Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 87 Chapter 84 Luo Hou suffers loss, pray for gain

News from Yuan Feng came from the jade beads, telling Qi that the Feng clan would open up the river channels between the southern and northern continental water systems and Yunmengze within the two Yuanhui.

At that time, the water vapor in the entire east and north will enter Yunmengze through the existing rivers, and then enter the southern continent from Yunmengze through the newly built rivers.

Qi had a strange feeling in his heart. Even though he had done nothing, he suddenly became one of the biggest gainers of benefits.

Because once the river is built, Yunmengze will connect the entire prehistoric water vein. After all, after the river is built, it will not only be used this time.

"I didn't expect that the Phoenix Clan's plan would actually bring me such benefits. It's a pity that this green mountain will only exist in the water in the future."

As long as the entire prehistoric water system is connected, according to Qi's calculation, the water level in Yunmengze will skyrocket.

In addition, during the process of forming the heaven, excess water vapor is removed, and the land separated by the lakes in Yunmengze will be submerged by the lake water in the future.

All the lakes will be connected together and become the inland sea of ​​the ancient continent, completely filling Yunmengze, the depression of the ancient continent, with water from the sky.

Nowadays, most of the green mountains that can be seen everywhere in Yunmengze will eventually be submerged. Only a few of the mountains will have their peaks exposed above the water and become islands.

This is an absolute good thing for Qi. Connecting the other two continents will increase Yunmengze's water transport, thereby enhancing Qi's luck.

The waters of Yunmengze have expanded to accommodate the influx of more water vapor. Every wisp of water vapor is the foundation of a water system and the capital to cope with changes in the world.

The only regret I have is that the bustling Yunmengze in the past may only exist in memory. After the expansion, Yunmengze will only have a small amount of land and cannot carry too many land creatures.

Most of the existing creatures will be moved away, otherwise they will just become dust that is accidentally crushed when the water vapor pours in.

When Taichi saw that Qi was deep in thought, he didn't bother him. He was just playing with the chess pieces on the chessboard. He also saw the information in the jade beads, but he had no feelings about it and didn't care about these things.

"Taiyi, what do you think if we use divine power to transform these mountain islands into a formation base that can float on the water? It just so happens that I have mastered the innate star formation, and this formation is the top of the world and has many functions."

Qi suddenly asked with a flash of inspiration.

When Taiyi heard this, he just smiled and said:

"Just do it if you want to. Anyway, you have plenty of time. If you leave those natural and earthly treasures unused, they won't be of much use. You might as well have some fun with them."

Taiyi didn't think much about it, he just thought that Qi might be bored and wanted to find something to kill time.

He was a little uncomfortable seeing Qi doing nothing during this period. Everyone was like this when they first met, but for some reason he felt uncomfortable now.

Qi called Bai Ling again and told him his decision just now in Bai Ling's confused eyes.

"Starting from tomorrow, you will inform all tribes in Yunmengze that a great disaster is coming. The two Yuanhui can avoid it by moving away from Yunmengze. The scope of this disaster is very wide, and non-Shui tribe cannot stay."

"Remember to move away from Yunmengze."

Bai Ling was even more confused. He couldn't figure it out and was worried about the creatures living in Yunmengze, so he asked directly:

"Lord, what kind of disaster is this? Even Yunmengze under your rule cannot avoid it. So is there anywhere else they can go?"

"With your vast magical power, you can't protect them. The wilderness is so vast. Please show them a way to survive."

Seeing Bai Ling like this, Qi laughed loudly and said:

"It's not that I can't protect them, but the impact of this disaster is huge, and Yunmengze is the core, so we can just live around Yunmengze."

"Yes, the Lord has ordered that Bai Ling go and inform all the tribes so that they can avoid the disaster. Bai Ling will retire."

Seeing Bai Ling retreating, Qi showed the terrain map of Yunmengze and began to study which mountain tops to take to refine the mobile island formation base.

"If you want to create a grand formation with this goal, you need at least twelve super-large island formation bases to reflect the twelve bright moons in the innate star formation."

"There are also 129,600 small islands to reflect the stars. As long as the large array is completed, it can attract the starlight and moonlight in the starry sky, and can operate on its own without consuming external force."

"In addition, when the starlight and moonlight enter the water, it can also condense the starlight divine water and the moonlight divine water. It is also a rare treasure and is the best choice to protect the dojo."

There was a hint of excitement in Qi's voice. He had found a job that could kill time without losing his mind by playing with things, and it could also increase his income a little.

Although he doesn't value these things, he is quite satisfied that he can get good results without spending much effort.

Seeing that Qi was very interested, Taiyi also participated in it and selected a hilltop that was more suitable as the base of the formation.

Fuxi is refining the spiritual treasure, Dijun is still receiving the inheritance, and Nuwa is in seclusion. Only Taiyi and Qi can take action on this matter.

With the help of the Yunmeng Formation that had been built before, Qi and Taiyi continued to teleport in Yunmeng Ze and began on-site inspections to confirm whether it was suitable.

After all, there are too many formation bases required, the corresponding stars are different, and the materials required are also different. Each of these needs to be carefully considered.

Mount Sumeru.

Luo Hu's face was solemn. He did not expect that the Yin and Yang Qi were so difficult to deal with. When the two people's realms were far apart, he found it difficult to get rid of them, and even had a faint tendency to spread.

Now his hand ached slightly, as if it was about to turn into qi and leave.

The sound of the mill of extinction began to gradually stop. Luo Hou looked up and saw that the mill of extinction was covered by a layer of clouds and mist, and there was a faint tendency to condense.

He wanted to reach out to touch it, but halfway through, he switched to the intact one. As a result, Luo Hou retreated instantly after just a slight touch.

This time, Luo Hou's face turned completely black. He raised his hand and saw that the flesh and blood melted where it touched the white mist, revealing the crystal bones.

"What on earth is this? Although it is fog, how can there be such a strong fire? What on earth is the Phoenix Clan doing?"

Luo Hou was a little furious. He saw that the fog on the mill of extinction changed and condensed into a world surrounded by clouds and mist in the sky.

The bottom layer of clouds and mist disappeared and turned into rain, falling on the surrounding ground. After a while, the mill of extinction gradually returned to normal.

Seeing this, Luo Hou began to think about the reasons for the changes and why there were such changes.

He found that it seemed as if the West had lost touch with the prehistoric world. He failed to participate in these major events that affected the prehistoric world. The lack of information led to his great loss.

Something unexpected happened today. Here comes the third update. Good night, everyone.

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