"What? Princess wife, please say, "I can't wait to ask.

"Sister Wang Yao accidentally sucked away a master of Tiandi level, but Zhen said that sister Wang Yao didn't control that power, but was controlled by that power, which showed that the power in sister Wang Yao's body was water-based, and only water-based power would hurt sister Wang Yao," Shangguan Lulu analyzed.

"Isn't Yao very dangerous? How can I save her?" I look at Wang Yao with heartache. I thought she would wake up by herself. I believe Shangguan Lulu's analysis. I just want to wake Wang Yao up immediately.

"If sister Wang Yao's body is the power of water phase, Sister Li Yan can save her, but if Sister Li Yan absorbs all that power, Sister Li Yan will not be able to stand it..." Shangguan Lulu said nervously, indicating that the situation is really not optimistic.

"What shall we do?" I asked.

"For Wang Yao's sister, I'm not afraid of injury," Li Yan said firmly?.

"Have, big fool Li Yan elder sister gives you the strength in her body again, Li Yan elder sister can't stand you, because you are five elements spirit body." Shangguan Lulu has a brainstorm to say.

"I know how to do... Thank you princess wife, your great kindness in this life can't be rewarded, only to make a promise by yourself," I said gratefully.

"Don't be garrulous. Save sister Wang Yao quickly. She must have been suffering from that force for a long time." Shangguan Lulu gave me a glance and urged me.

"OK, Princess wife, you teach us how to do it." I looked at Shangguan Lulu with a flattering face.

"Sister Liyan, you hold sister Wang Yao's hand. Big fool, you hold sister Liyan's hand. Close your eyes. Big fool, you try to gather the power of the eye of resurrection pendant." Shangguan Lulu guides us step by step.

Li Yan and I made preparations step by step according to the instructions of Shangguan lulu. Li Yan and I closed our eyes. I gathered the power in my body. Now I feel that the power in my body is more and more powerful, and I am more and more comfortable in controlling this power.

That force circulates in my body like a swimming dragon. Suddenly, I feel another force enters my body, and it is not weaker than the original force in my body. The two forces intertwine and fuse with each other, just like two twisted ropes, and gradually become a force. Now this force constantly impacts my seven tendons, eight veins and five viscera.

I felt like I was bitten by ants all over my body. I couldn't say it was hard.

"Li Yan elder sister, Wang Yao elder sister already awaked, you quick let go of her hand." Shangguan Lulu said aloud.

Li Yan heard what Shangguan Lulu said and released Wang Yao's hand decisively. I heard that Wang Yao woke up. I was very happy, but I couldn't control the power.

"I'll count to one, two, three. Sister Liyan, you big fool, let go at the same time," Shangguan Lulu said.




"Let go"

Hearing the words of Shangguan Lulu, Li Yan and I let go at the same time. I slowly opened my eyes and found that the bedroom was filled with water mist, just like a rainy day.

Slowly the mist dissipated, I think of Wang Yao and Li Yan, I don't know if they are better.

"Yao Yao's wife, Yan'er, are you ok?" I asked. I saw Wang Yao awake, sitting on the bed and looking at us inexplicably.

"I'm fine. Is sister Wang Yao better?" Li Yan asked with concern.

"Sister Liyan is a villain. I feel I have had a long dream. I can't find you in the dream. I'm afraid, but I just can't wake up," Wang Yao said weakly.

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