"Bao'er is the light of God's blood knife," said the poison mother, Lvji carefully.

The seal turned over and got out of bed. He grabbed the Shenqi blood knife and looked at it carefully. He once heard that when the Shenqi blood knife glowed, the evil soul came out of the body.

"Hahaha, heaven helps me too." the seal laughs madly and kisses the green blade of Shenqi Xuedao.

"Are you all right, leopard?" Poison mother green Ji see seal a little crazy worry asked.

"Mother, Shenqi blood knife has been activated. Originally it needs my blood. It is my blood that activates Shenqi blood knife. From today on, the gods block and kill the gods and the Buddhas block and kill the Buddhas." seal said excitedly. His inner evil is increasing.

"Activated? Mother heard that once the Shenqi blood knife is activated, it will control the master's mind. Bao'er, you will become its puppet. "Poison mother Lvji doesn't want the seal to become a walking corpse without soul.

"Mother, I dream that this day will come. It will help me conquer the world, and I will achieve its evil." the seal's eyes are green, like a devil.

"Is leopard worth it? Is it not good to be an ordinary person for a lifetime? " Poison mother green Ji felt despair.

"It's better not to live all your life. If you become a king and a loser, how can you escape into the evil way?" The seal looked as if it were dead.

"Bao'er, my mother knows that nothing can change your decision, but I don't want you to lose yourself," said Lu Ji, the venomous mother. She was so regretful that she didn't tell the seal about his life three years ago.

If the seal doesn't know his father is Caesar Miller, he won't think that Aina has taken everything from him, and the seal will live a safe life in the manor.

The poison mother Lvji lived in a strange hatred all her life. He passed his hatred on to the seal. I've been tormented by hatred all my life. When is the time to repay each other.

Poison mother Lvji didn't end her hatred in her own generation. For a weak and incompetent husband, she killed two generations of people. Hatred took root in her heart. Under the constant irrigation of hatred, she grew into a big tree.

The tree of hatred sucks up all her conscience. The poison mother, Lvji, has no heart, leaving only hatred.

"Mother, I have made up my mind. Thank you for thinking about and planning for me all your life. I can't repay you for your kindness in my life. Sorry, mother, I love you For the first time, seals show their true feelings. When people are dying, their words are good. When birds are dying, their songs are sad.

The seal knows that he is going to be possessed and lose his mind. Maybe he can't remember his mother any more, and his blood is thicker than water.

"Leopard, you're human, you're my son, you're demon, you're my son, some things can't change forever." seeing that the eyes of the seal are more and more green, the tears of poison mother Lvji can't stop flowing down, because she's sad and desperate.

The seal was possessed and his strength increased greatly. He suddenly broke through the level of emperor of heaven. He lost his mind and consciousness. He only remembered that he wanted to take the manor and kill all the people in the manor.

Seals forget who they are and who they have a mother. What should be remembered is completely forgotten, but what shouldn't be persistent is always on my mind.

After the seal became a demon, he couldn't control himself any more. He couldn't wait for a moment, so he decided to raid the manor immediately.

Before the seal can get in touch with ADI, she is possessed. The poison mother Lvji takes the initiative to get in touch with ADI. She thinks ADI should be the pioneer.

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