Wang Ben was worried, but he also knew that the current situation in Daqin was not good.

Recently, news has come not only from the Northern Barbarians,

but also from the Xirong and Yueshi.

The two tribal groups seemed to be preparing their armies.

This made Da Qin Chaotang extremely nervous.

Ready to call on veterans at any time.

At this moment,

the scout who came from the north quickly entered the hall,

“Your Highness, a great victory in the north! ! ! ”

The scout’s voice was high-pitched, with uncontrollable excitement. When

Ying Zheng and the ministers heard this, they were stunned for a moment, and then they all suddenly looked at the scout.

A few days ago, they had received news that the Huns had assembled an army of 300,000 people and planned to invade the south.

Only then did they Within a few days, news of a great victory in the north came.

Could it be that General Meng Tian had driven back the Huns?

Many ministers were suspicious.。

“Quick, bring it up! ”

Ying Zheng stood up excitedly and said.

Immediately, a eunuch handed the two scrolls in the hands of the scout to Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng opened one of them first, and then started reading from the beginning.

Then, his body trembled.。

“Three hundred thousand Huns invaded!”

“Sir, Meng Tian sues Your Majesty.。”

“Great victory in the north! ! !”

“The Huns’ 300,000 cavalry went south. His Highness Yingze arranged a skyfire formation outside the city wall.。”

“When the Huns were marching south, His Highness Yingze used a sniper rifle to kill Shan Yutouman with one shot, causing the army of 30,000 soldiers to fall into chaos.。”

“Afterwards, His Highness Yingze launched the Heavenly Fire Formation, and the 300,000 Xiongnu troops were all wiped out in the formation.。”

“I then listened to His Highness Yingze’s words and went to the grassland to exterminate the Xiongnu! Let the Qin Dynasty never be invaded by the Huns again. ”

When Ying Zheng saw this, his breathing became rapid and his body couldn’t help but tremble.。

“Ze’er is in Northern Xinjiang, making immortal contributions to the Qin Dynasty! ”

Ying Zheng read the scroll again in disbelief.

After reading it, he was still so shocked that he couldn’t help himself.。

“Ze’er single-handedly completely destroyed three hundred thousand Xiongnu!”

“From now on, there will be no war in northern Xinjiang.”

“It’s unimaginable that Ze’er did all this alone.。”

“I have seen that sniper rifle and know its power.。”

“But what exactly was the great formation of heavenly fire that wiped out 300,000 Xiongnu?”

“Could it be that Ze’er picked up something again?”

“But what on earth is 580? It can actually kill 300,000 Huns.。”

“Even a grenade doesn’t have such terrifying power, right?”

“It seems that Zeer went to the right place this time when she went to the border. ”

Ying Zheng thought to himself,

even if he tried everything he could, he still couldn’t imagine

what could be the thing that could wipe out the 300,000 Xiongnu army. Even though he had

seen too many incredible things in Ying Ze,

But those were 300,000 Xiongnu,

and they were just gone.

And the significance of these 300,000 Xiongnu shocked him even more.

There is no doubt that

almost the entire Xiongnu clan participated in the war to gather an army of 300,000

. The 300,000-strong army was destroyed, and even Shan Yutouman died.

This means that the Huns will not be able to pose a threat to the northern border for decades.

In other words,

after this war, the north is completely stable.

No more suffering The invasion of the Xiongnu

did not require the mobilization of a large amount of manpower and material resources in the north to build the Great Wall.

This was of immeasurable help to the Qin Dynasty.

And what surprised him most was

the decision Yingze made in the end.。

“Destroy the Huns! ! ! ”

Ying Zheng muttered to himself.

Since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, among the foreign enemies that the Yanhuang people have suffered the most are the Northern Barbarians and the Xiongnu.

They occupy the northern part of the Central Plains and always want to go south.

But there were vassal states before the Central Plains, and they were blocked at the border. .

But now, Da Qin dominates the world.

Then Da Qin must take over this heavy burden and keep the Xiongnu outside the city wall

so that the Xiongnu cannot invade the people of Da Qin.

Therefore, he sent Meng Tian’s army, which originally guarded Xianyang, to the north.

This station has been stationed for three years.

