Or the ardent expectation of the shadow guards to the little master, maybe the words of the little Marquis are too dirty.

"Even if you don't do anything, the beautiful scenery is still there!"

What Qing Ning said was very sincere, but he could not help but step back. His feet were empty. Behind him was the cool river, and the silver was shining.

"What are you hiding from?"

Qin or a little funny, put out a hand to get her back, then kept the action of blocking the waist and stopped there.

That pair of deep ink eyes such as pool at the moment deeply rippling with some kind of emotion, Qing Ning looked into his eyes, then for a moment forgot the body side all.

The breeze was blowing and the water was gurgling. He leaned down slightly and his thin lips fell to her lips.

Qing Ning's heart, which has been calm for more than 20 years, suddenly beats violently in this one. Feng's eyes are slightly open, and even the reaction stops there for a moment.

But suddenly I heard the man's deep and sweet voice ringing in his ear, "Lu Er, do you want to tell me what I'm thinking at this moment?"

They were so close that Qing Ning couldn't speak when she looked into his eyes. This feeling was even more painful than that when she couldn't speak, but she couldn't say anything.


Fourteen suddenly came with a flying horse and brought down a lot of leaves, breaking the dilemma of only two people getting along with each other.

Qing Ning took the opportunity to push him, then turned and looked at the sparkling water, as if nothing had happened just now.

The man who had just arrived didn't even have time to collect the horse's power, so he said first, "Princess Rong, please read it personally!"

Princess Rong?

Qingning wondered which one it was.

Then he saw Qin or's face sink down obviously

Seeing this, his face turned a little. He came forward, completely ignoring the existence of Qing Ning, and presented a letter with both hands.

The angle he handed over didn't mean to cover up at all, that is, Qing Ning didn't want to see it, and the corner of his eye could not help glancing at the beautiful handwriting on the envelope.

It is indistinct that the four words of "may you be as old as before" are not signed, but they are enough to extend a lot of things.

The heart does not feel slightly sink down, how many princesses and princesses in this world have had that kind of relationship with this disaster.

She is just a latecomer. I don't know what happened before, but I don't know what will happen in the future.

Qin or, however, held back his hand and did not answer, but his face was slightly cold, which made people more and more sure that the "Rong Princess" was unusual.

Fourteen could not help but feel lucky, and then sent the letter forward, saying: "master, the princess is still waiting for your return..."

Before he had finished, Qin or suddenly reached for it.

Qing Ning just felt that there was something about it, but she didn't have to ask. She turned around and pretended that she didn't see anything.


Suddenly she heard a cry of surprise and jumped into the current,

she couldn't help looking back, and saw that the man's hand floated with the wind, the letter entered the water, the ink color was fainted and dyed, and was soon carried to another direction by the current.

Qin or's voice sounded like an ancient well without waves. "Old friends are like flowing water in the East!" Run to the sea and never return

Qing Ning looked at his eyes, inevitably with a bit of speculation, old friend?

In his mouth, a woman like princess xiheng can also say that she has never been intimate. How different is this old friend?

Fourteen splashed in the water and finally picked up the letter, only to find that most of it was incomplete, and the handwriting on the paper was already blurred.

"Master, how can you hurt Princess Rong's heart for such an irrelevant woman?"

His words are clearly interrogative tone, a pair of eyes shot at Qing Ning, wish to see her disappear on the spot.

"Who are the irrelevant women?"

Qin or face slightly cold, Xuan sleeve light Yang, a cold air out of thin air pressure.

The color of his 14 faces suddenly changed, and he forced himself into the water. Layers of waves whirled away, and his struggling limbs gradually lost the power of shaking.

"Evil!" Qing Ning can't help holding his wrist. Although she's not a kind person, she knows that it's very difficult to cultivate the shadow guards in Rong Wang's mansion. If the master wants to have the authority of the master, he doesn't have to do so much.

This is why she didn't stop Qin Huo at the beginning. In any case, as a subordinate, how can she go over for another person in front of her master.

What's more, Princess Rong sounds like a woman who has a story with this disaster.

Qin or looked back at her, her face gradually eased back, and the cold in her hands also disappeared unconsciously.

The one in the water took advantage of the effort to breathe, lying on the bank and gasping for breath. The master has not personally rectified a person for many years, and he is the first one tonight.Qing Ning Feng Mou contains a trace of doubt, a word card in the throat just want to ask out.

Then he saw Qin Muxu and his party come out under the shade of trees.

