The others saluted after seeing this.

Seeing that she didn't show anything, she could only kneel in front of the hall.

It's reasonable to say that it's forcing the palace, killing directly, and bleeding the palace. This is a normal pattern.

Who knows Rong Wang didn't take the bait at all, so he tied people up at the gate of the city.

Entered the palace to occupy the upper hand, but also did not have other movement, alone entered the palace.

Closed door silent, looking at the outside as usual is not at all different.

But everyone knows that after today, the northern Qin Dynasty must have changed.

It seems that Qing Ning didn't see these at all, and her eyes fell on the half closed door.

I didn't know what was inside, but I didn't push the door in.

But the Phoenix Mou half astringent, sat in the temple gate, quietly waiting.

At this moment, the moon is bright and the wind is blowing.

But the crowd even breathed almost silently, and the sound of the hall could be seen vaguely.

"Good What a Rong Wang Cough Cough... "

North and Emperor cough almost no half life, strong support want to sit up from the couch.

But now there was no one to serve him. He was so thin that he only had his finger bone hand. He took hold of the curtain and borrowed a little strength, but he couldn't support his sick body. Soon he fell down again and gasped for breath.

"What about Yixuan? What have you done to him? "

Cough's complexion extremely abnormal emperor, very vigilant looking at the handsome man in front of.

For so many years, no matter how scared I am.

But it was also the first time that I showed such a look in front of him.

"Where does brother Huang think he will be?"

Qin or slowly approaching, the lamp will pull his figure very long, almost to cover the light of the north and the emperor.


The north and Emperor Mou color once sink, haven't opened mouth, then is cough again a burst of dark sky.

"I I knew You have been coveting this seat for many years... "

Finally take a breath, North and Emperor said is such a sentence.

Always peaceful eyes are resentment, resentment, and I had expected

Originally, the body was as big as before, and it was not easy to pull out the eyesore, but foreign enemies invaded.

The North Qinjiang mountain is in danger. At this time, everyone's mind is "if Rong Wang is still there..."

No one dared to mention it in the court, but it never stopped in private.

He asked himself that he had been diligently managing the government for so many years, even if the man died.

It's still like that. If Rong Wang is still here

Qin or's ink eyes are very flat, looking at the emperor on the Dragon collapse.

"Who covets it? Brother Huang should know better than Wang."

Qin or such a condescending stand, eyes color as in those days.

Disdain seems to be mixed with a few pain color, even if the pain color is very light.

But it's real.

The same is the scene of condescending, North and Emperor looking at him, pale lips gently grinding.

Turbid eyes, eyes suddenly some fuzzy up.

Such a familiar look at each other, it seems to go back to that year.

On the day when the late emperor died, all the people knelt down in front of the hall, but only Qin or one person was called in.

Before the death of the emperor, everyone knew exactly what it meant.

Qin Yong was in his early twenties at that time. He was the eldest son.

If we want to discuss these, the throne will never reach Qin or Qing.

But His only eight year old brother has amazing aptitude, and he has made all the ministers marvel.

"Ah Yong's temperament is peaceful, but if his talent is limited, he might as well place his affection on the mountains and rivers. If the northern Qin Dynasty is able to pacify other countries, he should place his hope on ah Huo."

When the former Emperor was in power, he spoke openly in front of his ministers.

At that time, young Qin or childish, a pair of ink eyes is already noble.

It is clear that Qin Yongcai is the eldest son of Beiqin, and the empress of Zhenger Bajing.

For more than a decade, the empress had been instilling in him what he thought at that time

For a long time, I can't remember clearly. I just remember that not long after that, Qin or's mother Ning Fei went.

The young man, who was carved with powder and jade, seemed to be silent overnight. On that day, everyone outside the hall knelt down for most of the night.

The sound of the lights, the sound of the candles and the shadows were all very real. That night was really long for Qin Yonglai.

Too the hospital doctor knelt behind a row, all the head buried on the ground, did not dare to lift up at all.

Father can't

Everyone knows.

Qin or a person standing in the palace, no one knows what the emperor said to him.

But after a long time, the eunuch manager suddenly announced, "please enter the palace."At such a time, Qin Yong was not summoned.

But because of this sentence, the queen suddenly had hope in her dark and godless eyes.

About this also shows that there is still some hope to speak of.

