(Now, I have to think about the future)

After somehow getting rid of Rosie, who was strangely motivated by his thanks and tried to take care of him, Brad breathed a sigh of relief as if he had finished a chore.

Lying on a luxurious bed with a pig-like appearance.

He bites into the mountain of sweets piled up in the room as he thinks of his future plans.

The top priority is, of course, to avoid the death end.

In my previous life, I was so engrossed in a game that I failed to escape the disaster and died, but at that time my brain was practically on drugs. I didn’t want to die. Above all, I don’t want to die.

For that reason, I want to do everything I can to eliminate the elements that lead to death.

(By my calculations, that thing will happen in four years, on the darkest night, Al-Yar.)

Four years from now, on the day when the night is the deepest of the year, Brad will be enchanted by darkness. He was seduced by one of the “Four Demon Generals” (commonly known as the Four Heavenly Kings), the leaders of the Demon King’s army, and used their power to assassinate his father, the king.

This is the first time that Brad was completely exposed to the darkness.

Brad then becomes king, oppresses the people with tyranny, in the end, he tries to sacrifice the people of the royal capital for the demon king. He is prevented from doing so by his younger brother, the second prince Albert, who hid his true identity and became one of the heroes, and in the end, he is executed.

If that’s the case, it seems like death can be avoided if I simply take care not to be enchanted by the dark forces or assassinate the king.

(I won’t be that easy)

The four demons are just middle bosses in the game, but their power is the real deal. When they use illusion magic, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist it.

In the first place, Brad was fascinated by the darkness because of his jealousy towards his excellent younger brother Albert. In short, Brad is an incompetent small fry.

Although there is no indication of status, looking back on my memory of this world, my current strength is about 6. This is not much different from the hero right after starting his journey, and now Brad is weaker than any mob aristocrat attending the academy. Challenging the four demon generals with this is like an ant challenging a dragon. It’s reckless.

(But that’s just talking about me at the moment, right? Even if I can’t win right now, I should be able to get strong enough to win ……right?)

To the point where the four demons-no, even the demon king can be beaten.

That way I won’t have to be afraid of the death end needlessly.

It sounds completely ridiculous that I, a person who’s at the level of being ridiculed even in the academy, can become strong enough to defeat the four demon generals and the demon king.

But now I have knowledge of this world. I can say that I’m a cheat, having completed the Final Quest multiple times. In particular, I know how to raise my level efficiently and how to become stronger.

It’s necessary to verify how far the game system is applied in this world, but when I look back on my memory, it should be almost the same as the game system. If you defeat a monster, you’ll gain experience points and grow accordingly. It’s a world where you can become stronger.

If so, there’s no limit to what I can do.

“I’ve decided … I’ll get stronger !!!”

At least strong enough to defeat one of the four demon generals in four years.

Avoid the death end and have a brilliant second life waiting for me.

Yeah! Brad jumped out of bed.

(Both the Demon King and the Four Demon Generals will be blown away !!!)

Shu, Shu! Brad starts shadow boxing moving around the room with his plump body.

(… ha ha ha, this is tough. Wow, I’m sore)

In less than a minute, I feel terrible shortness of breath.

Even though I just moved my body a little, I’m in a lot of pain. I was sweating profusely, and I felt nauseous. No, no more.

(Why do you have this kind of physical strength … me)

When I looked at the full-length mirror, I saw myself looking like a sumo wrestler.

I don’t move much on my own because I basically use a carriage to get around, and I eat sweets whenever I can. In fact, even now, my hands are unconsciously moving to bring the sweets to my mouth. My body is craving for sugar.

This is bad. This is very bad.

There are two types of fat people in the world: the fat that can move and those that can’t. Brad is definitely a fat person who can’t move. If I don’t get my body to be able to move at least a little bit, I won’t be able to hunt even the little monsters and I might lose my life. I have to avoid that.

(And I’m ugly …)

He looks at his face again and sighs.

No, the face’s structure itself is not bad.

