“What!? Brad’s gone?”

Castral’s eyes widen at the knight’s report.

This is the conference room of the royal palace.

After the previous audience with Brad and Carol was over, Castral was discussing the other kingdom’s response in regards to the disappearance of Albert and the battle at the Deltora peninsula, but the meeting was interrupted by a knight who barged in urgently.

“Yes, when I checked his room earlier, he was no longer there.”

“What do you mean? Wasn’t he under surveillance?”

“Yes, we had two knights in front of the room at all times. So we had no idea how he escaped…”

When the Knight gives the report of their embarrassing failure, Castral grits his teeth bitterly.

“How on earth did he get out then? Did he use his dragon?”

“The ice dragon is still in the dragon house and there is no report that he passed through the city gate, so they are still in the royal capital at least.”

Castral slowly ponders whether Brad can still be stopped.

“Is it possible that Princess Carol has escaped too?”

“Don’t worry about that your Highness, Glace-sama is with her right now as we speak.

Castral pats his chest, wondering if Brad escaping alone was true and he frowns at the discomfort of Glace’s action.

“He seemed to be obsessed with Brad, but why keep an eye only on Princess Carol?”

The “Seven Heroes” Glace Stresemann, who is also an honorary knight of this country, is extremely indifferent to things that do not interest him. I’m not sure why he decided to keep an eye on Carol, instead of his apprentice Brad.

“Glace-sama himself said that if Brad-sama were to take action, he would certainly come to Carol’s rescue first. In the end, it seems that he was wrong.”

Castral nodded, “I see.”

It’s no wonder that Glace thought so.

Given Brad’s personality these days, if he was going to the Deltora Peninsula, it is unlikely that he will leave Carol behind.

“So where is Glace now?”

When I told him that Lord Brad had escaped, he puzzled over it for a while, but soon went to search for him.

Castral was relieved to hear that.

In addition to the Magic Knights, if Glace has also been included in the search, it will be impossible for Brad to escape like this.

(It’s only a matter of time before he’s caught.)

Castral put his mind at ease and instructed them to strengthen the security around the city gate, which was the escape route, and returned his thoughts to the many problems that would soon be piling up.

–But Castral had forgotten that the Brad of today was no longer a person who fit into the category of common sense.


–The square in front of the south gate of the royal capital Fall Flat.–

The square was bustling with travelers and adventurers coming in and out of the capital, as well as people doing business with those people.

And from the top of the clock tower in the center of the square, there was someone looking down on the crowd.

(I can smell Brad’s scent in the air..☆.)

It was Glace Stresemann, one of the “Seven Heroes” who was searching for Brad.

(I thought you’d definitely come to rescue Carol, But I’m sure you’ve read my thoughts on that☆.)

It was unexpected that Brad left Carol alone and ran off by himself.

(That’s great, Brad.) He must have sensed that Glace was waiting for him at Carol’s place and decided not to rescue her.

(As expected Brad-kun… That’s why you’re such an interesting person… but unfortunately, you can’t escape me☆.)

Glace had no intention of letting Brad go to the Deltora Peninsula.

It is unknown how far the conflict between Dastoria and Elneid will expand, and there are too many dangers on that peninsula to begin with. As Castral had feared, there was no guarantee that even Brad would make it back alive.

(It’s too bad to lose him now☆.)

He used a sight-enhancing spell to get a bird’s eye view of the entire square and to look for Brad.

A strong man like Brad has a unique aura that he can’t hide. It shouldn’t have been too difficult to find him.

And in fact–

(… found him☆)

After a few moments, he successfully found a person in the crowd who seemed to be Brad.

The footstep peculiar to him, the extraordinary magic power that cannot be hidden and the glimpse of the silver hair from the deeply worn cloak.

I’m sure.

Glace flew off the clock tower and without even using levitation, landed in front of what appeared to be Brad.


–Zudooong– And because he landed on the cobblestone and raised dust, not only the person who seemed to be Brad but also the people around him all gathered and focused their astonished eyes on Glace.

“Eh! What?”

“Isn’t that… Glace-sama?”

“Oh, really! He looks as beautiful as ever.”

Even the people in the distance looked at Glace to see what was going on.

“It’s a shame that you were so close to escaping, Brad☆.”


When Glace said this, the person who appears to be Brad doesn’t run away but keeps quiet as though he were stunned.

And then—

“You found me, as expected.”

He said as if he had given up.

Then he lifted the hood of his cloak and Glace saw that it was indeed Brad von Pistel.

“I thought I was completely hidden in the crowd, but I didn’t expect to be noticed so quickly.”

“I’m pretty good at spotting enemies. aren’t I✩?” Glace walked up to Brad with his usual flirty smile.

“I didn’t think you’d abandon Carol-chan. If you were to head to the Deltora Peninsula, I would have thought that you would have rescued Carol and gone with her☆.”

“Indeed… I thought so too.”

Brad shrugs his shoulders with a mischievous smile.

“But now that I’ve found you, what are you going to do? Are you going to try and forcibly escape or will you give up and return to the royal capital? I think it would be a little more entertaining for me if you try to escape☆”

In front of Brad, Glace could no longer contain his excitement.

(Ah!!… I want to see how strong he has become.)

To be honest, ever since he saw the grown-up Brad with his own eyes at the Sword Dance Festival, he has been itching to take on his sword.

Especially when Brad confronted Lionetta, the huge display of magic power was tremendous. Brad had become incomparably stronger than before. He couldn’t wait to experience it firsthand.