And then It's a long, long silence.

After a long time, Qin Yong's kneeling legs had lost their intuition, and the cries of the imperial concubines had already begun to sob in a low voice.

Suddenly, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the hall.

The moment the door opened, everyone's heart hung.

"The emperor is dead!"

The tone of the old eunuch was very sharp, and the moment everyone cried together.

Close behind the sentence, "the queen died!"

Yes The queen died.

It's so quiet all around that the wind is going to stop.

The empress raised her eyebrows, but she was determined to live and die together.

What's more No matter which emperor ascended the throne, the former queen was the Empress Dowager.

There is no need to be buried.

People kneeling in front of the hall were all stunned. The door of the hall was wide open, and the bell rang loudly.

Qin Yong knelt on the ground, almost the whole person lost his strength and fell down.

And in this scene, the young man who has not yet fully opened his eyebrows steps out of the door, but he is already dressed in white.

The object in his hand was not pitied at all. It was left in front of him.

Almost didn't even have a look at it and left.

"Jade seal! Second prince, this is a jade seal

The palace person nearby exclaimed in a startled voice.

Qin Yong holds the most precious thing in his arms. Looking around, where is the shadow of Qin or.

It was night when the emperor and empress died, and the jade seal was passed on to the second prince Qin Yong.

There are only a few words about that night in the history books of Beiqin.

Later, he found a variety of reasons for all the people present.

Also can't stop later midnight dream back, suddenly think of the body of the dragon to the humiliation.

Today, Qin may be here again.

Beihe emperor gradually returned to God, pale and powerless.

"You come back It's for this, isn't it... "

Even in these years, we can't shake half a point even if we don't have a stable day.


Qin or light call him.

It's like when I was young, I was facing my brother who was balanced and gentle.

Once Once his elder brother would sneak out of the palace with him to play.

He was caught by his father, and only one person knelt down to admit his mistake.

His elder brother once carved jade for his birthday, which made a scar on his hand.

There were few Royal heirs in the northern Qin Dynasty, so it was hard to get along with them peacefully.

Only later

North and Emperor looked at him, staring at him tightly.

Seems to have to ask an answer, in general, forced to support half a body, almost to sit up.

But Qin or did not open his mouth, just opened the sandalwood box he took from Xie's family.

It reveals the silk script of Ming and Huang. When the late emperor died that night, there was an imperial edict.

It was passed down to Qin Dynasty, where jade seals intersected.

Qin Yong knew about it later, but he didn't know which minister had the imperial edict that day.

It's been more than ten years since the death of that old minister. I can't find out a clue.

And that's what makes Qin Yong fidgety all these years.

And the edict is now in his hands.

"Sure enough Sure enough I knew earlier that... "

North and Emperor almost sad smile.

And at this moment, Qin or suddenly a Yang sleeve.

The bright yellow silk script fell into the fire and was swept by the fire in an instant.

North and Emperor's body suddenly a meal, can't restrain to lean forward to come over.

So much so that half of his body hung beside the couch, and his eyes were clearly filled with unbelievable looks.

He's been looking for so many years' edicts.

For the Qin Dynasty, there was a great deal of benefit but not a single imperial edict.

Before he could be looked at, he fell into the fire and turned into smoke.

And Qin Yong's so many "Nine Five" statues seem to have turned into flying smoke.

The person you love has long been a white bone. You can't die a good death if you love him.

If you are respectful, why do you want to be sincere? You have no son in your life, and you are mediocre for half your life

Once close relatives, now standing in front of the body is also thousands of miles away.

A faint color rushed to his head, and Beihe emperor fell on the edge of the couch, very difficult to get up.

In Qin's eyes, the color of ink was gradually sinking, and it was rare for him to have a complicated look.

The evening wind blows his robes, and he stands tall.

Looking at the sick body for a long time, I finally could not find any trace of the past.There is no longer his gentle elder brother.

His elder brother has been changed beyond recognition.

The normal people are forced to become so lonely now, even if there are 3000 people.

The emperor is picturesque. How can you imagine such a desolate scene when he died in his old age.

Qin or suddenly did not have the interest to look at him more. It seemed that he could not even say a word more. He turned and walked to the hall door.

Behind the north and Emperor good half sound just strong support head, dumb voice call a way: "small four......"

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