Primordial: Yunmeng Snake

Chapter 97 Leaving, Leaving Again

In the thousands of years since he began to select the formation base, Qi had truly discovered the various forms of the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Many of the mountains he thought were beautiful were picked out of the earth by King Pan.

In the end, there was no choice but to let it be reduced to the material of the formation base. Qi once curiously asked, don’t you feel sad that so many beautiful mountains were taken away by us like this?

King Pan smiled and said, you think the things that are precious and beautiful, such as those mountains, are beautiful because you rarely see them.

In my opinion, this is just an ordinary mountain among hundreds of thousands of mountains, and it is part of the obstacles to the development of humanity here.

From then on, Qi no longer asked these questions, but concentrated on uprooting the mountains and trying to connect the ruins of these mountains into a highway as much as possible.

When King Pan saw this, he smiled and said nothing.

Qi did not start refining the formation base in the Hundred Thousand Mountains. He was just collecting the mountain tops. Instead, he planned to return to Yunmengze and start refining again.

After all, this is not a dojo for praying, and the delay has been too long. It is time to go back. Counting the time, the diversion of water into the immortal volcano should start soon.

With a loud noise, twelve super mountains in a row were uprooted from the earth together with their roots, suspended in the air, and continued to shrink until they were less than one foot tall, and were prayed for in their sleeves.

At this time, there was only Qi alone here. Taiyi and Panwang did not follow him, but stayed in the cave to discuss the techniques.

Both of them are fond of this art, and the techniques they use are extremely strange. Some of them are prayers, but if they are not noticed, they will be severely damaged.

For example, Taiyi has always had an idea to nurture divine power into a spiritual light and transform it into the shape of a sword through constant sacrifice and nurturing.

Then add some spiritual materials to turn it into a spiritual body. Once it develops spirituality, it will definitely be a first-class attack spell in the world.

Unfortunately, there is currently nothing that can carry his vision. He once used a medium-grade innate spiritual treasure washing jade bottle from Nuwa as a carrier, but it was a pity that it was only broken down in its prototype.

Finally, it broke through the space and fell into the chaos. Taiyi went to look for it, only to find that it had dissipated in the chaos, with no spirituality, and all the hard work was in vain.

Qi is now really worried about what kind of magic the two of them will discuss and whether it will surpass those top magical powers.

"Fellow Daoist King Pan, that's enough for now. Yun Mengze still has important things to do. Now it's time to return. Qite is here to say goodbye."

Qi found the two people who were communicating. When Taiyi saw that Qi was leaving, he also knew that the trip had been delayed for too long and now had seriously exceeded the expected return time.

Although Taiyi was reluctant to leave this Taoist friend who shared the same hobbies, he could only stand up and said:

"Fellow Taoist Panwang, after this farewell, I don't know when we will meet again next time. I look forward to the next time you and I can continue discussing Taoism."

King Pan just smiled and said:

"Since fellow Taoist disciples still have important matters to attend to, Hu will not hold back any longer. I wish you two fellow daoists a safe journey. I look forward to the next time you and I will sit down and talk about the Tao."

"Good." Qi said with Taiyi.

Without stopping too long, his body turned into clear light and golden light and disappeared into the Shiwan Mountains.

"It's time to continue clearing the way, that's all. We will meet again eventually."

King Pan stood up, changed back to his usual short game, held a short ax, and walked into the forest.

"Fellow Taoist Pan Wang is such a wonderful person, with countless magical ideas that are unconstrained and unconstrained."

During the flight, Taiyi kept explaining to Qi what he had gained from the trip, and Qi smiled and asked Taiyi:

"A lot of harvest?"

What I heard was Taiyi's affirmative answer.

“It’s been quite rewarding.”


Nuwa was bored in the pavilion in the center of the pool. She couldn't help but ask Fuxi beside her, saying:

"When do you think Qi and Taiyi will come back? They just went out to play by themselves without saying a word and didn't even bother to wake me up. It's really too much."

"And it's been so much longer than expected to return. I don't know where they are now."

Nuwa is not worried about the safety of Qi and Taiyi. With the strength of the two of them together, no one should be able to keep them if the old masters don't take action.

"It's okay, don't worry. They must have encountered something interesting and stayed for a while. With the strength of the two of them, how can they go nowhere?"

The words Fuxi said seemed to comfort Nuwa, but in fact they were emphasizing to Nuwa that Qi and Taiyi went out to play, lost track of time, and did not take her with them.

The two suddenly sensed something and looked into the lotus pond at the same time. Two figures appeared from it, it was Di Jun and Yangmei.

He raised his eyebrows and looked relaxed, as if he had lost some heavy burden.

Di Jun's aura was full and his eyes were shining, as if he had thrown away the shackles of the past and became confident and high-spirited.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Di Jun for regaining his life."

Fuxi was a little confused by Nuwa's words, while Dijun and Yangmei were a little surprised.

"You girl, I've been wrong in the past. I didn't expect you to be the first to notice. I thought I had looked at you as high as I could, but I didn't expect that your senses are so sensitive. I still underestimated you at the beginning."

The raised eyebrows made Nuwa raise her head a little, as if to express how outstanding she was now.

"But now that my business is done, it's time to go back. See you later."

Before the three of them could react, the figure with raised eyebrows disappeared from everyone's eyes, as if it had never existed.

The three of them looked at each other in confusion. Emperor Jun didn't see Taiyi and Qi appear, so he said:

"Where are Qi and Taiyi? Why haven't I come here after I've been out of seclusion for so long?"

Nuwa felt annoyed when she thought about this and said angrily:

"Your brother was kidnapped by Qi, and he secretly left us behind to go to the Ten Thousand Mountains for fun."

Di Jun was speechless, not knowing how to answer.

Fuxi looked strange, as if he wanted to laugh but was embarrassed.

"Daoyou Dijun, what did you gain this time?"

Seeing that there was no movement between the three of them, Fuxi gave Dijun a way out to change the subject.

"The Great Dao of the King of Thailand is profound and cannot be fully digested in a short period of time."

"But I have gained a lot from seeing a little bit of it. In the next period of time, I just need to wait quietly and watch the changes."

"Our era will eventually come."

When Di Jun talked about this, the confidence and ambition in his eyes were radiant, as if he knew some destined future, which gave him the confidence to lead the prehistoric world.

Di Jun didn't know much. He raised his eyebrows and told him that there would be no winner in the battle between the three tribes, let alone a winner.

Your era will eventually come, and that era will be the most powerful since the birth of the prehistoric world.

Talents will emerge in large numbers, and everyone will be like a dragon. The old generation of innate saints will all retire, and that is when you will show your talents.

Di Jun believes that they will be the trendsetters in the tide of the times at that time, and he is not afraid of competing with any people of the same generation.

P S: I always feel that the quality has declined too much in the previous three updates. I discussed with the group members in the group and decided that I will still write 4,000 words a day to ensure better quality. I hope everyone can understand and thank you for your support.

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