Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 65: Ji Shen rebukes, the innate sacred must be responsible

After many water gods discussed, Zulong could only stand up. After all, he was strong, had a high status, and was now the leader of the water system in the world.

If he still wants the dragon clan's plan to succeed, he can only stand up and take the blame this time.

They were also constantly checking the accounts, trying to find out who had the head slap, or who was harboring evil intentions and involved Yun Mengze.

It's a pity that in the end, no one was able to find out who the spoiler was, couldn't figure it out, and no one acknowledged it.

"Let's go, Yun Mengze's business can't be delayed any longer. If it continues, I'm afraid our disaster will not be so easy next time."

After Zu Long made the decision, everyone wanted to go to Yun Mengze and his party, but were interrupted by Qi Xiang. They only heard her say:

"Now that the leader has been determined, what about the tidal changes and water volume data in Yunmengze?"

"You know, we have been delayed in practicing for a long time. If there is no ready-made data, I am afraid that it will be difficult to summarize the changes in water veins in the next dozens of Yuanhui."

"How should we practice when the time comes? Where authority lies, we cannot avoid it."

The gods were silent.

They had avoided this topic before because once it was brought up, everyone would be too embarrassed.

But what Qi Xiang said really penetrated into their hearts.

Yes, it was originally connected to the dragon clan's water and air channel, and the purpose of gathering the fate of all living beings was to make practice more convenient and smooth, but now it is stuck here.

Yunmengze is so vast, it would be difficult to summarize the data unless it was the God of Water, and the previous experience and data can no longer be used.

After all, the incident was caused by them, and Zu Long had already stepped forward to take responsibility. They didn't have the nerve to expect Zu Long to ask questions.

As a result, everyone's eyes turned to Bingyi and the others, including Qi Xiang, who asked the question, and was also one of the people who stared at them.

The water god with four rivers and three rivers looked dignified.

After a while, one of the three water gods in the West, Hengshui Water God, said:

"Although Yunmengze connects two continents, its water god Qi is considered innately sacred in the Eastern Continent. Jishui is the first of the four rivers. I think it will respect it. How about you ask the question?"

Ji's face was livid. He was indeed one of the many water gods whose status was only lower than that of Zulong. Compared with Bingyi Qixiang and others, he had a higher status.

But he didn't want to go up and get scolded, not to mention that he himself was not involved in this matter, he was just involved with the tributaries under his command.

As the main lineage and not involved, he was responsible enough to come here and accompany them to Yunmengze to apologize, but he didn't expect that they would be so shameless.

"This matter has nothing to do with me. My subordinates participated in the tributaries. I will punish them afterwards. Anyone who has my subordinates involved will come to my water house to receive discipline."

Ji directly refused and made it clear that he was not involved. The tributary water god would also punish him and would not lose face.

He is also the only water god among the Four Water Gods who has deep authority over his tributaries, and even has great influence among the Four Water Gods.

The proposal of Hengshui Water God is actually the best solution to the current situation, but it still leaves others to bear the mistakes they made.

"If you do something wrong, don't think that others will always be able to tell you the truth. No matter whether someone is harboring evil intentions this time or whether it is because of greed, if you are wrong, you are wrong. Don't dare to admit it when you are wrong. , Just lose your innate and sacred dignity!”

"You can go if you wish. I will be waiting soon. Fanji is under the water. Follow me to Yunmengze, acknowledge the precept and receive the punishment!"

Ji ignored these water gods and walked out of the Dragon Palace first. About one-sixth of the water gods present followed Ji's lead and left.

Zulong looked embarrassed, sighed and said:

"Let's go to Yunmengze!"

He took the lead to leave the Dragon Palace. Many water gods looked at each other and could only follow.

Zu Long sighed in his heart, yes, if he did something wrong, don't he even have the courage to admit it? After all, he is innately sacred and shouldn't even have this responsibility.

Zulong also decided. After admitting his biggest mistake this time, he went to ask Qiyunmengze for the water data at this time.

Face is something that is already lost when you do something wrong. If you are still gritting your teeth and holding on, then you have truly lost all face.

Hongjun seemed to sense something in Yujing Mountain. The jade dish of creation bloomed with clear light. Under the clear light, Hongjun sighed bitterly:

"Shan, it seems that I should take this trip, but by going here, the past causal relationship between gods and gods will be resolved. How will the subsequent conflict between immortals and demons be repaid?"

Originally, according to his idea, the cause and effect of Qi Xiang's rescue could be used to repay him. After the battle with Luohu, the destruction of the western water system required Qi Yunmengze to make up for the missing water.

The karma caused by the destruction of the water system in the Western continent can also be reduced a lot. Although the importance of the two is actually very different, the way of cause and effect is like this.

At that time, the cause of praying for help can bear the fruit of making up for the moisture in the West.

Now that this is gone, the cause and effect of repaying the water vapor in the West will be huge in the future.

But he should go. He who accepted the legacy of the Emperor Cangli clan and the way he walked should practice this move.

Qi felt that the water veins of heaven and earth had completely returned to normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Yunmengze returned to normal, he also needed to adjust the water vapor, sort out the terrain, and reorganize the water veins.

Each of these is a huge project. At this time, Yunmengze simply has no ability to continue to take on the important task of regulating the world's water.

Because Yunmengze itself has not settled down yet, how can it have the ability to regulate the world's water system.

Once the gods are really not strong, I am afraid that the prehistoric continent will really become a swamp.

"Who is secretly planning this? Those water gods cannot be unaware of the importance of Yunmengze. Once something goes wrong, the damage caused may be more terrifying than the great disaster of the beasts."

"Under such karma, we gods may not even be able to keep our positions. Water and fire are ruthless, and they don't care about the lives of those creatures."

If it really comes to that time, let alone they are just innate sacred, even if the Three Emperors are alive and become the water gods of Yunmengze, they will end up dead.

"Dare to make such a plan, are you really not afraid of the heaven and earth settling accounts if something goes wrong!"

Qi gritted his teeth. He originally thought that this trip would have a happy ending, but he didn't expect that someone would dig a big pit for him.

West, Mount Xumi.

Rāhu also breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't expect the impact to be so great.

Originally, it was just a plan to make the dragon clan think that Hongjun was the mastermind behind this incident in order to get back the fragments of the Jade Disc of Creation, so that he would offend the dragon clan.

But I didn't expect such a big scene to happen. Even the arrogant and innate gods such as the Three Water Gods of the West ran to the East China Sea to discuss this matter.

"The power of the earth god is very great, but it is really not easy to be one. I just don't know what kind of power those gods have."

Luo Hou was very curious. He remembered that the Phoenix clan also had some fragments of the Jade Disc of Creation.

P S: The first chapter is presented, please support.

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