So the poison mother, Lvji, and the seal are ready to escape together and have a long-term plan. However, the Black Hawk received the order to intercept the seal. In order to protect the seal, the poisonous mother Lvji released 11 white minks. In addition to the Shenqi blood knife in the hand of the Shanghai leopard, several hundred brothers of the Black Hawk were poisoned and chopped to death.

When the seal slashes the black eagle's head, she stops him because she knows the value of the black eagle.

It can be said that man's calculation is not as good as heaven's, and the poisonous mother Lvji's calculation is exhausted, but in the end, it's nothing. Now the seal has been injured again, which proves an old saying that good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. It's not time not to report it.

"Poison mother, just received a letter from the manor," red mink with a carrier pigeon went to poison mother green Ji side said.

Poison mother Lvji quickly takes over the pigeon in red mink's hand. She knows whose letter it is, because she just gave instructions to BIA in the morning, so now this letter must have been sent by BIA.

"You all go down." poison mother Lvji thinks she should tell the seal about her sister, but she doesn't want others to know.

"Whose letter, mother?" The seal got interested all of a sudden.

"Let me see, it should be about your sister." poison mother Lvji quickly opened the letter.

Toxic mother; I have finished the task you told me. I told Xiao Ya that you are her biological mother. Xiao Ya couldn't accept it for a while. After all, you only gave birth to her and didn't raise her.

I'm not sure Xiaoya Dharma will help you. I've told Xiaoya Dharma about your plan. As for you asking me to connect you and Li Niang, I really can't help it.

Li Niang is in the farm and winery. As my maid, I am not qualified to visit Li Niang in the farm. You should know that.

I met my father, he is a responsible and loving father, I love my father, I don't blame him, I understand his helplessness, later I want to be filial to him.

I think there are also sable, red mink, blue mink, Black Mink, yellow mink, green mink, wood mink, golden mink and mink. We are all orphans, and we became orphans on the same day, because our mother died on the same day.

I didn't know how my mother died before, but when my mother died, her seven orifices were bleeding, her lips were blue, and her viscera were festering. I think it must be thanks to you.

I don't want to pursue it, because I can't avenge it. Let the past go. I just want to live a good life with my father.

The reason why I do these things for you is to repay your kindness. I have done a lot for you. Don't contact me in the future.

From now on, I will not do anything for you, although you gave me food when I was starving. But why I became an orphan, why I was hungry and cold should have a direct relationship with you.

This is my last letter to you. I have released all the pigeons. When you come to raid the manor, I will fight side by side with the owner.

The owner and several wives are good people. They are kind, kind and generous.

I won't do anything wrong to them, and all our brothers and sisters in the manor will stand on the side of the owner.

If you and the seal want to raid the manor, you are the aggressors. We will fight against you.

I hope you do it yourself. Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil. It's not that you don't repay. It's not time.


"Angry me, this dead girl, should have killed her at the beginning," the poison mother green Ji said with gnashing teeth.

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