Faced with the resurgent doubts, Chunyu Yue smiled, and he suddenly realized that their Confucian school had taught His Highness Yingze to be too stupid, even a little stupid, stupid to the extreme.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth, Lord and Master, was meant for ministers, not future emperors.

But Fusu never realized that, and the so-called Lord of Heaven and Earth, Lord and Master, was nothing more than an ideal. In the face of reality, , the so-called ideal is just a toy. Who would take it to be true?

In ancient times, three families were divided into Jintian Ji and Qi. Since last week’s destruction, rituals and music have collapsed. Who cares about the so-called king of heaven and earth, relatives and masters, even their Confucian school. It is just to fool the people, and it is just some theory to make some countries better accept Confucian ideas.

But this theory needs to serve reality. In the face of royal power and the battle for the prince, everything is disgraceful. All means can be used, as long as the goal can be achieved, this is what they want. The so-called Lord of Heaven and Earth, Prince, Master, is just talk. If it is really taken seriously, then it is really pedantic.

However, there was nothing wrong with it in the past, because the eldest son was the first heir to the Qin Dynasty and had the possibility to inherit the entire Qin Dynasty. However, is it possible now?

Even the possibility of the crown prince’s position is gone, so why should he be said to be the king of heaven and earth?

Chun Yuyue learned this lesson, and he hated himself very much. He hated himself for raising His Highness Fusu to be so stupid. If he could have realized the cruelty of this country and what the real reality was earlier, he might have become the crown prince long ago. In this position, how can there be anything to do with His Highness?

Even though he had made great contributions to the Qin Dynasty, as long as Fusu was still in that position, he could not change.

However, they only wanted to use Confucian theory to confuse Fusu, influence Su Xing, and make him fully accept Confucian thought. , they did not educate Fusu rationally at all.

Finally led to the current result.

They brought this upon themselves and they deserve it. Chunyu Yue thought in his heart.

He shook his head and showed a sad smile

“Your Highness, it’s late, everything is late.”

Chun Yuyue screamed, and then he was taken away directly by the soldiers. He was left with a revive.

He couldn’t believe that the master who had just played with him, the father and son who had educated him since he was a child, turned out to be the remnants of the Six Kingdoms 11.

He was stunned. Standing in place for a long, long time, until a long time later the sanctions take on new colors,

“Turns out he had been lying to me all along.”

Fusu sighed, then turned and left.

But this time he was the only one.

At the same time, at the same time, after the news reached Xianyang City, all the people in Xianyang City

“Holy crap, crap, crap, did you hear that? His Highness Yingze actually went to Shushan to provide disaster relief. As a result, not only did he get rid of the disaster, but he also cured the plague.”

“Who says it’s not? I feel so strange. If this wasn’t news from the public, I wouldn’t believe it. It’s a plague. It’s hard to believe that the plague can still be cured.”

“I heard that the people in the territory have been cured and have come out of the quarantine area. It is unbelievable. If it is His Highness Yingze, maybe the people in Shu have really been cured.”

“Yes, yes, His Highness Yingze has done another great thing for the Qin Dynasty. The plague can be cured. Your Highness is like an immortal from heaven, specially sent to save us.”

“Great, His Highness Yingze has solved the plague. Does that mean that our Qing Dynasty has the ability to solve the plague? In the future, we no longer have to worry about deaths caused by the plague. Even if the plague breaks out, our hall will have a way to solve it. , that is a plague, it can be conquered. His Highness Lingze can truly be regarded as a true immortal

“Yes, yes, if it were not His Highness Yingze, who could believe it?”

“The plague has been cured, and it is a great event for the whole world to celebrate. We must celebrate His Highness Yinzi.”

“Do you need to say this? , when His Highness Yingze comes back from Shushan, he must personally go ten miles away to greet him. Last time His Highness Yingze went to Northern Xinjiang, the Huns were directly wiped out. Now His Highness Yingze went to Southern Xinjiang and not only wiped out Shushan The earthquake was lifted, the local people were saved, and the plague was solved. This is really amazing.”

