Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 57 Qi is sleeping, Di Jun's guess

"You have refined several innate spiritual treasures now, but why are you out of seclusion?"

"Taiyi, have you successfully refined the Chaos Bell?"

When Qi saw Taiyi Nuwa appearing in Yunmengze, he was a little curious, because according to his calculation, the two of them should not have even finished half of it.

Hearing this, Taiyi Nuwa's face turned dark.

"Don't say such disappointing things in this happy moment, understand? Qi, you will be beaten by the gang if you do this!"

Nuwa complained angrily.

Taiyi shook his head. The process of refining the Chaos Bell was extremely difficult, as if there were some obstacles.

I clearly felt that my cultivation should be able to support refining, but I still overestimated myself and underestimated the difficulty of refining the innate treasure.

"No, I have only refined 20% of the Spiritual Treasure Restriction. The rest cannot be refined, but I can still exert a lot of strength. What do you think, do you want to give it a try? Pray."

Taiyi still wanted to fight Qi at this time, and he also wanted to see Qi and his current strength. After all, he felt that he had become a lot stronger, but he had no reference to compare with.

Qi refused directly. He had been out for a long time and had just returned to Yunmengze. He didn't want to be beaten.

The Chaos Bell was already able to hurt him with just the little power it exerted at the beginning, not to mention that it was now refined to 20% by Taiyi.

It's better to leave things like being beaten to Di Jun, and Qi won't join in the fun.

What Qi didn't know was that Taiyi had already fought with Fuxi, Dijun, and Nuwa. Taiyi was one on three, and the scene was very brutal.

The three of them were almost knocked into autistic state by Taiyi. Any defense was shattered at a touch, and the attacks were unable to hit them at all.

I pray that at least there are innate twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus that can withstand some of the attacks, but Nuwa and the others will be in misery.

Even Nuwa's most defensive spiritual treasure, the lotus lamp, couldn't withstand Taiyi for a few times. The defensive spiritual light was directly shattered and the candlelight dimmed.

The gap is even larger than before refining.

Anyway, ever since the defense of Qi Xiantian's twelfth-grade Pure World White Lotus was broken, Qi had decided that unless his cultivation level increased, he would never fight Taiyi again.

Whose good person has to be beaten every day? Qi is not Emperor Jun.

"I'm going to take a nap first to regain my composure. I'll see you when I wake up."

Qi changed the subject and avoided Taiyi's gaze first.

He was indeed too tired. During this period of walking in the wilderness, in order to maintain the sermon, his mind was always in a tense state and could not be relieved.

Prayer needs some rest and goes to sleep.

This is a way to restore the mind that cannot be matched by any meditation.

Meditation can quickly restore the mental loss, but only when the loss is not large, this is the correct application of meditation.

People cannot force themselves to act against their body's will, as that will only hurt themselves.

No matter when, sleep is the real recovery without side effects.

Di Jun and others also knew that Qi was tired during this period of time, so they let Qi go without too much entanglement.

The twelfth-grade innate pure white lotus stands in the water. Qi stretched out his body, closed his eyes slightly in the lotus platform, bent his knees, and put one leg on the other.

Rotate your ankles at will, put your hands on your abdomen, relax your whole body, and then fall asleep.

Emperor Jun and Fuxi were playing chess in the pavilion in the pool.

Now only the two of them are willing to play chess together. I pray that Nuwa will regret playing chess while she is sleeping.

As for Taiyi, he is not good at this, and the two are afraid that he will become angry if he is embarrassed.

Di Jun plays chess in a broad-based style, keeping an eye on the overall situation, and knows how to make choices. He will not hesitate when it is time to abandon the chess pieces. He wins in the general situation, but always suffers in small things.

Fuxi's chess playing style is delicate and smooth, and he will always make breakthroughs in local areas and encroach little by little, but there is some indecision and hesitation at critical moments.

Every time he wins, he is able to continuously gain local advantages and then gradually transform them into victories. If there are setbacks in the middle, it will be difficult to come back.

There are always good players in praying, and their skills may be good or bad, all depending on their mood. Sometimes they will ruin their great advantages, but sometimes they can survive.

Each has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this is how several people get along with each other.

In the past few years headed by Qi, several people have made great progress, whether in cultivation or Taoism.

But they often take the initiative to enter dangerous places and fall into dangerous situations.

Qi also felt this, so he went out alone. Even though he was very interested, he also wanted to change the baton of the team.

Fuxi was in charge of Yunmengze at that time, and Emperor Jun arrived later, so Qi turned the core of the team to Fuxi and asked Fuxi to lead the team and entertain everyone.

During the period when Qi left, Fuxi did very well, Yunmengze's development was much better than before, and everyone's strength was also improving steadily.

It is a pity that he cannot convince everyone. Although everyone has no objection to his leadership, he has not established his own leadership.

Even he himself didn't realize why Qi went out.

Di Jun had a guess, but he wasn't sure. He didn't think the team would become better under Fuxi's leadership than under Qi's leadership.

Therefore, he did not express any thoughts about his speculation, he just did not object to Fuxi's proposal.

Although the two were playing chess, Fu Xi was thinking about how to win the game, while Di Jun was thinking about what big things would happen next after Qi returns.

This was also evident in the chess game, with Emperor Jun losing ground one after another.

"Are you worried about something today?"

Fuxi asked curiously.

"That's not the case. I was just thinking that if Qi went out and did such a big thing, what would happen next."

Di Jun didn't pay attention to Fuxi's question. This was indeed what he was thinking just now.

"With Qi's character, he shouldn't be able to calm down so easily. His life has indeed become a bit boring these years."

Fuxi said with a smile.

He didn't have any thoughts about Qi's return, he was just happy for Qi.

After all, as long as you pray, life will always have a lot of fun and be full of uncertainties, instead of being static and letting time pass step by step.

"Yes, even though Qi is back, there should be some earth-shaking events that will happen next."

"After all, Qi has never been at peace."

Di Jun sighed, his tone full of expectation, and he was also curious about what his life would be like in the future.

Ever since he and Taiyi met Qi, life had undergone earth-shaking changes. Faced with these changes, Di Jun felt that life was not so boring.

It can be said that the reason why Emperor Juntaiyi followed Qi to continuously walk in the ancient continent was because this unknown change in the future attracted them too much.

Fuxi and Nuwa were actually the same, but they didn't realize it.

At this time, Qi was still sleeping, Taiyi was studying his new magic power, and Nuwa was looking at the spiritual treasures that had not yet been refined, and came up with the idea of ​​giving them all away.

P S: There will be a second chapter around 10:30 for the first chapter. You can tell me whether I will post it after writing it like this or at the same time.

Because I will be busy in the next two or three days, I would like to ask everyone’s opinions here.

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