Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 80: Yuan Feng travels through the wilderness and finally reaches Yunmengze (available now, p

Yuan Feng sensed Yuan Feng's awakening immediately, immediately stopped patrolling, left the Immortal Volcano, and rushed towards the sycamore tree.

"Feng, you finally woke up."

Yuanhuang threw herself into Yuanfeng's arms, gently wrapped her arms around Yuanfeng's waist, and buried her whole body in his arms.

Yuan Feng hugged Yuan Huang gently, her voice as gentle as ever, and said:

"You have worked hard during this period, carrying such a huge pressure on your shoulders, are you exhausted? Just leave the rest to me."


Yuanhuang's voice was full of exhaustion and deep attachment.

"Get some rest and everything will be fine when you wake up."


Yuanhuang is also exhausted now. Since this Yuanhui, she has been located in the immortal volcano, constantly suppressing one volcano after another without stopping.

Even if she had a moment to relax, she would continue to patrol, worrying about what accidents might happen.

The disturbances and temptations from the outside world were constantly wearing down her mind.

Under the internal and external troubles, the whole person was extremely tired. After seeing Yuanfeng wake up, his tense mind relaxed and he fell asleep directly in Yuanfeng's arms.

Seeing this, Yuan Feng just put her under the sycamore tree with a little distress, and then walked out slowly.

At this time, a catastrophe of heaven and earth is imminent. It is not the time for children to love each other. The current crisis requires him more than Yuan Huang.

Yuan Feng immediately rushed to the Immortal Volcano. He needed to know the specific situation and how much time he could have.

It took a thousand years for Yuan Feng to determine the current general situation of the immortal volcano. With the current growth rate, there should be no serious problems in the past five Yuanhui.

Yuanfeng immediately took the fragments of the jade dish of creation and rushed to Yujing Mountain. He needed to visit the major water gods and borrow water within a Yuanhui.

However, he and the Phoenix Clan alone would not have the ability or face to do so. Now, the only great god he has the opportunity to ask is Ancestor Hongjun, and only Ancestor Hongjun will help him.

Looking at the fragments of the jade dish of creation in his hand, Yuan Feng suddenly smiled bitterly and sighed:

"Under the great road, one drink and one peck are all determined."

Then he didn't think anything, tore apart the space and rushed to Yujing Mountain.

Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun suddenly felt a burst of joy, and the jade plate of creation also exuded spiritual light. He knew why, and said!

"It seems that the opportunity for the perfect creation of the Jade Disc has now arrived at your door."

He knew something had happened to the Feng clan, and he was ready to follow Yuan Feng to the Immortal Volcano and help him suppress it for a while.

But he never thought that Yuan Feng's trip had another purpose, and he would use up the karma he had left for the water gods. After he learned about it, he also made some guesses.

Heaven and Earth are taking the initiative to eliminate the causes and effects that may affect the outcome of the battle between Hongjun and Luohu, and try to reduce the number of innate saints involved as much as possible.

Let the two of them fight as fair as possible and at the same time repay the karma they owe to heaven and earth alone after the war.

After the cause and effect are cleared, it is the time to merge.

"Please help me, God."

Yuan Feng presented the jade plate of good fortune in his hand, but what he explained gave Hongjun a headache, drawing water from the world and pouring it back into the immortal volcano.

Once it is successful, it is indeed a great merit. At least within a thousand yuan, the immortal volcano will no longer be in danger of erupting, and the world will be in a dangerous situation.

Moreover, this move is in line with humanity and is an extremely suitable method. It is a pity that all the hard work of saving water has been lost.

The fragments of the jade dish of good fortune must be recycled, otherwise there will be no hope of harmonizing with the Tao. This move indeed has great merits for heaven and earth, and it should be done.

"That's all. I'll just do whatever you want and live this life."

Hongjun accepted the fragments of the jade dish of creation and no longer considered other plans, so that Yuanfeng could go to the East China Sea. This kind of thing could not avoid Zulong, the co-master of the water system.

Zulong has just returned to the East China Sea. He has been recovering from his injuries near Yunmengze for nearly five Yuanhui. Now his injuries have healed, and although his state has not yet recovered, he has immediately returned to the East China Sea.

The green dragon is still in the eye of the sea. Within these five Yuanhui, the sudden influx of water vapor in the eye of the sea that was about to dry up has caused the riot to never stop.

