In the master bedroom of the manor, I once again picked up the wooden box that sealed all the strength of the old master.

After today's event, I think I should improve my strength quickly. I don't want to hurt the people I love and those who love me.

"What kind of box is this? Is that important? " Shangguan Lulu asked curiously when she saw that I looked dignified and worried.

"This is from Li Niang." I don't think it's necessary to hide it from them now, because I thought I could handle many things by myself, but every time it turned out to be a mess. Every time I want to bear it by myself, but every time the person I love is hurt.

"What did Aunt Li Niang give you? She is so eccentric," Wang Yaodu said with a small mouth.

"It's said that all the skills of the old owner are sealed in this small box. Li Niang gave it to me to deal with the crisis of the Miller family," I explained.

"The Miller family crisis? What's the crisis with the Miller family? " Wang Yao asked curiously.

"In fact, the experts in the forbidden area want to rebel. Li Niang wants me to improve my ability quickly and try to stop them when those experts come out to kill them." I explained.

"Rebellion in forbidden area should be the crisis of Miller's army. How could it be the crisis of Miller's family?" Wang Yao asked me.

"Because the Miller Legion is a shackle of the forbidden area. If the Miller Legion can't stop them, they will rush out. When they arrive, the whole manor will be swept by this storm." I said.

"Satan, the God of death who led the rebellion in the forbidden area, has died. That's why Aunt Li Niang looks at me with new eyes. Does this mean that the Miller family's crisis has been lifted?" Wang Yao asked tentatively.

"It's not that simple. Death is not the only one rebelling in the forbidden area. The death of Satan will only suppress them for a period of time, because I heard Li Niang say that the forbidden area is now divided, and the two forces are equal," I said, looking at Wang Yao.

"I heard Xiao Ya say that the seven heroes in the forbidden area are the most powerful. They are all masters at the level of emperor of heaven, but it is said that only Satan, the God of death, has the intention of rebellion," Wang Yao said.

"Why haven't I heard of the seven heroes in the forbidden area, and who is Xiao Ya?" I asked Wang Yao.

"Seven heroes in forbidden area were the seven best pirates before they were forbidden by the Miller family. They are eagle king, Dragon King, carving king, leopard king, tiger king, shark king and whale king. And the king of the whale is the father of Satan, "explains Wang Yao.

"Xiaoya is my most effective assistant in Miller's legion. She lurks in the forbidden area to find out the reason why Satan, the God of death, has rapidly improved her strength. It's also the reason why she changed the Juyuan pill used by Satan, the God of death, to poison Satan," Wang Yao continued.

"So Xiao Ya's contribution is really great," I nodded after listening to Wang Yao's words. I felt that I had a little understanding of the forbidden area Qixiong, and that Wang Yao had someone to help me in the Miller Corps. I felt very happy.

"Yes, Xiaoya has made a great contribution this time. I have promoted Xiaoya to be the Dharma protector of Miller's legion." Wang Yao nodded and said.

"Yao Yao, you have done a good job. You will be rewarded for your meritorious deeds and punished for your mistakes. Should they be very obedient to you?" At the beginning, Wang Yao took over the leader of Miller's legion. I was a little worried, because Wang Yao's strength was mediocre. It was not so easy to make an army full of experts obey her,

Although the red hair ghost king said that Wang Yao's way of life was ok, which made everyone convinced, he was afraid that the scholar would meet the soldier, so he couldn't explain why.

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