“Yes, yes, your Highness is really the lucky star of our Great Qin, bringing us all kinds of favorable conditions. Have you heard? , a large amount of wool shipped back from Beijing has now been made into yarn, and it will not take long to make cashmere immunity. I heard that cashmere sweaters are extremely warm, and you don’t even need to wear five or six pieces of clothing, you only need one. very warm”

“What’s that? I heard even more exciting news. I heard that our Great Qin army is now invincible. The 5,000-strong army led by His Highness Ginza went to Shushan and encountered a 20,000-strong army led by Xiang Liang, the remnant leader of the Six Kingdoms. Originally, this was an army of 5,000. It was a battle with a huge disparity in strength. When I heard the news, I couldn’t help but sweat for His Highness Yingze. However, the subsequent results were beyond everyone’s expectations.”

“Oh, what’s wrong? What happened?”

“Yes, yes, I actually encountered the remnants of the Six Kingdoms in Shushan, an army of 20,000 people. This is too much. Is something going to happen to His Highness Lingze?”

“Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible. If something happens to His Highness Ginza, the imperial court will never release the news. Could it be said that His Highness Yinzao led an army of 5,000 to defeat the 20,000 remnants of the Six Nations?”

“That’s right, I’m afraid you can’t imagine that His Highness the King only uses trivial matters. The 5,000 troops wiped out all the 20,000 troops from the Six Kingdoms. And it only took less than an hour, you say I am awesome or not?”

“Damn, oh, oh, oh, oh, there is a gap of 4 times between an army of 5,000 and an army of 20,000. However, the situation of the battle was completely reversed. This is too awesome, right?”

“This is no longer awesome, it means that our Great Qin army is simply invincible. That is a 4 times difference, and the result directly reversed the situation of the battle, and it did not even take an hour. This is simply too terrifying.

“Our Great Qin army is simply invincible. No one will dare to mess with our Great Qin in the future. Now the Xiongnu in the north have been completely eliminated, but our enemies in the west, Xirou and Yueshi, are still there. They are the mortal enemies of our Great Qin. No. I know when I can eliminate them too.”

“It shows that they are not fast yet. As long as I, His Highness Yingze of Great Qin, return, I can wipe them out in minutes. They are completely worthless and have no qualifications to be taken seriously by His Highness Yingze.”

“That’s right, now our empire is planning to recuperate and recuperate. I heard that the grain yield of 10,000 kilograms per mu has been distributed to all counties. It will not take long to produce high-yield grain. That is a grain yield of 10,000 kilograms per mu. If it really can produce tens of thousands of catties per mu, the whole hall will go crazy”

“Yes, that’s right, I have been looking forward to seeing that grain yield of ten thousand jins per mu. Although we believe in Yingze, it is a high-yielding grain yield of ten thousand k

ilograms per mu. Before seeing it, I was really full of doubts. If it was really If you can have ten thousand catties of grain per mu, no one in the world will starve to death. By then, all the people in the Qin Dynasty will be able to have one or two at home. Your Majesty is very kind to us.”

“I also heard that His Highness Ginza picked up a very powerful farming tool called Qu Yuanlin. It is said that with a Quyuan plow, he can turn a farm tool that can be used by three people into one that can be used by one person, which can cover the entire area of our Daqin area. An increase of 2 to 3 times. This is like an artifact. The cultivated land area of the entire hall has been expanded by 2 to 3 times. Do you know what this means? This means that the area of land we can cultivate will be 2 to 3 times more. Not only can every family earn enough, but we can even have a surplus of food for everyone, even if we encounter problems in the future. In disaster years, we don’t have to be afraid at all”

“Hahaha, is this true? is this real? Xu Yuanlin was able to turn the farm tools used by two people and three people into one person. This is amazing. It directly liberates the power of 2~3 people and can completely expand the land area of Daqin several times. This is for all of us. It’s so beneficial and it’s so beneficial for us.”

When they heard that this could expand the land area of Daqin by 2 to 3 times, many people exclaimed. After all, this is really shocking. That is a full 2 to 3 times of the land area. It can actually be because of The appearance of a farm tool is really surprising.

If they didn’t believe that His Highness Yingze would never deceive them, they would never believe it.

But after the news, their expectations for the future are more abundant, and it can even be said that, Completely believe it.

This is simply too beneficial for them. Who doesn’t want to expand their farmland area by two or three, and who doesn’t want to have more fields? No one doesn’t want to, but���In the past, the labor force was restricted by the family, and it was really impossible to cultivate more fields. But now it is different.

Now only one person is needed to cultivate the land, and then three people can cultivate three thirds of the land at the same time. This is simply a big deal for them. Don’t be too happy.

That’s why the common people in Daqian are so happy. They seem to have seen the future, full of infinite beauty.

How can they not be proud of and excited about such a hall, because it is really too good, too good to be described in words.

