Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 50: Blaming Fuxi

Fuxi rushed to Yunmengze and found that many tribes around were organizing markets to trade various materials.

He suddenly became interested, went to the wild to kill two wild beasts, and also participated in it.

He kept buying and selling, and became a famous wealthy businessman in Yunmengze in more than ten years.

His wealthy businessman career ended only when he was caught by Bai Ling.

"Why did the great god want to come to Yunmengze to trade? My master has been out of seclusion for many days and is still thinking about looking for you."

Listening to Bai Ling's words, Fuxi felt like he was caught doing something bad.

"Seeing that Yunmengze was very lively, I suddenly became interested and tried it."

Fuxi still explained.

In the Lotus Pond Pavilion, Qi and Fuxi sat opposite each other and played chess.

"How could you bear to leave Nuwa alone?"

Qi was a little curious.

In his eyes, Taiyi Dijun and Nuwa Fuxi were inseparable all day long.

"I have to go. If I don't go out for a walk, I can't stay in Fengqi Mountain anymore."

Fuxi smiled bitterly.

Seeing Qi's doubts, he explained:

"You also know that Nuwa has a deep blessing and many spiritual treasures, but you don't know that Nuwa has always been gifted and has never suffered setbacks."

"The last trip to the north, in the catastrophe, the fact that we are powerless to change gave her some stimulation, and she has been concentrating on cultivation until now."

"But we are not northern creatures after all. We can empathize with temporary stimulation, but we can't keep it forever."

"She is not like Taoist Taiyi. Taoist Taiyi is also extremely talented and blessed, but his heart for seeking the Tao is extraordinary."

When Qi heard this, he also sighed:

"Taiyi's heart is so strong that it is rare in the world."

Taiyi is the only one among the few who has never slacked off from beginning to end.

Qi asked hurriedly:

"What does that have to do with you coming out? You also went to Yunmengze to sell fish for more than ten years and became a famous businessman in Yunmengze."

Seeing this, Fuxi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I was just in a whim. If I'm not careful, I'll give you something to talk about."

It seems that he won't be able to get by as a vendor for a short time, but it's not a big deal. It's just a few jokes between friends at most.

He explained to Qi again:

"If I don't come out again, I'm afraid Nuwa will be impatient to see me idle and will take the initiative to drag me to find you."

"I probably won't be able to refuse at that time. It's better for me to come out in advance to save this matter. It can also let her practice in peace. I really spoiled her too much in the past."

Qi nodded in agreement.

"That's true, but you and Di Jun are really too idle. Di Jun still has ambitions to become a Taoist. As for you, I can't see any desire to seek the Tao."

"You said you spoiled Nuwa too much, but you threw yourself away. Although Nuwa's desire to seek the Tao is not strong, at least she has it."

"Fuxi, you are too casual about the Tao."

Qi warned Fuxi with a serious face.

Hearing this, Fuxi was stunned for a moment. Me? Too casual about the Tao?

Looking at Qi in front of him, Fuxi thought of Dijun Taiyi and the others. Each of them seemed to never stop pursuing the Tao.

Seeing that Fuxi was still in a daze, Qi said again:

"During the great catastrophe of the beasts, everyone's sense of powerlessness is still before us. I came out of retreat because it is meaningless for me to retreat for the next period of time."

"What I lack now is the accumulation of life cultivation. I have already completed the Tao. It is difficult to make progress in a short period of time. I have reached the limit of what I can reach so far."

"The rest can only be polished by time. Why did you come out of retreat?"

"I see that your breath has not been perfected yet. You have extraordinary talents and roots, and you only have one top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Fuxi Qin, and your mind is still sufficient."

"You also know that Nuwa has many spiritual treasures. With her mind, she must not be able to refine them all. Even if she shares half with you, it is extremely difficult to refine them all."

"Don't you think it's too wasteful? Have you ever thought about sharing some? Even if you are a congenital god, you can't use so many spiritual treasures freely. "

"This is not only a waste of resources, but the meaning of spiritual treasures has also changed from protecting the way to a burden. "

"Did you really go into seclusion? As a congenital god, don't you think you are wasting your talent too much?"

"Think about it, Fuxi."

Qi turned and walked towards the mountain gate, and suddenly turned back to Fuxi and said:

"If you want to go into seclusion, there is still space under the lotus pond."

Fuxi sat in the pavilion for a day, looked down at the chessboard, and laughed and scolded:

"If you want to escape, just do it directly, and preach to me."

He picked up the chess pieces one by one with a serious face, and sighed:

"Yes, Fuxi, you are too casual about the Tao. The people who are traveling with you are all seekers with a firm heart for the Tao. How can you be casual?"

He turned and walked into the lotus pond.

Looking at the secret room where Qi was in seclusion, the bottom of the pond was dark, as if it was always gray when the time was uncertain before.

Fuxi said again:

"It's really a good place."

Sitting down, retreating!

A hundred years later, Dijun finally arrived at Yunmengze.

"So you, the water god of Yunmengze, are now selling goods in the market, in order to give Fuxi a place to retreat?"

Dijun found it a little hard to accept.

A top innate god in the world, the water god of Yunmengze, wearing a straw hat and simple clothes, selling goods in the market?

Qi looked embarrassed.

He now understood Fuxi's mentality when Bai Ling recognized him.

He came out to play in the human world and experience life, but he was recognized by an acquaintance, and when he was recognized, he was bargaining with someone.

At that moment, Qi felt as if he had done something shameful.

When the two returned to the dojo, Qi noticed that Di Jun's aura was perfect and he had also reached the extreme he could reach at present.

After setting up the banquet, the two sat down to talk.

"So, you came here specifically to get beaten this time."

Qi summarized seriously.

Di Jun's originally handsome face suddenly darkened, and he gritted his teeth and said:

"What do you mean by coming here specifically to get beaten? You and I are not much different in realm, it's just a competition, and the outcome is still unknown!"

Di Jun also knew that he was not Qi's opponent, but he didn't expect Qi's words to be so unpleasant to the ear.

He knew that Qi said this deliberately to stimulate him, but Qi still succeeded.

"By the way, did Fuxi really come out of retreat before his Tao was perfect?"

Di Jun asked curiously.


Qi nodded.

"You scolded me well. You are guarding a treasure mountain without knowing it. Qi, if that day comes for me, I will trouble you to scold me."

Although Di Jun felt that those words were a bit too harsh, as a friend, Qi was right and he really deserved to be scolded.

"With Taiyi watching you, I'm afraid it won't be my turn."

Qi smiled and responded.

"No, if that time really comes, I'm afraid Taiyi will be the same as me."

Di Jun was very cautious about this. If they really went astray without knowing it, perhaps only Qi could make them wake up.

PS: Overtime work, and after overtime, there is still a meeting. Sorry, everyone, it's a little late.

But I still shamelessly asked for votes.

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