With a smiling face, the young Marquis said, "Uncle Huang, fourteen is not a day or two. It's time to rectify it. Don't be angry for him!"

With a wink at the shadow guards, the rest of the people said one after another: "the young lady won't have the same insight with him, will she?"

A group of people are making good idea, Qing rather light way: "who says won't!"


Hearing this, people's faces were stiff for a moment.

"I'll give you a heavy penalty according to your rules."

As soon as she spoke, everyone said in one voice: "young lady is wise!"

The film guards all know that if she hadn't stopped her at the right time, she might have abandoned the fourteen because of her master's character.

At this moment, after listening to her words, they all looked at Qin or, and could not help looking forward to it.

Qin or looked at her, face in the moonlight gradually returned to mild, "according to the lady said!"

All the shadow guards are relieved to hear that the burden is so heavy, and they quickly go up to the first two to pick up the fourteen.

His face was blue and purple, but he said to her: "don't think that I will appreciate you!"

"Not at all!"

The color of Qing Ning's eyes was light. Originally, he thought that the reason for his death was Qin or something happened. As a subordinate, he couldn't restrain himself for a moment. Now it seems that other factors are more important.

Fourteen suddenly stood there, and it became very difficult to speak between the changes of complexion.

He dragged his two shadow guards forward, but he opened his mouth to speak, and one of them quickly put out his hand to block his mouth.

Hard squeeze out a smile way: "master, young madam appreciate this moonlight well."

Then the smoke dragged the man into the shadow of the tree.

"I don't know that! You deserve it The young Marquis shook a hundred fold fan and sighed.

The beautiful scenery on this beautiful day is a good time for something to happen. If you want to come out at this time and find it hard, it's good to keep a small life.

After 14 was dragged away, the scene quieted down for a moment.

I can only hear the deep water in my ears and the subtle sound of the wind blowing on my clothes.

Qing Ning pondered for a moment and asked in a clear voice, "who is Princess Rong?"

A group of shadow Wei smell speech, facial expression all some not nature.

"I'll go and see Fourteen!"

"The water is so clear, I'll take a bath!"


In the water, the trees disappeared, and in the twinkling of an eye, all of them found a way to escape.

The other two, who were a little slower, looked at each other, and then said, "this beautiful day, let's go to see the moon hand in hand."

In order to avoid this topic, the shadow guards of Rong Wangfu are really hard to fight.

But the more so, the more Qing Ning felt that Princess Rong was different from others. If so, how could the reaction of many people be so extreme.

But he still stood here with a hundred fold fan, and said with a puzzled smile, "in fact, Princess Rong..."

Rare this kind of time, there is a person who is willing to dispel doubts in, although Qing Ning did not have too big reaction, the ear can't help but sensitive a few minutes.

In the middle of the speech, Qin or Leng Bu Ding glanced at him.

For a moment, it was chilly, and the hot summer night in xiheng suddenly became chilly. Qin Muxu's words stopped there.

Some angrily touched their nose and said, "in fact, it's nothing. Auntie Huang still doesn't want to think much about it!"

How much do you think?

As soon as she heard this, she felt that the whole person was in a mess.

So just now, the little confused emotion in her heart was caused by thinking too much. When she realized this, she could not help but feel a little unnatural.

Qin or's ink eyes fell on her face. Somehow, the cold air just disappeared.

"I should also find a beauty to watch the moon and the stars!"

The little Marquis knows his face very well. When the fan is closed, he turns and leaves.

Why is he the one who can deal with the aftermath of the two people's world?


People are gone, Qin or suddenly close, whispering in her ear, affectionate gesture.

Qing Ning didn't open her eyes. Her tone was light and mixed with a trace of acid that she couldn't easily detect. "It's just curiosity. Rong Wang Ye's old friend is a normal person who will be curious!"

She has always said little, so want to cover, but faster betrayed the heart of those unconscious.

His tone was low, but with a smile, he said: "yes, Lu Er is also a normal woman. At some time, he can't help eating..."

Qingning's face turned red in a flash, more gorgeous than the sunset.

Qin or said, "if you really want to know something about me, I can only tell it to you myself!"He is twenty-four years old this year. There are few concubines in his family, not to mention Ji Qie. It's not too much to say that he is a fresh and refined flower compared with the ordinary royal family.

But if there has been a story, it can be explained.

But hearing him speak so frankly, Qing Ning's brain is hot, but his action is faster than what he is about to say. The tiny point on his toes kisses the thin lip without thinking.

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