Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 34 It’s time for revenge

A stream of light from a spiritual arrow flashed between heaven and earth, and a fierce beast comparable to a golden immortal fell down.

Blood continued to flow from the wound on its body, and within half a moment, a big pit appeared on the flesh and blood of the fierce beast.

It was the flesh and blood of the wound that was constantly turning into blood, and the recovery ability that the fierce beast clan was proud of seemed to have disappeared.

A black-robed figure appeared, stretched out his hand and summoned, and the spiritual arrow flew back to his hand.

The wailing of the fierce beast resounded through the sky, but the figure turned around and disappeared.

For about three days, the wound continued to worsen, and the fierce beast died painfully.

In a dense forest in the north, six innate saints gathered. They were all the people who had followed Kunpeng to leave the northern continent.

They didn't know how many people came back with the three tribes this time, but they believed that many people had returned.

They also met and formed an alliance when they were clearing the fierce beasts.

One of the innate saints had his dojo taken down by the three tribes and returned it.

However, his dojo has now completely turned into a ruin.

The lively scene in the past has disappeared, and the ground is full of the feces of the beasts and the leftover skeletons.

The fierce aura is everywhere, and the whole dojo is filled with the smell of urine from the beasts marking their territory, which is extremely stinking.

The spiritual power is gone, corpses are everywhere, and the spiritual pool has turned into feces soup.

He abandoned the heaven and earth, and the backlash of the heaven and earth made him extremely ugly, and it was difficult for him to make any progress in his cultivation.

And now, all the innate saints in the north are like this.

They all became ugly, and it was difficult for them to make any progress in their cultivation. The heaven and earth did not let them go, and they did not let themselves go.

The ancestor of the earth veins of the entire northern continent, Taihang Mountain, is almost broken.

The beasts dug the earth veins and released the turbid air buried deep underground. The first one to start was Taihang.

Then came Tianshan and Changbai Mountain.

These three earth veins hooked almost all the northern mountain ranges, and Tianshan and Changbai Mountain have been cut off.

The earth veins of Taihang Mountain will not last long.

Now the earth's qi is blocked, and the entire northern continent is constantly shaken.

Every time an earthquake occurs, some of the poisonous miasma and demonic resentment hidden deep underground will be released.

These poisonous miasma and resentment will become nutrients for fierce beasts, and at the same time will cause the extinction of a large number of creatures.

Whether it is flowers, trees, birds or beasts, the northern continent is now like a white land.

"The great god Yu Qiang has not returned yet, do you want to wait for him?"

"Wait a minute, he went to eliminate the fierce beasts, and it may not be over yet."

"He is very angry, and the wind tells him every day about the sadness and misery of the northern continent."

Everyone was silent again, but the atmosphere was much heavier.

Yu Qiang, he was the one who said, "This is our home" when he evacuated with Kunpeng, one of the great gods in the north.

Although the gods in the north did not follow the Three Emperors, with the passage of time, the movement between the innate gods.

The way of Taiyi Daluo was still spread.

The north also has many Taiyi gods, but it's a pity that Luo Tianzun gods are too rare. Only the patriarch of the Xuanwu clan has reached this realm.

Of course, this does not include Shen Ni and the four fierce beasts.

The innate gods do not think they can be considered northern creatures.

Now, those gods who abandoned the northern continent at the beginning are now struggling to maintain their original realm under the backlash of heaven and earth.

If you enjoy the benefits of heaven and earth, you must bear the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

The arrival of Yu Qiang made the atmosphere between the six people much better.

"It doesn't matter. Since you are here, should we set off now, or?"

One of them was worried about Yu Qiang's state. After all, the current fierce beasts are extraordinary. If they are trapped in a siege, they are not sure to retreat unscathed.

"These things should be done sooner rather than later. Don't worry about me, just go."

Yu Qiang knew his good intentions and wanted to restore his mind and mana loss first.

But he couldn't stop. Now he couldn't even enter a state of tranquility.

Whenever he closed his eyes and wanted to rest, he felt like he could hear the cry of the wind and the sea.

So, when he knew that the three tribes were preparing to attack the beasts, he took the initiative to join them.

He was the God of the North Sea and had some connection with the Dragon Clan, so he joined Yinglong's team to jointly eliminate the beasts.

But the Dragon Clan seemed to be deliberately suppressing the rhythm of the attack, so he left the team and entered the battlefield alone.

Kill the beasts when you see them, and clean up along the Dragon Clan's defense line.

He also gradually met these six like-minded Taoist friends who returned to the North.

This time, they gathered together to attack a large gathering point of beasts.

Among them, there were more than 20 Taiyi beasts, and five of them were comparable to Taiyi God.

Yinglong promised him that when they attacked, he would delay the four beasts that came.

At the same time, the Dragon Clan Navy would help them to eliminate those small beasts.

The so-called small beasts are those beasts that have just been born or have very poor attack power.

Although they are weak, they are the ones who cause the most damage to the spirit.

Basically, they have an amazing appetite and a very fast digestion speed. Most of them belong to the Chaos System beasts, which are famous for their reproduction and recovery speed.

In many cases, it is not the three tribes coalition forces that clean them up, but the beasts of the other three systems.

For several of these beasts, the main source of food is these small fish beasts.

Everyone rushed to the Dragon Clan camp.

"Everyone, Yu Qiang should have told you about the content of the operation, but I still want to remind you that the opponent this time is extraordinary."

"This is the first time that the three tribes have truly encircled and suppressed a large gathering place of fierce beasts. If anyone regrets, you can withdraw now."

"If you don't say it now, if you retreat without orders during the war, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Yinglong's sonorous and powerful words were filled with murderous aura built up by many wars.

Everyone had no doubt that if they did not obey orders to retreat during the war, Yinglong would definitely kill them.

But they didn't care about the impoliteness in Yinglong's words.

First, Yinglong was stronger and was a pioneer in cultivation.

Second, they had fought on the battlefield of fierce beasts for a long time and knew the hidden dangers of not being able to follow orders in the face of such a large-scale battle.

Third, they never thought that they could survive this disaster safely. When they returned to the Northern Continent, they already had the intention of dying in the Northern Continent.

"I will obey the commander's order!"

Seven people responded at the same time.

Yinglong smiled with satisfaction. If one cannot sacrifice his life to restore his homeland, he will become a slave of a fallen country.

For such people, even if the world is vast, there is no place for them.

"Everyone, raise your troops."

After saying that, Yinglong took the lead to walk out of the big tent.

At the same time, countless streams of light flashed, and suddenly the sound of waves rolled, and the water volume of countless rivers surged, and the river water gathered momentum and merged into the long river.

Countless shrimp soldiers and crab generals, calling the tide and playing with the water.

For a time, the entire army was ready to go!

P s: Two chapters today, please vote and support, please don't support the book, the novels of the same period are too fierce, I seriously suspect that there is a reincarnation of Lao Deng.

Please read more, don't support, and please vote again.

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