In these three years, I don’t know how many warriors have been killed in the northern border, and how many soldiers have died. It can be said


the northern border has consumed countless manpower and material resources of Great Qin.

The Northern Barbarians are the eternal enemy of Great Qin.

But this time, Ze’er couldn’t help but destroy the 300,000 Xiongnu army, and even wanted to drive them all out!!!

From then on,

the people of Qin and the descendants of Yan and Huang no longer have to suffer the intrusion of the Northern Barbarians.

This is a contribution to the present generation and a benefit. In Qianqiu!!!

Ying Zheng couldn’t help but sigh at this moment,

“Ze’er is really Da Qin’s lucky star!”

“As long as Ze’er is here, Da Qin will not fall! ”

In fact,

after the unification of the Qin Dynasty, what he was most afraid of was that there would be no successor.

He knew that the Xirong, the Northern Barbarians, and the Yuezhi were eyeing the Qin Dynasty, and they always wanted to split the territory of the Qin Dynasty.

There were also remnants of the Six Kingdoms inside, and they made trouble from time to time.

They even colluded with each other.

Do they think they don’t know?

No, they all know this.

It’s just that Da Qin didn’t have the energy to take care of it.

He needs to leave a unified world to future generations.

But now he is thirty-nine years old , The body is already going downhill.

Who can inherit such a huge dynasty?

Who can lead Da Qin so that Da Qin can continue.

He had no choice before.

Fusu, under the bewitchment of those Confucian people, wanted to Follow the enfeoffment system.

Hu Hai, arrogant and domineering, has no ability to become a king.

He worried about it

until Yingze appeared. He was smart and calm since he was a child.

And after he was six years old,

he showed incredible luck. God showed mercy.

From food to three-piece saddle sets and other things,

he had made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty.

He had completely regarded Ying Ze as his successor.

Only then, knowing Ze’er’s strength, let him Heading to the border,

Yingze’s performance exceeded his expectations again.

He actually killed 300,000 Xiongnu. He

also wanted to slaughter all the Xiongnu so that the Qin Dynasty would never have to worry about the Northern Barbarians.

Ying Zheng felt that his heart was broken , all trembling。

“With a child like this, what

more can I ask for? ”

Ying Zheng sighed with emotion,

there is a successor to the Great Qin!!!

Above the main hall, many people saw Ying Zheng’s happy and emotional look, and

their hearts were like ten thousand ants crawling.

Finally, Li Si and Wang Ben looked at each other, Let’s stand together and say,

“Your Majesty, may I ask what happened in the north? ”

They only know what the scouts said about the great victory, but they don’t know what it is like.、

“Hahaha, it is indeed a great victory! ! ! ”

Ying Zheng came back to his senses and looked at the courtiers below, feeling a little more comfortable.

It was as if a heavy burden in his heart suddenly fell.。

“Read it to them! ”

Ying Zheng handed the scroll to the eunuch beside him.

The eunuch took it respectfully. When he scanned it once, his eyes almost popped out of his head.。

“Say it quickly, just watch it for yourself! “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Wang Ben said anxiously, and

the eunuch immediately reacted and read the things carefully to everyone.。

“The Huns gathered 300,000 cavalry and headed south.”

“His Highness Yingze used a sniper rifle to kill the Xiongnu Chan Yuman. ”

When he said this, there was a sound of applause in the entire hall.。

“His Highness Yingze actually shot Touman to death with one shot, hahaha, (ccbf) good!”

“I have heard about that Shan Yu Touman. He was the one who united the Northern Barbarians. Once he dies, the whole Northern Xinjiang will fall into chaos again. I, the Qin Dynasty, will be much more relaxed in Northern Xinjiang.。”

“Hahaha, yes, His Highness just went to Northern Xinjiang and has already made great achievements.。”

“Killing Touman would have scared the 300,000 Northern Barbarians. No wonder it was called a great victory. It was indeed a rare great victory!”

“Your Highness Yingze has made great achievements in battle for our Great Qin. Your Majesty must give His Highness a reward.。”

“Touman is dead, and our Daqin Beijiang can be relieved for several years. This is a great joy! ”

Hearing that Touman, the leader of the Xiongnu, was dead, many ministers in the main hall were extremely happy.

