Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 47 The catastrophe ends, and merits descend from heaven

Soon after the four ferocious beasts abandoned the ferocious beast clan and fled towards Chaos, the three tribes also reacted and continued to encircle and suppress the ferocious beasts.

Zu Long and others kept silent about the escape and participated in the battle to encircle and suppress them together.

After the fate of the four top gods, the war lost its suspense, leaving only the final cruelty of heaven and earth against the ferocious beasts.

As the last ferocious beast fell, the sound of Taoism filled the world, announcing the end of this great disaster.

Dew fell from the sky in the northern continent and spread on the earth. Countless buds burst out of the ground, and the sky and the earth were filled with brilliant rays of light, filling the entire prehistoric world.

These rays of light turned into golden clouds, almost as big as a continent.

A quarter of them floated to the dojos of those great gods in the prehistoric times, Yujing Mountain, Xumi Mountain...

Two-thirds of the remaining gold cloud was given to the three tribes who participated in the war.

Only the last part was left, turning into a stream of light and flying towards the innate saints participating in this battle.

These merits are distributed based on the role played in this battle, which is extremely fair.

While in retreat, Qi suddenly looked up to the sky, walked out of the lotus pond, and looked at the scenery around him that had not changed for thousands of years. After a while, he sighed:

"The catastrophe is over."

There were no waves. He thought he would be a little excited, but found that he was extremely calm at this time.

Listening to the Tao sound playing in the heaven and earth, I suddenly felt that the appearance of time seemed unfriendly, at least to their innate holiness.

The road is difficult, and the passage of countless years has become obvious under time.

The clear time seemed to be constantly urging him to move forward, making him dare not stop.

He reached out to the sky and grabbed it. Countless spiritual energy was gathered in his hand. He felt it carefully and said:

"The innate spiritual energy has become more intense and pure, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth has also become much more active. Is this the reason for the end of the great tribulation?"

"Or is it that the Great Tribulation was born just for such a scene?"

Qiu has no answer, but these innate auras cannot appear out of thin air. There will always be a source.

"With the size of the ferocious beasts, even if they all return to heaven and earth, it will not be able to improve the innate spiritual energy so much."

"What's more, the turbid air in the vicious beast's body is enough to annihilate all the spiritual machines. It is impossible to make the spiritual machines more abundant. It seems that the role of the great catastrophe is not only to recover the origin of the world."

"There must be some source that I don't know about. Perhaps that is the real reason why the catastrophe broke out, and the main purpose of heaven and earth launching the catastrophe."

The arrival of the golden light of merit interrupted Qi's thinking. The golden light turned into a vast golden auspicious cloud in front of Qi's eyes, and finally fell into Qi's body.

A huge amount of merit formed a golden wheel of merit behind Qi, shining with gentle divine light.

Qi felt it carefully and understood the source of this stroke of merit. The most important one was that it blocked the advance of the ferocious beasts in Yunmengze and caused a lot of damage to them.

Then came the days when he wandered around with Taiyi and others in the northern continent to hunt ferocious beasts. At that time, many ferocious beasts were killed.

Purify the heaven and earth, repair the earth's veins, maintain the collapse of the northern continent, and reduce the damage to the heaven and earth.

These things happened one after another. Many ferocious beasts had forgotten their appearance, but heaven and earth remembered them and gave them merit rewards one after another.

As Qi accepted the merits, smallpox floated between heaven and earth. These smallpox were scattered in Yunmengze, constantly improving the heritage of this land.

Falling on the grass, trees, flowers and rocks, they all got some benefits. Perhaps this is the best expression of one person attaining enlightenment and chickens and dogs ascending to heaven.

On the Sun Star, Di Juntaiyi and his two friends are also receiving merits and virtues. These are all affirmations of their actions during their travels in the ancient times.

No matter what the reason is for them to fight against the beasts, it is beneficial to the world. Good is good, and it will not become bad just because it is done intentionally or unintentionally.

Good deeds to heaven and earth will be praised by heaven and earth.

Fuxi and Nuwa practiced in Fengqi Mountain and performed the Great Way together. Pangu's coercion could not cause any obstacles to the merit Qingyun, and fell straight into the bodies of the two.

Feeling the effect of merit, the two did not keep these merits like praying. Nuwa added them to their life cultivation and improved their Taoism.

Fuxi uses it on the Tao Fruit to increase his understanding of the Tao and reduce the time it takes to realize it.

"One day, I will become the protagonist of the times instead of just watching from the sidelines and playing some insignificant role like this catastrophe!"

After receiving the merit, Di Jun said to Taiyi with a smile, his eyes firm.

"This world deserves our voice!"

Taichi sensed his brother's belief and responded forcefully.

"Yes, this world should have our voices, and the voices of all living beings!"

Two people with the same beliefs, after confirming that they had a common goal, said no more words, walked to the fusang tree, and entered seclusion again.

They all know that in the wilderness, if you want to make a voice, you need strong strength to rely on, otherwise no one will be willing to listen to the thoughts of ants.

Fengqi Mountain.

Fuxi smiled and said to Nuwa:

"Let's go, it's time to go back to retreat. As an innate saint, you should be a trendsetter of the times, not a weakling who can only watch!"

"Well, we will become the protagonists of heaven and earth. Everything before that is just the accumulation in the early stage."

The two smiled and walked towards their respective quiet rooms. They would never come out of retreat unless they became Luo Tianzun God and had the right to speak between heaven and earth.


"Bai Ling, close the mountain gate and refuse outsiders. From today on, no matter who comes, they must not disturb my retreat."

Qi's voice was calm, but with an attitude that could not be refuted.

Bai Ling also hurriedly said yes, but then asked:

"My Lord, does this include Taiyi God and others?"

"Including them."

"Bai Ling, my Lord ordered"

"Yes." Qi turned and walked to the bottom of the pool.

This time, Qi was determined to come out of retreat after he had completely achieved success. He felt that he had been too lenient with himself before.

He left Yunmengze to seek the Tao, to know how to go on the next road, and to find a Taoist partner.

But after knowing how to go on the next road and finding a Taoist partner with the same ideals, he indulged himself, wasted time, and went astray without knowing it.

Fortunately, it is not too late to get back on the right track now.

Next time he travels in the prehistoric world, Qi will never let himself become the scraps of the catastrophe and let the tragedy of the northern continent happen in Yunmengze.

Before retreating, Qi told himself that the next time he appeared, the whole prehistoric world would hear his voice.

No matter what the reason for the catastrophe, as an innate sacred, he cannot destroy the prehistoric world. This is his bottom line.

In the following time, Qi decided that he would never step out of Yunmengze before he succeeded.

P S: Brothers have started working again. Today is also my birthday. Unfortunately, except for you, I can only celebrate it alone. Please support and vote. Feng Wang thanks you here.

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