As Glace’s excitement increased, the enormous magic power that even he could not control anymore, exploded and shook the air, becoming a wave that gouged the ground right below Glace and formed a large crater.


But while onlookers fled like spiders with screams, Brad was silent, his hand on his chin as if thinking.

I can’t read his emotions or will.

“You’re not saying anything, but at least it means that you don’t want to leave quietly. If that’s the case, why don’t you fight me? If you can beat me, you’ll be a free man.”

“No, of course I would if I could fight and win, but it seems too difficult.”

Brad smiles wryly.

Even if Brad has become stronger, there’s still a huge difference in power between the two. I guess he doesn’t want to engage in a fight where his chances of winning are slim.

“I’ll give you a chance! If you can get me to my knees, you win. I won’t hold you back anymore. How about that?”

“Get you on your knees?”

Brad furrows his brow in thought.

“Yes, that sounds like a possibility. I’ll take you up on those terms.”

“Done, it is decided✩.”

As soon as Brad agreed to the terms, Glace responded quickly and started moving with his sword as he was getting impatient.

And immediately, he attacks Brad with a sideways slash instead of a greeting.

“…  Guh!”

Brad hurriedly pulls out his sword and tries to parry the attack.

However, he couldn’t block it and got blown away as if he was being pushed backwards. Although he managed to stay on the ground and did not fall, his expression was tight. The hand he tried to use in parrying the attack was numb due to the impact.

(Hmm. I wonder if he’s in a bad condition ☆)

Glace tilts his head curiously.

It was just a greeting blow and I thought it was light enough that it could be countered given Brad’s current ability, but did I miscalculate?

(or was it my imagination☆?)

Glace doesn’t care and goes after Brad who has just regained his footing.

He swung his huge sword at Brad without hesitation. 


Sometimes he takes it, sometimes he dodges it, and sometimes he deals with it.

However, all of Brad’s movements were monotonous and easy to read and if Glace took it seriously, Brad could be killed in an instant.

And that’s not all.

Compared to when he was plump, his movements are better, but compared to the cyclops battle, it’s worse and when it comes to reading attacks, it seems he was clearly better when he was still fat.

“What’s wrong, Brad-kun, your abilities aren’t that good yet! Please entertain me more☆”

“Ah… wait, wait!”

Regardless of Brad’s request, Glace gradually increases the weight and speed of his attack as he pulls out his sword and points it at Brad.



In a short time, Brad was unable to withstand Glace’s attack and was blown away with great force.

He struck the cobblestones and rolled over in a heap.

(Hmm, is this …?)

Glace couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

This is because there’s no way that Brad, who had crossed swords with a Demon General couldn’t withstand this level of attack even though he wasn’t being serious yet.

Glace takes a look at Brad again and narrowed his eyes while looking at his magic power.

(So that’s it)

And then he notices.

The magic power of the Brad in front of him seems to be camouflaged well on the surface, but behind it was an unnatural magic power that clearly does not belong to Brad.

“Hey… who are you?”

Glace asks, narrowing his eyes sharply.

At that question, Brad- No, something in the form of Brad opens his eyes as if he was surprised and then looks around.

“What are you talking about? This is Brad. The first prince of this country and your disciple.”

“By the way, I don’t think Brad-kun will really refer to himself in such a way☆.”**

Glace points that out casually and the impersonator looks startled.

“Ah… that’s, I just wanted to change my image.”

“That’s a lie, it doesn’t suit him☆”

Glace shrugs and responds immediately.

The charade was over.

The impersonator moves his mouth as though he wanted to say something.

However, it seems that he thought about it for a long time.

He changed the gentle expression on his face and looked at Glace directly in the face.

“How did you know I’m not Brad von Pistel?”

“First of all, you’re too weak. You can’t replace Brad.”

“I see. I’m aware, but it still hurts to hear it.”

“Secondly, you’re not cute, Brad is cuter☆.”

“This isn’t even parental stupidity, it’s a master’s stupidity.”

The Brad impersonator sighed with a nihilistic smile that would never be seen on Brad’s face.

“Hmm… well it’s okay. It seems I’ve fulfilled my role enough.”

While saying so, he took off the hood he was wearing.

What was on his head were animal ears. Furthermore, sharp and pointed canine teeth were revealed. Eyes with longitudinal slit-like pupils that didn’t belong to humans were exposed.

Glace immediately discovers the true identity of the impersonator before his eyes.

“I See. Werewolf-kun from that time☆”

He was sure it was the werewolf lord named Uru Gallov, which Brad had been cooperating with the other day to get Lionetta out.

When it came to werewolves, their transformation skill is perfect, even Glace didn’t suspect a thing.

“Then what about the real Brad?”

“As you first pointed out.”

Uru happily shrugs and uses his chin to point to the royal palace.

At first, Glace thought for a while, but after much thinking, it came to him.

“Fufufu! I see, so that’s how it is. I was distracted from watching the princess☆ How brilliant! Brad-kun☆”

Glace understands that he has been tricked by Brad von Pistel.

However, even though he was well deceived, it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling that sprung up inside Glace, it was that of pride that such a talented young man was his disciple.

“Are you sure it’s okay not to go after him?”

“Yeah, I lost☆ it is nonsense for the loser to complain after☆”

Uru stared at Glace who was still smiling casually.

“So like disciple like master.”

Uru said and shrugged with a stunned expression.

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