On the other side, when many remnants of the Six Nations got the news, they became shocked.

“How can it be? How can it be? General Xiang Liang failed unexpectedly. His army of 20,000 was defeated by Da Qin’s 5,000 army. The gap was 4 times. This was too miserable. Could it be said that the general did not know how to fight at all?”

“Are you kidding me? , Now the general doesn’t know how to fight, can you? General Mitsubishi is a general of Chu State, and he is also Xiang Jiajun. You say he doesn’t know how to fight. How is that possible?”

“Then why did General Xianglan lead an army of 20,000? , but 4 times as many as Great Qin, yet he was still defeated, and defeated completely. According to the news, it even took Great Qin less than an hour to completely destroy them. You know what this means What? This means that the strength of Da Qin’s army is so terrifying that it is unimaginable”

“There is no way, there is no way. The army in the hall is too terrifying. They are not opponents at all. There is no way we can win. Moreover, Prince Yingze is simply not a human being. He is like a god coming down to help Da Ting. Who can The luck of the Prince of the Qin Dynasty is simply outrageous, it breaks through the sky. This is not something that humans can achieve. This is something that only gods can do.”

“Not only did he solve the Xiamen general’s army, he even solved the plague in the territory. This is just like a joke. That’s literature and art. Literature and art has been solved like this, and it has not been solved for hundreds of years. Yes, the plague was actually solved by him

“It is unbelievable that this is actually true. Dr. Wen’s cure also means that the plague can be completely cured. If Daqin informs the people of the world about this news, I am afraid that the cohesion will be raised to a higher level again. I’m afraid it will be even more difficult to get the people to rebel.”

“Zhang Liang was captured and Xiang Liang was killed. What should we do? What can we do? Who can be our leader? Who can lead us to resist Da Qin?”

“I feel that our place is a dead end. Now we have lost the best opportunity. The Prince of Da Qin is simply like a monster. He brought Da Qin back to life in 907. He started Da Qin from scratch and built such a shocking Da Qin. The national power of Great Qin skyrocketed. If it weren’t for him, Great Qin, this situation would not have been possible. He simply made Great Qin strong again with his own efforts.”

“Now we are only in Daqin. They will definitely arrest us crazily. But after that, Daqing will definitely start a war with the outside world. Those alien races will probably be wiped out. Daqin will become truly invincible in the world. No one will He is Da Qin’s opponent, and no one dares to say no to Da Qin.”

“Da Qin’s firepower is too powerful. Da Qin has no place for us. Where should we go?”

“The only way now is to integrate into them and become a complete character. Daqin should never make any small tricks again. This is the only way now. If we don’t do this, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get what we want, or even everything we have now. Everything will be lost. Are you willing to lose everything in front of you? , although compared to the past, when we were kings and hegemons in the Six Kingdoms, if we lose everything we have now, then we will even become common people. I think no one wants to become common people, and we will suffer other oppressions”

“But I am not willing, I am not willing, we failed like this. We still had a chance. As long as we waited for the emperor of Qin to die, we had a chance to become the masters of the world. We had a chance to overthrow Da Qin, but now Everything is late because of the Nineteenth Prince of Qin. If it weren’t for him, we would never be like this. It’s all the fault of that 19th prince, how wonderful it would be if he didn’t exist

“Don’t daydream. Without him, there will be others. Da Qin is favored by God. This means that Da Qin probably shouldn’t die. It can seal the wolf as a slave and eradicate the Xiongnu. This is something that the sages of ancient times have not done. However, But it was done by a 6-year-old Da Qin prince. It was simply terrifying.

“It is unimaginable that this could be done by a child. I really envy Ying Zheng. Because he gave birth to a good son, he became a being who can almost lie down. Just because he gave birth to a good son, Da Qin prospered. It would be great if he was born in our six countries. If only he were earlier. It would be great to appear in our six countries. Maybe our six countries will not be destroyed at all. It would be great if our country could also have such a prince.”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible. How could the crown prince of Da Qin be born in our Six Kingdoms? All this is just fantasy. It’s a pity, it’s a pity that we have no chance at all. We failed completely.”

Many remnants of the Six Kingdoms sighed secretly. They already knew that their doomsday era was coming, Da Qin would truly be invincible, and all their thoughts would be wiped out.

Although they were unwilling to accept it, they were helpless. (Read the Baoshuang novel. , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, they had no idea that all of them had already been targeted.

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