He had long, slit eyes and long eyelashes from his beautiful parents, a high, straight nose, and a face with no flaws that could be described as handsome.

However, he is hopelessly fat.

He’s so fat that it ruins the beauty of the face.

In addition, his skin is dark, so it’s hard to see, but it’s greasy, dirty, and covered with pimples. It doesn’t matter how good your face looks, if it’s not clean, it’s no good.

(……I want to do something about how I look, and dieting is my top priority.)

Some say that a person’s appearance is 90% of who they are.

Brad had no ally when he was executed, but I think that’s partly because he looks terrible. Of course, I’m going to be kind to the people around me, but there is nothing better than looking good. There is room for improvement.

“… Hey Rosie, are you there?”

“Yes, Brad-sama, can I help you?”

Rosie rushes into the room and asks with a smile. I told her she could take a break, but it seems she was still waiting outside the room.

“… Why are you smiling so much?”

“I’m glad to help Brad-sama desu! Please tell me what you want! I’ll do my best to answer desu!”

Right…I see, Brad nodded slightly.

She’s been acting strange since I thanked her earlier, but that’s okay.

“Can you get rid of all the sweets in this room for the time being?”

“Eh … did you not like them desu?”

“No, they’re very delicious. But as you can see, I’m too fat. I thought about it and think I should lose weight.”

Hmm … I see, Rosie nods hesitantly.

It seems she was wondering if she should affirm that he was fat. Before regaining his memory, Brad said he was chubby, and when he was said to be fat, his face turned red and he was angry.

The truth often hurts.

Brad looks at the caring maid Rosie and the sweets,

“… That’s right. Your house is poor and you have many brothers and sisters. Wouldn’t they be happy if you brought this mountain of sweets?”

“Eh !? But they’re all such expensive things …”

“Good, since I’ve been giving you a hard time. Take everything.”

This is an order, he said, holding up a finger.

Rosie opened her mouth as if bewildered, but it seemed the order worked, as she nodded and bowed.

” … I understand. Thank you, thank you desu!”

“In addition … there were a lot of sweets stored by freezing magic apart from those in the room. All of them are unnecessary. arrange for them to be distributed to children in orphanages and the slums.”

“Um, is it all right? There is a considerable amount desu.”

“Yes, please do so. It’s not an amount you can eat by yourself.”

Rosie seemed perplexed, but when Brad told her that, she suddenly looked like she had realized something.

“No way, in anticipation of this …?”

She mumbled something, but Brad didn’t pay it any attention.

Then looking around the room, I noticed the oddly designed furniture and the large number of colorful and gaudy outfits. Now that I’ve regained the memories of my previous life, it’s obvious that these things are in poor taste. I guess I don’t need these either.

“Let’s dispose of unnecessary furniture and clothes all at once. I can’t speak for the design, but the things themselves should be good. It will be worth a certain amount of money. The money can be used for educational and medical institutions for the poor that are being put off. “

“Eh …the clothes!? But you used to cherish them !?”

” Yeah, there are many among the people who do not receive the bare necessities of life. I’ve been a little too extravagant in the past. As royalty, I should give a little back to the people. I’ll talk to the minister in charge and see if he can arrange it.”

When Brad smiles with his round bun-like face, it was quite ugly but Rosie squints as if looking at something dazzling. Then she put her hands together in a prayer-like pose and began to worship Brad.

“Why … are you worshiping?”

“… Brad-sama looked like a saint des”

“Well, whatever, but don’t forget the sweets, furniture, and costumes.”

“Certainly desu! Please leave it to me!”

Rosie hits her big chest which is disproportionate to her petite body.

Brad sent her out of the room with a few more requests.

“Now, why don’t we try to resist fate?”

Brad smiles fearlessly, trying to look cool with his chuunibyo lines.

From the surroundings, it can only be seen as an unpleasant fat person saying something that doesn’t make sense with an eerie smile, but still looked a bit charming.

Like this–

The days of Brad avoiding the death end had begun.

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