Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 62 Was it an accident, or?

"In other words, the impact is not that big?"

Fuxi's spirits improved a little and his voice became somewhat normal.

"There is an impact, but it's not as serious as you think. After all, drastic changes in the environment will definitely have a huge impact."

"But those water gods won't let it go. This happened because of them. If it can't be solved, they will have to bear the karma."

Qi explained it to Fuxi. He could only say that humane gods really don't understand these things, otherwise they wouldn't be deceived like this.

Qi glanced at Fuxi with a little pity. If this matter could not be settled, he would definitely be a part of the karma that heaven and earth would bring down.

If a person makes meritorious deeds to heaven and earth, heaven and earth will reward him with merit. If a person does something wrong that harms heaven and earth, heaven and earth will naturally punish him with karma.

Punishing ordinary people is not obvious, it will only be reflected in luck and opportunity.

For cultivators and innate saints, if you carry the karma of heaven and earth, you will have to go through a great catastrophe of heaven and earth. You will not be able to escape even if you want to, and you will definitely die.

During the great calamity of heaven and earth, the aura of calamity permeates the air, and those who are entangled in the cause and effect of human nature will enter calamity, but there is still a chance to escape.

Those who bear the karma of heaven and earth will enter a tribulation. At the end of the tribulation, they can survive, otherwise they are doomed to die.

The great catastrophe is caused by the inevitable disputes between heaven and earth, but the purpose is to settle the cause and effect of heaven and earth.

For practitioners, it is best not to be burdened with karma and cause and effect, otherwise you will never be able to avoid death.

It's a blessing to escape once, and you're already a winner if you have a small gain.

If these water gods are not able to perfectly solve this problem, there will probably not be a few left in the next catastrophe.

Qi thought to himself that if they couldn't solve the problem, then he might have a chance to become the master of the ancient inland water system after the catastrophe.

After all, when the time comes, all those water gods will turn into Taoism and go away, and the remaining water gods will be inhabited by virtuous people.

However, Qi also knows that this is not realistic. After all, as the birthplace of innate sacredness, if they cannot control it, then they are too incompetent.

If the place where Di Dilian's authority resides is like this, then what's the use of his divine position?

After Qi saw that Fu Xi was much better, he no longer tried to persuade him. He should figure out the rest by himself. Otherwise, how could he practice cultivation like this?

What Qi needs to think about now is how to scold those water gods. Anyway, his status is equal to the Eastern Four Water Gods and the Western Three Water Gods, so there is no pressure to scold them.

As for Zulong, as the God of the Four Seas, he has no control over him.

Qi turned around and left Chixinting. He wanted to think about his words. He didn't have the time to accompany Fuxi here to think about these things that had already happened.

The time of a Yuanhui is actually not that long to the gods, but some gods feel that time passes too slowly.

Those mountain gods were busy eating melons. After all, they were all earth gods. If such a big event happened among the water gods, they would definitely know about it.

They are all waiting for those water gods to be scolded so that they can have more fun and conversation in their boring lives.

Many water gods are busy providing disaster relief. Water flows into Yunmengze, and those who run out of water rush to borrow water.

A large amount of water from Yunmengze was pouring in, and they were busy opening river channels to ask other water gods to help intercept some of the torrent.

But they could only go in the opposite direction. After all, they couldn't go upstream to get water from the downstream. In the end, they could only find the top of large river systems such as Sidu and Sanshui.

Only their waters that stretch almost across the entire continent can help them solve these problems.

Bingyi's head was about to burst at this moment. His own tributaries came to his door and he had to help. But if he helped, he could only pull the water from the lower reaches upstream.

This can only ensure the smoothness of the water surface, and then pull it from the water, which is a big project.

The water of the Yellow River is inherently turbulent, but it cannot affect the normal flow of the water surface and the creatures that rely on the Yellow River for survival.

Bingyi could only do it himself. After all, the Yellow River was too big and wide. Only he could bring a large amount of water from the lower reaches to the upper reaches while maintaining the normal flow of the Yellow River water surface.

"Looks like I won't be able to stop in the next Yuanhui! I still have to go to Yunmengze to be scolded. We are all at the same level, so why am I suffering so hard!"

Bingyi lamented his hard-working life, but had no choice but to leave the water mansion and walk downstream.

Qixiang is an extremely beautiful goddess, but at this time she can no longer maintain her previous demeanor. The same thing happened to her.

She can only use the same method to make up for it, after all, this is also one of her responsibilities.

"Which idiot went to find Yunmengze Water God to get involved! Especially when he was not around!"

Qixiang felt helpless for the first time since his birth. As a reservoir that regulates the world's water system, Yunmengze's environmental position is extremely important.

Because as long as there are no problems with Yun Mengze, they can be made up for through Yun Mengze's adjustment. Now someone actually came to affect this crucial link.

Many times, they relied on Yun Mengze to speculate on the strength of their support for the water vapor flow in various tributary water systems.

Now, someone has tampered with the fair scales in the market, but the problem is that everyone's private scales are inaccurate. Now the entire market weighing system has collapsed, and they cannot escape this responsibility.

"We don't know when Yunmengze will be able to return to normal. Moving water is just one Yuan Hui's hard work, but then we calculate the amount of water needed in all river basins, and that's the big deal."

"We have to find a way to directly obtain Yun Mengze's water vapor change number. Otherwise, in the next dozens of yuan meetings, we water gods may not even think about practicing."

Qixiang's beautiful face became distorted.

She knew that a god like this, who was born at a vital link in the operation of the water system in the world, would not be easy to deal with.

"I can't believe that this is the first time in my life that I have to be scolded and I have to ask for it! I may not be able to get it!"

Qi Xiang has no choice but to solve the current problem first. There are too many tributaries of the Yangtze River and a huge amount of water is needed.

Now that there is no reference, we have to calculate the water needed downstream, and finally move the excess water upstream and distribute it to the tributaries.

When the water gods of Sidu worked hard to bury the pits they had dug in the past, they all did the same thing.

That is to intercept the water vapor that was originally going to enter the sea through the estuary. Now they don't know how much water vapor is needed to make up for their previous mistakes.

Now we can only suffer for a while. After all, the Dragon Clan was the first to discover this method and use it, and they just followed it.

At this time, let the Dragon Clan be the first to have a headache. Their first priority is to protect their authority first.

Zulong also sensed the change in the air entering the sea, but didn't say much. After all, he didn't expect anyone to touch the scales in inland waters.

No matter what he said at this time, it was wrong. I don't know who did this stupid thing, and the Dragon Clan must take the blame.

It doesn't matter whether you can find the idiot or not, nor does it matter whether someone did it on purpose.

The most important thing now is to minimize the impact of this time, and it will not be too late to find those things later.

P S: The update was completed today, and the collection has reached 7,000, but it seems that it cannot increase. It may be that the ancient traffic in the traffic pool has been almost eaten up.

During this period, I would like to thank everyone for your monthly recommendation votes. In a few days, I will have time to take a special vacation to code and save manuscripts.

Thank you all for your support. I have also changed the areas where there was controversy before, such as Hongjun’s Taoist title. The typos were basically corrected as soon as possible. Thank you for your corrections. Thank you, King Feng.

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