi stood on the cloud, looking at the shadow of Buzhou Mountain that seemed to exist and not exist, far away in the sky, floating away.

Although Qi was not in a hurry, the speed of the cloud was not slow. After floating for more than a hundred years, it was still on the swamp, and from time to time, several giant beasts appeared on the water.

Qi's true form is also very huge, about three thousand feet, but some of these giant beasts are more than ten times bigger than Qi, and the smallest ones are two or three times bigger than Qi, and they look all kinds of strange.

Some have fish bodies and fish tails, but they have six legs underneath, with a sheep's head and a pair of cow horns.

Qi went into the water to watch out of curiosity, and found that the six legs were similar to those of a dog, with only four legs paddling in the water to cooperate with the fish tail.

The other two legs tried to retract to avoid affecting the swimming of the fish tail. When they land, they stand on the back four legs and use their horns and front paws to fight the enemy.

Some have rat heads and duck beaks, and have four wings on their backs, which can fly thousands of miles.

They have no legs, and when they rest, they spread their fleshy wings and stick to the water surface. They don't go ashore easily, and feed on duckweed and fish and insects in the water. They run away when they encounter enemies.


But they can't communicate, and they don't have the spirit of the soul, and they act entirely on instinct.

They may have one or two magical powers, but they don't know how to use them. They also have a mixture of turbid air in their bodies and an amazing appetite.

They have a lot of excrement and a bad odor, which pollutes the spiritual energy of the environment and is difficult to purify. They are also extremely ferocious and will actively attack foreign creatures when they see them.

They like to eat things that are full of spiritual energy, whether they are plants or minerals, or eggs that hatch from moisture, and they are unaware of their filthiness.

Ling Qi is extremely disgusted with them, so he kills them whenever he sees them along the way, and then uses the pure divine light to purify the pollution, which delays some time.

To kill them, you only need to use the White Jade Festival of the World-Splitting Technique to wave it, and the clear light will fall, and the giant beast will definitely be seriously injured or killed on the spot.

But it always takes ten days and a half months to purify the world, so that after a hundred years, he has not walked out of half of the swamp.

This also makes Qi sigh at the number of such giant beasts, and he is determined to kill all such filthy creatures in Yunmeng Swamp when he returns.

Otherwise, after a long time, the swamp will definitely be cut off, the filth will be difficult to eliminate, and the living creatures will be extinct.

If he lets it go, how can Qi have the face to treat the swamp that gave birth to him and make it a Taoist temple.

Qi also found that the other creatures in the swamp are also spontaneously restricting the reproduction of these giant beasts.

According to Qi's calculations, there should be no problem within a hundred Yuanhui, so he decided to continue his journey, otherwise he should turn around and clean up the swamp.

After all, after the death of these giant beasts, the vitality dissipated, the turbid air sank, and the all qi returned to its original position, which can also increase the foundation of the swamp.

The premise is that the number is reasonable and the purification is in place.

These Yuanhui will allow it to grow, and when it returns, it will be the time to harvest. It must be enough for the lake to digest for a long time, and the world will have endless inspiration in the remaining catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Qi smiled with satisfaction, hoping that everything would go smoothly as he wished.

He took the clouds again and flew to the periphery.

So after more than 400 years, he finally arrived at the edge of Yunmeng Lake.

I saw a big river, which was constantly diverting water into the lake, and it was vaguely visible in the distance.

There were endless green mountains, the sky and the earth were shining, and cranes were flying in the clouds.

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