Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 54 On the Road

As Zulong spoke, the sound of the tide in the East China Sea also responded. The clams in the water spit out pearls and the sea shone brightly.

Looking from a high place, the entire East China Sea is shimmering with light, which is naturally extremely beautiful.

The clam girl dances in the sea, and the heaven and earth respond to her loyalty. The colorful clouds swim in the water and reflect in the sky, making the clouds in the sky lose their light.

The sound of the Tao turns around, the waves burst into waves, and the fish swim on the white water, dancing endlessly.

Observing its path is like facing an abyss. You see its breadth but don't know its depth. You know it's difficult but don't know where it's going.

The goddess sings in the sea, causing flowers to fall from the sky, but all sentient beings do not see or hear, and are immersed in it.

I saw waves rising on the sea, and I didn't know the way between them.

How can there be any fairy to talk about it? Just looking back in the mountains.

The Tao has been traveling for a long time, and no one knows its state. The glow of heaven and earth comes together in one place, and only golden lotuses can be seen blooming.

He discussed the Tao for thirty-nine thousand four hundred and twenty years, changing in the water, and the waves came and went.

The Tao stops here, and those who have gained it will be like the sound of immortality; those who have not gained it will stop at the sight of it.

Praying to hear this, he clapped his hands and shouted loudly:


As Zulong's sermon stopped, the vision of heaven and earth dissipated. Zulong stood up from his seat and seemed to have gained something.

Anyone who talks about the Tao will be refreshed after seeing what has happened. He not only preaches to others, but also examines himself, checks for deficiencies and fills them up, and further practices the Tao.

Zulong finished his sermon and everyone dispersed.

"Fellow Taoist, you and I have gained a lot from this discussion, but no matter what, it is my dragon clan's territory to preach after all."

"The dragon clan accounts for eighty-nine out of ten benefits to heaven and earth. The contents in this box belong to this fellow Taoist."

Zulong's words are conclusive and do not give Qi a chance to refuse. The cause and effect of heaven and earth are calculated. If you can go out, you can't go in.

As for cause and effect, if you can avoid default, don't default, because you don't know the cause and effect of default, and how much it will cost.

Therefore, the innate saints are extremely cautious about cause and effect. It is best if they can not default on each other. If there must be a defaulting party, it is best not oneself.

This is also the reason why Zulong gave the jade box.

In this jade box, there is an armor made of a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, a sea-covering seal, and the scales of the Dragon Clan's Golden Immortal.

Both emotionally and rationally, it is enough to pay for this sermon.

But Qi didn't dare accept such a heavy gift, and he was also worried that he would default on the dragon clan's karma.

Such a thick etiquette is not something he should collect at this time, unless the dragon clan himself promises that he will not ask for anything because of these things.

"Fellow Taoist Zulong, this jade box is too heavy for my preaching. I deserve it."

Qi said with a solemn expression.

During this sermon, Qi didn't expect to gain anything. He was just fulfilling his duties. If he accepted such a heavy gift from the Dragon Clan, he would have deviated from his original intention.

"Friends, there is no reason to take back the gifts given by the Dragon Clan, and this was not given for this sermon."

"It's for the sake of fellow Taoists, preaching to all sentient beings on this journey, and for the righteousness of heaven and earth. As the leader of scales, I should give it."

"It's not just that. Although Tao is important, it's not enough. For the sake of living for all, Taoist friends should have such a harvest."

Zulong's words were a bit heavy, and he also put aside the theory of cause and effect, and only talked about the innate and sacred responsibility.

This gave Qi no reason to refuse. After all, the other party had already said that he would no longer care about cause and effect, but only talked about the responsibilities that he should bear as the leader of scale armor.

"Then I have thanked fellow Taoist Zulong for praying. It is a well-deserved prayer."

Qi said a little embarrassed.

"Why is there such a thing as guilt? Taoist friends preach, which is of great benefit to heaven and earth. This is what Taoist friends deserve."