They were still worried just now, if Meng Tian missed and was defeated by the Xiongnu.

There were only less than 100,000 imperial troops in Xianyang, and it was impossible to stop them. We can stop the Huns from going south.

As a result, []

Touman is dead now, which means that the Huns are leaderless and it is impossible to invade south again.

And this is all because of His Highness Yingze.

Without His Highness Yingze’s shot, Great Qin would have faced thirty Ten thousand troops went south.


this time His Highness Yingze has made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty.

When Wang Ben heard this, he was stunned at first, and then smiled。

“His Highness Yingze’s shot saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Qin soldiers.。”

“Moreover, for a short period of time, the northern border no longer has to worry about the Huns invading the south.”

“With His Highness here, Yan’er should be fine. This is really lucky! ”

Wang Ben sighed with emotion,

and Li Si not far away also felt the same.

“Your Highness is truly the Koi Prince.”

“Not only can you get good luck when picking up things, but you can also perform meritorious service on the frontier and bring peace to my great Qin. ”

Li Si said with a smile.

This is really the best news they have heard in the past few days.

Above the main hall, Ying Zheng looked a little strange when he saw the excited ministers.

Kill Touman?

He is already so happy, then What’s next?

He coughed twice, and the ministers became quiet again,

but the smiles on their faces could not go away.

After all, they had been invaded by the Huns from the south and had been worried for so many days, and

suddenly something like this came to them. Surprise news.

How could they endure it?。

“Keep reading. “Ying Zheng ordered.

Suddenly, many ministers in the audience were confused.

What else???

“After His Highness Yingze killed Touman, he burned the 300,000 Xiongnu army with a huge formation of sky fire. ”

After the eunuch finished speaking,

the entire hall fell silent.

The smiles of many ministers were frozen on their faces at this moment.

Their eyes were as wide as the eunuch’s just now。

“The sky fire formation wiped out all 300,000 Xiongnu?”

“What is the Heavenly Fire Formation?”

“Could it be that His Highness picked up something again?”

“Three hundred thousand Huns were wiped out by a large formation?”

“is this real? I’m not dreaming, am I? ”

The first reaction of many ministers was disbelief.

Three hundred thousand Hun���ah!

Even Da Qin had to mobilize all its troops to deal with it.

It would take a price that would strain the entire country to keep all 300,000 Huns behind.

But His Highness Yingze actually wiped them all out with one large formation.

If they didn’t know that there would be no problem with the information,

they would never believe it was true.

But through intelligence, they knew it was true.

But it was precisely because of this that they were shocked.

I don’t know how long it took, but when many ministers reacted, their faces turned red with excitement.。

“This, doesn’t this mean that the Huns, who lost 300,000 troops, will not be able to pose a threat to northern Xinjiang for decades?。”

“There has been no war in northern Xinjiang for decades. Now, I can hear this news in my lifetime.。”

“Without the coercion of the Northern Barbarians, we, the Qin Dynasty, can cultivate and thrive and accumulate national strength.。”

“Your Highness has made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty!”

“From now on, the north will have no worries and good luck! Good luck!”

“Your Majesty, please tell the world and drink for His Highness Ying Ze! Drink for Da Qin! ! ! ”

All the ministers were so excited that

300,000 Xiongnu were completely wiped out. What a concept. This

means that Da Qin no longer has to worry about the northern border.

It can even be said that

His Highness Ying Ze has fought for the development of Da Qin for decades. Time.

This is a miracle! It

is no smaller than a three-piece set such as food and saddle.

Wang Ben was stunned.。

“This, is this done by His Highness Yingze?”

“What was the fire formation that day?”

“Could it be something newly picked up by His Highness?”

“But what is it that can destroy three hundred thousand Huns? Is this too exaggerated?”

“If the Skyfire Formation is taken to Xirong, can Xirong be completely eliminated?”

“There are also Baiyue and Yueshi! ! ! ”

Wang Ben’s breathing was rapid.

If this formation is used properly, it will be incredible!

If His Highness Yingze is still here, he must ask carefully.

Looking at the many excited ministers, Ying Zhengqing Smiled softly.

Then he looked at another scroll.

ps: Please order in full! Please order in full! Please order flowers! Thank you all!

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