Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 75 Phoenix Clan Meeting

Taiyi began to find playing chess interesting, and Fuxi also felt that such confrontation was much better. This game even attracted Dijun and Qi.

The paths of the two intertwined on the chessboard, Taiyi constantly broke through the blockage from Fuxi, and every falling chess piece would affect the minds of both parties.

One party has outstanding skills, is good at deducing secrets, and constantly pursues and intercepts them.

One party's path is profound, using force to defeat cleverness, and break out of the siege with overwhelming force.

The chessboard shimmers with gold and white, as if a great sun is constantly breaking through its constraints, only to fall into the next trap.

Emperor Jun was delighted when he saw Hunter's heart, so he took Qi to the side and started another game.

While everyone was playing chess in Yun Mengze, the five patriarchs of the Phoenix Clan had gathered together in the Southern Continent.

Yuanhuang was at the top of the list and quietly looked at the other five clan leaders who had arrived.

Seeing the solemn atmosphere, everyone also had speculations about this meeting, but no one was willing to speak first.

As the most energetic person among the clan leaders, Huanxiao could not stand such a dull atmosphere the most, so he was the first to speak:

"I wonder why Lord Yuanhuang summoned us? Does Chief Yuanfeng know?"

Yuanhuang lowered his eyebrows slightly and scanned the people present with his phoenix eyes. His sharp gaze made them all lower their heads. No one dared to respond to Yuanhuang's gaze.

"I have summoned you all to discuss important matters. I also want to see if the Phoenix Clan today is still as perfect and responsible as it was back then."

Yuan Hui smiled and replied to Yuan Huang:

"Sir, the Phoenix clan is naturally as noble, perfect, and unyielding as usual."

"Oh? Then how do all ethnic groups maintain their nobility, perfection, and unyielding integrity?"

"How much fire energy of the immortal volcano was released in these Yuanhui? How many fire crystals were collected?"

"Do you still remember the responsibilities of the Phoenix Clan? Do you still have some responsibilities as the overlord of the sky?"

As soon as Yuanhuang said this, everyone's smiles disappeared instantly, the atmosphere was dead silent, and no one spoke anymore.

They had expected this scene to happen. In this Yuanhui, they had thought of countless ways to deal with it, but in the end they could not say a word and just remained silent.

Seeing that they were silent, Yuanhuang said again:

"Not long ago, Feng Yu fell into a deep sleep as soon as he returned to the sycamore tree. Shouldn't you explain it to me?"

"Although Feng and I don't like to manage the folk affairs of the Feng clan, we handed over the rights of the Phoenix clan to you out of trust in you. Is this how you repay my trust and Feng's trust!"

The atmosphere became even deadlier. Several clan leaders remained silent, just burying their heads deeply and not daring to make the slightest move.

When Yuan Huang saw this, the anger in his heart was beyond words. The anger in his eyes was not concealed at all, and he kept glancing at several people.

Yuanhuang's angry gaze almost made everyone feel as if Yuanhuang would throw them into the immortal volcano in the next moment to suppress their anger.

Seeing that they didn't speak, Yuanhuang could only name them one by one and said:

"Chifeng, let me start with you first. Since Yuanfeng and I went to open up the cave, how many fire crystals have been collected by the Feng clan, how much fire energy has been released, how many volcanic eruptions have been suppressed in the area we are responsible for, and how many volcanoes have been added. !”

Chifeng reluctantly got up from his seat and walked to the center of the lobby. His words were trembling and he said without any confidence in his voice:

"After the Supreme Master of the Phoenix Clan left, he released a total of more than 110,000 strands of fire energy, which is the same as before."

"There are more than 7,300 new volcanoes, an increase compared to the past, and there are millions of suppressed volcanoes, but there is no real number."

Chifeng hesitated for a moment and then said:

"More than 30 million fire crystals were mined, which is slightly more than before."

As soon as these words came out, Yuan Feng laughed angrily and said angrily to Chi Feng:

"There are more than 7,000 new volcanoes in the Hundred Yuan Association, just an increase? The weather and the earth's atmosphere change, and the fire energy will only become more and more tired, but you don't change?"

"When did the immortal volcano become so quiet? There were only a million volcanoes that erupted in a period of hundreds of yuan. Is it nine million or one million that was suppressed? There is no actual plan?"

"The fire crystals have increased slightly, and the number of fire crystals has increased slightly! The output of your clan is more than three times that of the entire Phoenix clan in the past! What do you want to do!"

Facing Yuanhuang's words, Chifeng could hardly stand upright. His whole body was trembling and sluggish.

"鸸鸱, tell me!"

Yuanhuang suppressed his anger and continued to ask.

The bird was wearing a long purple dress, but her originally beautiful face looked timid and she did not dare to speak.

"铓小, 豼说!"

The originally lively and active phoenix chick also lowered its head and remained silent.

"Qingluan, Honghu, are you the same?"

Yuanhuang's voice was sad.

Qingluan and Honghu did not speak, but their lowered heads also expressed what they had done.

"Are you going to kill our Phoenix clan?"

Yuanhuang cried out in grief and felt a sense of powerlessness and despair.

The immortal volcano, the foundation of Phoenix, the responsibility given by heaven and earth to nurture her and Yuan Feng, was actually ignored and forgotten by her own people.

Now that Yuan Feng is sleeping, the Phoenix clan's problems are bigger than she imagined, and there are powerful enemies around them.

Before that, she was planning the dragon clan with Yuan Feng, intending to ambush the ancestral dragon, but now she found that she was facing a more dangerous situation than the ancestral dragon.

Fire crystals are associated with fire and have the effect of storing and absorbing fire. They are also the top material for casting weapons. Where the fire is stronger, the more fire crystals there are, the better the quality.

The fire in the Undead Volcano is rich, and there are many fire crystals. It is an important means for the Phoenix Clan to suppress and release the fire and prevent the Undead Volcano from erupting.

But now, in order to obtain fire crystals, the clan members have allowed the accumulation of fire, ignored the danger of the Undead Volcano, and forgotten the responsibility of the world.

How can Yuan Huang not be angry and sad.

This made Yuan Huang feel for the first time that the children who grew up under his care began to become strange, as if he had never understood them.

Yuan Feng, who had just fallen into a deep sleep, was not at ease at this time. He seemed to sense that Yuan Huang was helpless at this time and slowly opened his eyes.

After forcing himself to cheer up and drinking a few sips of spiritual dew, he went to the meeting hall again.

At this time, Yuan Feng's face was pale, his eyes were full of bloodshot, and he could not hide his fatigue, but he still came to Yuan Huang, gently patted the back of her hand, and indicated that the rest of the things would be handed over to him.

"Feng, you..."

Yuan Huang's words were not finished, and he stopped in Yuan Feng's gentle eyes, but his worry was revealed on his face.

Yuan Feng did not scold the thoughts and desires of the few people, he just looked at them with some disappointment in his eyes.

This disappointment made the few people feel uneasy, wanting to say something but not knowing how to start, so they could only wait anxiously, waiting for Yuan Feng's statement.

No matter what kind of attitude it was, for them at this moment, it made them feel better than Yuan Feng's disappointed and speechless eyes.

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