"Great, Princess wife, you are better at last." I choked and said, I also admire how my mouth water.

"But I'll be an ordinary person in the future. I don't know any Kung Fu at all," Shangguan Lulu said in a loss. She stood up weakly from my arms and touched her face involuntarily.

"It's OK. I'll protect you. I have me," I said firmly.

"Mm-hmm" Shangguan Lulu nodded obediently, as good as she could be.

"Princess sister, it's good for you to wake up," Wang Yao said and fainted.

"Wang Yao, what's the matter with you?" I quickly picked up Wang Yao, only to find that she had a gruesome wound on her back.

"Sister Wang Yao, what's the matter with you? Wake up quickly." Shangguan Lulu holds Wang Yao's hand and cries.

"Take Yaoyao leader back to camp, Yaoyao leader is seriously injured," Xiao Ya said to me.

I picked up Wang Yao and ran to the camp with Xiao Ya. Shangguan Lulu followed me closely, but after a while, she couldn't keep up with me. Shangguan Lulu and I suddenly separated.

I went back to Shangguan lulu. Come on, I'll carry you. I bent down and motioned Shangguan Lulu to climb up.

Shangguan Lulu hesitated for a while and fell on my back. I asked her to hold me tightly. Her two hands tightly embrace my neck, I carry Shangguan Lulu holding Wang Yao quickly run to the camp.

When I arrived at the camp, I was sweating. Wang Yao was sent to the hospital for treatment. Shangguan Lulu and I stayed by Wang Yao's bed, and Xiao Ya walked anxiously.

At this time, a guard rushed in to see Wang Yao.

"The leader of Yao Yao is injured, and now he is in a coma. If you have words, you can talk quickly. If you fart quickly," said Xiao Ya. Seeing Wang Yao injured, she is in a bad mood.

"Dharma protector, a man broke into the forbidden area," the guard said.

"Kill, something you don't know how to live or die," Xiao Ya ordered.

"Yes, Dharma protector" guards stand up and will retreat.

"Wait a minute," I stood up to stop.

"This is the rule of forbidden area. What do you want to do?" Shaya looked at me and asked.

"Maybe it's my friend, please forgive me." although I told Li Yan that they were going out, I knew Li Yan's temper. If there was a situation, she would rush in without hesitation. Just like before I went to Artest's ship to save Wang Yao, she also risked her life to save us.

"Princess wife, you stay here, I'll go and have a look," I said to Shangguan lulu.

"Yes. Be careful, it may be Li Yan's elder sister. "Shangguan Lulu nodded and said cleverly.

I and the guard came to the camp, far away I saw a weak and familiar figure, I tried to run to her.

Yes, it's Li Yan, the girl whose heart was broken by me, but she still thinks about me everywhere and is willing to do everything for me.

"Yan'er, why are you here?" I take Li Yan into my arms and ask painfully.

"Where is Shangguan Lulu? What about Shangguan Lulu? " Li Yan completely ignored me, she repeated a question dully.

"Jane forgot to tell you, in addition to Dingyan pill also love tears, I'll tell you, I don't know if it's too late" Liyan finish also faint in my arms.

One of my princesses picked up Li Yan. After a few steps, Li Yan suddenly woke up and burst into tears.

"Am I late? I'm sorry, "Li Yan cried with remorse.

"Yan'er, you're not late. Shangguan Lulu is OK. Don't worry." I looked at Li Yan gently and said.

"Really? Is the princess's sister all right Li Yan asked uncertainly.

"Really, Yan'er worked hard," I said, kissing Li Yan on the forehead.

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