"I'd better go over there. I want to have a private talk with you. Can I just have a few minutes?" Biya said seriously.

"Well, uncle Qiao Shan, please let the brothers go first." Xiao Ya and Biya went to the entrance stone tablet.

"What can I do for you?" Xiao Ya asked, sitting on the stone steps.

"My father is alone in the forbidden area. Please ask the Dharma protector of Xiaoya to take care of my father for me," Biya said to Xiaoya.

"Don't worry, I have no father or mother since I was a child. Uncle Qiao Shan is just like my father. I will take care of him," Xiao Ya said.

"Thank you, Xiaoya. You are not fatherless and motherless. Your mother is still alive," BIA said.

"What do you mean? Do I have parents? Why haven't you come to see me for so many years? I have no parents, and I don't need such parents. "Xiao Ya suddenly becomes delicate.

"I don't know why they abandoned you, but I still want to tell you about your biological mother, who is still alive." Biya understands Xiaoya's feeling that it's better to raise than to give birth.

"Tell me about it, I see that heartless woman made me," said Xiao Ya with an indifferent expression, but she was really sad. She didn't want to know who her own mother was and who would be an orphan if she could choose.

"Your biological mother is Luji," Biya said calmly.

"Green girl... Which green girl?" Xiao Ya suddenly gets nervous, because what she hates most now is the seal and the poison mother green girl. The seal and the poison mother green girl betray each other and are notorious. They have come to the point where everyone shouts to fight.

"It's poison mother green Ji," BIA said calmly.

"Impossible, how can that vicious woman be my biological parents? No, I don't have a mother. I'm born." Xiao Ya couldn't accept the blow. She would rather believe that her biological mother was a disabled person who couldn't take care of herself. It doesn't matter whether she is blind or deaf. She doesn't want her mother to be poison mother Lvji.

Who would like their relatives to be the same role as a street mouse, but some things are doomed and can never be changed.

"It's a fact that your mother is poison mother Luji, and the seal is your half brother. Now poison mother Luji wants me to tell you that I hope you can help them when they raid the manor. Poison mother Luji also says that there is a red mole next to your navel, which is a sign of your birth." Biya said everything in one breath, and she didn't want to entangle, This is the last thing she did for her mother. From then on, he and his poison mother, lvji'en, had no relationship.

When she heard Biya say that she had a mole beside her navel, Xiaoya closed her eyes in despair. She felt very helpless. For a moment, her brain was blank, just like a person drinking a broken piece.

The man who dreams of killing himself is actually his mother, and the man who is disloyal, unfilial and unrighteous is his brother.

It's ironic, it's ridiculous

Xiao Ya can't accept it. Now they have to take care of them by themselves. They have to work hard to win the respect and trust of everyone. Should they fall into the abyss again for the sake of two relatives who have never taken care of themselves?

"I've said all that should be said. You can think about it. I owe my poison mother Lvji a favor. I'll send a message for her to repay her. I won't be used by her any more." BIA said and turned to leave.

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