Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 60: The Innate Divine and All Living Things

"Water in the world has its own natural flow, and the tides change naturally. It is inappropriate and against the laws of nature to let gods interfere and control it." Qi calmly expressed his attitude. He could not let Fuxi interfere with the natural evolution of Yunmengze.

"Then you have the heart to watch and let the primitive world become a swamp, and turn a blind eye to the plight of the living beings!"

"Is their plight caused by me? Isn't it caused by your reckless manipulation of the world?"

Qi's words interrupted Fuxi's excitement.

"When have the gods ever looked at ordinary people? Are you really for those primitive creatures?"

"Aren't you self-degrading? You have already occupied the destiny of heaven and earth, but you still want to touch the destiny of all living beings?"

"The environment has become a pool of stagnant water and no longer changes. Is this the way you want?"

"A future without change, is it really what all living beings want? Did you really not learn anything from the co-evolution of the world?"

"Or do you think there is nothing wrong with it, but just think it is good for everyone, and then watch all living beings die in the same life."

"Blinded by the increase brought by the growth of luck, but as innate sacred, we actually do not lack this time for the increase to decrease."

"Fuxi, you are too anxious and too arrogant. The influence on the world is not achieved through this way."

"This is a shortcut, but it is the beginning of going astray."

Qi calmly reminded Fuxi that he was on the wrong path.

Qi believes that if you want to get the blessing of the destiny of all living beings, you should establish your own organization and gather through actions.

If the gods were to lead all living beings to change the terrain, build rivers, reservoirs and dams to ensure that the changes in the water system were under his control, Qi would not have any idea.

But they did not. They chose to use the power given to them by heaven and earth, collude with each other, and complete it through mutual exchange of power.

Is it difficult for those who have divine power to complete those projects?

It is not difficult, and it can even be completed without divine power, but they chose to start with authority and interfere with the operation of heaven and earth.

Seeing that Fuxi had not yet reacted, Qi could only remind him:

"The water gods who are in charge of the water system are responsible for the creatures living in their water system."

"There is no awareness of being prepared for danger in times of peace, not calculating tides, water vapor changes, and summarizing experience."

"If you can't adapt to the environment and change with the trend of heaven and earth, then give the living space to those who can adapt."

"Originally, those creatures can adapt very well, and can change the living environment of the population through the accumulation of experience and learning from heaven and earth."

"But the gods' unauthorized interference seems to be helping them, but in fact it destroys their future."

"Don't use the consideration of creatures as an excuse for everything. All living beings do not need the interference of the gods, and they can live well on their own."

"Survival of the fittest."

"Heaven and earth give birth to the innate sacredness, give gods authority, and transcend the secular power, not to interfere with the operation of heaven and earth."

"The use of authority is to maintain the operation of heaven and earth , to prevent sentient beings from developing barbarically and destroying the heaven and earth, rather than using power to seek personal gain! "

"The role of the innate sacred for sentient beings is only to prevent them from going the wrong way and exchanging short-term development by destroying the heaven and earth."

"This is the role of the innate sacred for sentient beings, and it is only so, and it can only be so. "

"There is no need to control them arbitrarily. As long as it is not too much, we should not interfere with their lives. "

"The innate sacred has a great role in the heaven and earth, and is an indispensable part of the operation of the heaven and earth, but for sentient beings, it is actually not important. "

"As for the impact on the entire prehistoric continent, it is not so serious. Those gods are not dead yet. They will still run water and regulate torrents. "

"After all, they can only fill the pits they dug themselves. They dare not let the torrents rage. "

"The three talents of heaven, earth and man are mutually balanced. If humanity is lost, their lives will not be easy. "

After Qi finished speaking, he turned around and left without caring about what Fuxi thought.

And Fuxi stood there in a daze.

Taiyi, Nuwa and Dijun looked at each other. They didn't expect Qi's words to be so serious and so direct.

In fact, for Dijun and Taiyi, Qi's behavior was not serious, and even reasonable.

If they were the protagonists, they would not tolerate others manipulating the operation of the stars, especially the vital star like the Sun Star.

Not to mention proposing and taking action, even thinking about it is not allowed, and thinking about it is illegal!

Nuwa did not have such authority, so she did not particularly understand what such behavior was, nor did she realize how serious the consequences would be.

Dijun and Taiyi were star gods, and they did not understand the operation mode of the prehistoric water system. After all, they were different from the prehistoric water gods.

For them, suppressing the operation of the Sun Star was a necessary task, otherwise the huge fire poison would cause damage to the operation of the world.

This was the fundamental reason why they did not stop it. One was that they were persuaded, and the other was that their job functions were different.

Taiyi was aware of the occurrence of this incident, but he predicted it through his understanding of Qi, not the role of the prehistoric godhood.

Di Jun had never thought that such a thing would happen, because in his view, it was normal for God to exercise his authority.

Even now, they have to return to the Sun Star from time to time to suppress the activities of the Sun Star to prevent the Sun Star from moving too frequently and affecting the movement of heaven and earth.

Those water gods were also said by Qi. Before they left their own water system, they stopped to prepare for the arrival of the flood and dredge the creatures living in the water system.

And some of the water vapor that was seriously lost have begun to turn around and borrow water from the four seas or the four rivers and eight streams.

Even if they want to find Qi, they will not be free in a short time. Now they have a lot of bad debts to settle.

The changes in the water vapor in the prehistoric world also affected the entire prehistoric water transport, alarming the ancestor dragon who was in retreat.

With a flash of light in his eyes, the ancestor dragon was constantly observing the entire prehistoric water transport. What exactly changed, and it actually affected him directly.

In the huge and chaotic prehistoric water system, there are only a few places that can affect him. He only needs to check the reasons.

A place where the four rivers and eight streams in the east and the three waters in the west can change at the same time.

Zulong raised his head and looked at the water system nodes composed of countless huge lakes in the huge map of the water network all over the world.


"Alas, I still have to go there after all."

After speaking, Zulong closed his eyes.

He knew that he had to go there, but not now, he still needed to wait for the water gods to come.

P S: Today's update is completed. Thank you for your monthly tickets, recommendation tickets and rewards. Feng Wang would like to thank you.

I will remember your support in my heart. Thank you everyone. Next, I will update as always, and then continue to ask for votes and support.

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