Qinglong slightly admired it.

"I pray, I would like to thank these two Taoist friends for their love."

Then he bid farewell to the Dragon Clan and headed in the direction of the Qilin Clan.

The merits of heaven and earth have not fallen, and many living beings are crying with joy, because there is no reward from heaven and earth, which means that the journey of praying and preaching is not over yet.

Qi had just left the coast of the East China Sea, riding Bai Ling. Before he left the range of the East China Sea, he was accompanied by two Qilins from the Daluo Golden Immortal realm.

As he preached along the way, wherever he passed, the fields were covered with mushrooms and grasses, and the goddesses accompanied him, scattering smallpox. Wherever he passed, the sky was clear and the earth was bright.

It lasted more than twenty Yuanhui, and finally arrived at Qilin Cliff. Qilin greeted him from hundreds of millions of miles away, and followed the sentient beings to listen to and pray for three sermons.

Whenever there is trouble, Qilin will personally take care of it.

"Fellow Taoist, there are three main reasons why I am here. One is to fulfill my original agreement to discuss the Tao with my fellow Taoist. The other is to feel the difficulty for all living beings in the world to seek the Tao, and I am willing to open up a glimmer of hope for them."

"Since Taoist friend Qilin is the leader of all beasts in the world, I pray that I can join my fellow Taoist friends in participating in the future path of all sentient beings and perform deeds of great merit in heaven and earth."

"The third plan is for the future of the three tribes. I hope that if there is a conflict between the three tribes in the future, they can remember all the sentient beings in the wild."

"Conflicts in the Da Luo realm can be resolved in chaos without breaking out in the prehistoric era. Try not to happen in the prehistoric era."

Qi said sincerely.

"Fellow Taoist, I already know what you said. In the plan of the world, I promise the third article. As an innate sacred thing, I will definitely abide by it."

"Second, as the leader of all beasts in the world, I must do this step of my duty. I hope to work with my fellow Taoists to save the lives of the world and gain a glimmer of hope."

"The first one is that we have met by chance. Although we have not met each other in the past, we have been close friends for a long time. I will definitely live up to my trust and am willing to join the road together."

Shi Qilin spoke very seriously and responded to the prayers one by one with a very serious attitude.


Pray for high fives and peace.

The two preached at Qilin Cliff, and there were many listeners. No one could stop anyone who could reach them.

Heaven and earth responded, and the Tao united all living beings.

The two preached for more than 50,000 years, and they were very happy during this period.

At the end of the preaching, the Qilin tribe presented a Taoist gift of a top-grade innate spiritual root and a robe woven from the hair of thousands of animals as a thank-you gift.

The top-grade innate spiritual root is a fairy pear tree, named Anshan Houtu Pear.

When ordinary creatures hear it, their life span will increase by 3,000 years. If they eat one fruit, they will become immortals on the spot and can hear the Tao.

This tree blooms once every 10,000 years, bears fruit once every 10,000 years, and matures once every 10,000 years. Twelve fruits are produced at a time, which is the number of hours in the world.

The fruit must be struck with a jade knot, otherwise the fruit will melt when it meets gold and stone, and turn into refined iron, which cannot be eaten.

If the fruit meets branches and trees, it will turn into a tree knot and return to its origin, and it cannot be eaten.

If the fruit falls to the ground, it will sink into the ground and become slag or fertilizer, which cannot be eaten.

All spiritual objects in the world have specific requirements, otherwise it is difficult to gain anything, and in the end, it is just a waste of time.

After all, it is normal that it is difficult to gain the essence of the world.

Say goodbye to the Qilin clan, and Qi will set off again to the territory of the Phoenix clan, the Southern Undying Volcano.

On the way, there will be colorful phoenixes flying and singing.

P S: I drank a lot of wine today, sorry for being late, but anyway, two updates are presented.

I will write another chapter for tomorrow later, I hope everyone will support me, vote, and recommend.

Feng Wang would like to thank everyone here.

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