"What resurrection Eye Pendant? How come I've never heard of it? "Asked the poison mother, Lvji.

"The eye of resurrection pendant, the blood saber and the sword of Aina all come from an ancient oriental civilization. They are mutually reinforcing and mutually reinforcing. To cure the wounds of the blood saber, we have to rely on the power of the eye of resurrection pendant," the sable explains.

"I've only heard about Aina's sword and shenqixuedao, but I've never heard of the eye of resurrection pendant," said the poison mother Lvji.

"I haven't heard that the eye of resurrection pendant should be a grandmother's Blue Skull. The skull's left eye is wearing a blood weeping bead. The eye of resurrection pendant has the power to heal wounds quickly and has endless power," the sable describes.

"Where is the eye of resurrection pendant? How can I find it? " Poison mother green Ji asks after a way.

"According to the book, the eye of resurrection pendant comes from the Ming Dynasty 400 years ago. It is the Heirloom treasure of the royal family. Four hundred years ago, the merchant ship of the upper official family was robbed by pirates. The swore Blood Sword God weeping blood knife and the eye of resurrection pendant were all ransacked until the old master Youming fought against the seven heroes alone. The defeated pirate leader used the swore Blood Sword to show his loyalty, The God's blood knife and the moon worship box with the eye of resurrection pendant were given to the Miller family, "the sable told the poison mother Lvji in detail according to the description in the book. In fact, the sable had no intention to look it up, but found it at random.

"The moon worship box? I have a little impression that the box that Aina always brings with her is the moon worship box. If I guess correctly, it should be in the cave. Because Aina died in that cave, "judged poison mother Lvji. She always thought that killing Aina and taking her sword would lead to the position of Miller's master. But she didn't expect that Aina's sword would be very strong.

"No, the moon worship box is not in the cave. The sword of mother Aina has fallen into the hands of those outsiders. Do you think they will leave the moon worship box in the cave?" The seal thought about it for a while and said that it was said that there was something that could cure his wounds. The seal suddenly became interested.

"As long as there is a chance to try, mother will not give up, tomorrow I sent to the cave to have a look," poison mother green Ji attitude firmly said.

"What if there is no cave? Shall I live and die? " The seal said to the poison mother Lvji.

"If bao'er doesn't have it in the cave, it means that she was taken away by those outsiders, and the eye of resurrection pendant must be in the manor. Let's rush in and kill them, and let them hand in the eye of resurrection pendant. Don't worry, as long as bao'er has a way, her mother will cure your injury," comforted the seal.

If it goes on like this, we can only take the risk of raiding the manor, because the wounds of the seal are getting bigger and bigger, and the blood is constantly flowing every day. The poison mother, Lvji, does not dare to wait. She does not want to lose her son.

"Well, tomorrow, if we can't find the moon worship box in the cave, we will raid the manor. Baoer Niang asks you a question, and you should answer me truthfully." poison mother Lvji wants to know what the relationship between the seal and Adi is. Originally, poison mother Lvji especially opposed the contact between the seal and Adi, because she was worried that the seal would be used by ADI. Now suddenly, poison mother Lvji had to consider forming an alliance with ADI, Because the current strength can not shake the Aina manor.

"ADI and I are just friends. Mother, don't you want me to keep a distance from ADI?" The seal asked, increasingly impatient with his mother.

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