Prince Charming's complicated love story

Chapter 27 - A new phase of life

Next day Tiya and Mrs. Aka left the house two hours early to go to airport. Being a weekend, the roads were tightly packed, there was a big traffic jam on the way to airport.

On the way, Mrs. Aka gave hundreds of instructions to Tiya and repeated those hundred instructions a hundred times so that she will not miss a single one.

Because of a big the big traffic jam they somehow managed to be in the airport just on time.

At the airport,

"Tiya don't forgot to call me everyday, Take your meal on time, Concentrate only on your studies, No fightings and don't cause trouble to others" Mrs. Aka started her commentary one more time.

"Mom pleaseeeeeeee!!! Stop now, You have already repeated these things five hundred times. " Tiya said with a complaining look.

She was getting agitated as Sam was no where to be seen.

Departure time was at 10:00am and it's already 9:45am so she fastly hugged her mother and rushed through the checking area. During the checking procedures her eyes were glued on her phone as she was continuously calling him.

Call connected buzz... buzz..... and after some time it stopped. No one picked up the call.

"Idiot, how can he be late on such an important day? " she was mumbling to herself when a beautiful looking air hostess welcomed her.

Tiya put her phone back in her pocket and followed the air hostess who is guiding her towards her seat. Then with a plastered smile on her face she said,"thank you "

It was already 9:55am. Only five minutes were left but Sam was still not there.

After five minutes, exactly at 10:00am, there was an announcement, "Flight is going to take off, all the passengers are requested to tie their seat belts... "

All the passenger followed the instructions and started doing the guided things. Tiya was still looking at her phone when an air hostess came and reminded her to switch off her phone.

There was loud sound of start of engine and plane started moving.

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