"Do you mean one of the seven heroes in the forbidden area gave strength to Wang Yao?" I analyzed it according to Li Niang's words.

"Yes, only this can explain. As long as Wang Yao controls this power, she is also an expert at the level of emperor of heaven," Li Niang said happily.

"Is Li Niang Wang Yao really OK?" I see Li Niang's calm look, I doubt of ask a way.

"It depends on fate. Wang Yao is not an ordinary girl. She is as holy spirit as Yashu, so her endurance is much stronger than ordinary people," Li Niang said uncertainly.

"The spirit body? What do you mean I can't understand Li Niang at all. It seems that Wang Yao is different from ordinary people.

"The spirit body is special and extremely rare. According to the five elements, the spirit body can be divided into golden spirit body, wood spirit body, water spirit body, fire spirit body and earth spirit body. If I'm not wrong, Wang Yao is a unique spirit of fire, "Li Niang said, looking at Wang Yao.

"What's so special about people in the body of the Holy Spirit?" I asked.

"There is no difference between the human body of the Holy Spirit body and ordinary people, but the attributes of ordinary people's body are messy, which may occupy two or even several attributes. But the body of the Holy Spirit is a pure attribute. People with the body of the Holy Spirit are intelligent and beautiful, and their learning ability and endurance are more than ten times that of ordinary people, "Li Niang explains.

"Oh, so it is." it suddenly occurred to me that when Li Yan and Shangguan Lulu helped me break through the seventh power of the eye of resurrection pendant, Li Yan gave me a kind of water power, and Shangguan Lulu's power was hot and powerful, just like gold in non action. Were they also Holy Spirit.

"We must protect Wang Yao. The spirit body can help the practitioners improve their strength quickly, so if other people know that Wang Yao is the spirit body, she will be very dangerous," Li Niang said cautiously.

"I will," I said, nodding.

"You're lucky. There are two Holy Spirit girls around you," Li Niang suddenly looked up at me with profound meaning.

I am a little confused by Li Niang. Does she know that Li Yan and Shangguan Lulu are also Holy Spirit? Or what do you mean?

"Who else?" I asked weakly.

"Of course, it's my baby daughter Yashu. Yashu is a native spirit, so her strength is not bad, and now she is also the highest level of morshang." Li Niang said that Yashu's face was full of pride and pride.

"Li Niang, I have a question for you?" I feel like I suddenly understand something.

"What's the problem?" Li Niang looked up at me.

"You are the only one in the manor to break through the Tiandi level. Is there any reason for Yashu?" I wonder why Li Niang's strength is higher than that of the red hair ghost king, and Yashu has reached the highest level of magic war when she is young.

"This... To tell you the truth, Yashu really helped me. Without Yashu, I couldn't break through the rank of emperor of heaven." Li Niang tangled for a while and finally told me the truth.

"How did Yashu help you?" There are some things I still don't understand. If I guess right, Li Yan is also the Holy Spirit body that Li Niang said, but Li Yan has no strength at all. How can the practitioners capture her and improve her strength?

"There is endless power in the body of the spirit body. The spirit body can get energy from all things in nature. Yashu is the earth spirit body, and she can draw power from the earth. Yashu is to give me the strength to help me break through the emperor level, and the most precious thing in the spirit body is Shengyuan, "Li Niang said slowly.

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