Now there is even a risk of overflow, and Zulong is very busy with this.

At this time, Ancestor Hongjun came to visit. Zulong originally thought that he might owe Karma again, but he found that the solution came by himself.

And not only will you not be owed any karma, but a considerable amount of merit will be credited to your account, so you will naturally respond.

Zu Long never thought about taking advantage of the opportunity to gain something, because it was not necessary, and the method of eliminating the cause and effect did not necessarily require repayment.

Why should you be a bad person at this time? You don't need to achieve success in one battle, as long as you make steady progress.

This has always been Zulong's way of doing things. If you have enough time, there is nothing wrong with going slower, at least it is safe.

But Zulong also said it first. The East China Sea can mobilize 30% of the water vapor of the sea eye, and the other three seas can mobilize 20% each. For the remaining shortfall, they need to find the water gods themselves.

Zulong will not refuse, but will not interfere with their thoughts and actions.

Yuan Feng was extremely satisfied with this result, and the next step was to visit various water gods.

Time was limited, and they didn't have much time to delay on the road. The Great Desolate World was too vast, and even for them, it was extremely difficult for them to finish the journey within a Yuanhui.

After Yuan Feng and the others left, the Dragon Clan immediately began to make non-stop preparations to allow the remaining air from the Three Seas to enter the South China Sea.

Especially the North Sea is the farthest, which requires a lot of time to dispatch, and at the same time, the creatures in the South Sea must be evacuated to leave a waterway for water vapor to pass through.

Preventing a large amount of low-temperature seawater from entering will create killing karma.

None of these things can be decided and acted at will. If you are not careful, it will be boundless karma.

Every action must be done carefully to ensure that it is foolproof, and this is only the preliminary preparation.

The real water vapor dispatch needs to wait until the backflow of the immortal volcano begins. Otherwise, a large amount of water vapor will remain, and the sea water will rise over a large area, flooding the prehistoric continent.

Under the continuous visits of Yuanfeng and Hongjun, many water gods agreed to it for Hongjun's sake, although it was mainly to repay the karma owed in Yunmengze.

However, they were also seriously discussing which river channel the water vapor should enter the immortal volcano in the southern continent, whether it should go through inland waters or directly from the estuary. These all need to be negotiated.

Amidst the crowd, Yuan Feng and Hong Jun finally reached the last stop in the water system of the Eastern Continent.

It is also one of the two most important stops on this trip. It is the largest place for water vapor retention and regulation in the Honghuang Continent.

The dojo of Qi, the god who controls the power of punishment of the gods of the water system—Yunmengze.

"Daoyou Yuan Feng, after this stop, the rest depends on you. After all, the few thin faces I have in the East will not be recognized by others in the Western Continent."

Hong Jun said to Yuan Feng with a smile.

"This trip can be so smooth, and I have relied a lot on the great god's righteousness. Yuan Feng would like to thank him here."

Yuan Feng bowed and saluted. On this trip, he completely knew the difference between them and these old gods.

Over a long period of time, these old gods have accumulated terrifying influence and have the opportunity to influence countless innate gods.

These opportunities are what the three tribes dream of now, but they are out of reach.

A visiting card flew in front of Qi's dojo and was delivered to Qi by Bai Ling.

Qi had just recovered at this time, and the exchange with Taiyi was included in Qi's taboo list.

Seeing the visiting card, Qi was a little surprised, wondering why Yuanfeng suddenly came to Yunmengze.

"How could the great god Hongjun be involved with Yuanfeng?"

Qi was puzzled.

Fuxi said:

"It seems that we all guessed wrong at the beginning. I'm afraid that there is a big problem in the southern continent now. I just can't figure out what kind of problem needs to be found in Yunmengze."

Qi responded to Fuxi with a little indifference, saying:

"Now we know too little information, but I think it should not have much impact on Yunmengze. Let's go and greet them first. After all, they are top gods, so we must not be rude."

It's not that Qi is out of touch with the news, but Yuanfeng and Hongjun are too fast. Before the news reaches Yunmengze, the two have arrived first.

After all, there is no information transmission speed between heaven and earth that can match the innate sacred journey.

Moreover, there was Hongjun, a veteran god, among them, and Yuanfeng, as the leader of flying birds, was also the fastest in the world.

Qi immediately opened the mountain gate, set up a grand ceremony, prepared a banquet, and invited the two into the Taoist temple.

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