This is what happened a little while before the attack on Pistel by Lionetta.

“Hehe, we’re first!”

In a corridor in the middle level of the Sky Mountain Labyrinth, a party of five adventurers was walking around, laughing vulgarly.

They were adventurers based in the town of Adras, not far from here. They had heard from their guild that the Cyclops that had been living in this labyrinth was defeated, and they had set out to conquer it.

“It’s a labyrinth that hasn’t been raided in a while, so we’re going to be rich today!”

The labyrinth has been uninhabited since the Cyclops took up residence. In other words, money and goods that the monsters took from people such as relics of adventurers who were killed by monsters here should be untouched.

“You shouldn’t be careless about this. Rumor has it that the monsters here are troublesome. There’s a possibility that the demon king’s army is still around.”

It was a young elf girl who pointed this out.

The girl had originally been against exploring this labyrinth because the dangers were still unknown. However, as a newcomer to the party, she was eventually pushed into it by the other members.

“Merle is as anxious as ever. Even so, we’re an advanced party with members with two names right? Easy easy.”

“That’s right. Who do you think I am anyway? Be it an Ogre or any monster, once it comes before this “iron arm”, I Dash will destroy it.”

Merle once again warned them to be careful, but the members didn’t listen to her and continued to walk forward without caution.

It may be inevitable.

There’s an unspoken rule that only adventurers of the third level Damascus or higher are allowed to use a second name, which means that it’s a sign of being a high level adventurer.

In this party, there are two people with two names, including the leader.

The demons in this labyrinth were known to be of a much higher level than those in the surrounding areas, but as long as there were no cyclops class monsters, they were sure that they wouldn’t have problems.

However, unforeseen circumstances are always a part of any adventure.

After some time of searching, the party spotted a corpse clad in expensive gear and approached it with great enthusiasm.

“What!? This is a trap!?”

The ground around them shone with a mysterious glow, and a huge magic circle appeared.

But by the time they realized it, it was too late. Countless arms sprang from the ground and grabbed each of their legs.

“Damn it let go of me! let go!”

The adventurers rushed to cut off the arms, but they were grabbed by so many arms that it was a waste of time. In spite of their efforts, they were all finally thrown to the ground, all of their arms and legs grabbed by the corpses’ arms, and crucified completely to the ground.

As if waiting for them, ten hobgoblins and a swarm of ogres appear.

Smiling eerily and licking their tongues as drool dropped from their mouth, the monsters surrounded the adventuring party.

“Why are there ogres and hobgoblins in such a place?”

Ogres and hobgoblins are powerful, high-ranking species.

They usually lead their herds as chiefs, and there are usually only one or two of them in a herd. You can’t help but be surprised when you see so many of them, laying traps and moving in a coordinated fashion.

“No, no, don’t come closer!!”

The adventurers ranted and raved, but they were completely entangled in the arms that grew out of the ground and could no longer move anything more than their fingertips.

The adventurers, even those with two names, were vulnerable once their movements were blocked like this by the trap.

But the moment the adventurers were about to die…


Boom! A powerful explosion.

A huge fireball flew from the side and blew the monsters away.

“We’re saved?”

“No, wait… Look at that!”

But before they could be relieved, the adventurers were faced with an even greater threat.

“What… is that thing?”

When they looked in the direction the fireball came from, they saw a humanoid-shaped monster surrounded by malevolent magic power.

At first glance, it appeared to be a beautiful young man like an elf wearing a dark brown robe like a wizard.

But in his hand was not a staff, but a scythe reminiscent of the Grim Reaper. His entire body was adorned with countless bone ornaments of unknown origin.

His skin was pale and lifeless, and he had a tattoo of a mysterious magic rune. In addition, one of his eyes was hidden by an eye patch, making him difficult to identify, and the other red eye was a magic eye that no human being can have.

Above all, it was obvious that it is a monster with its terrifying and evil magic power.

“What the hell are you doing? Have you forgotten what he taught you?”

The humanoid demon glided past the adventurers and asked the ogre and hobgoblins in a dignified voice like a king

The hobgoblins and ogres that were blown away rushed to their feet. In the face of this ancient monstrosity, they couldn’t make any excuse.

“Ah… that monster’s magic power is off the charts. It has a great magnitude to it. It seems it’s at the top of its species. Could it be one of those Demon Race monsters?”

“Ba- Baka! (Idiot!) That’s impossible. Being part of the Demon Race means its powers are equal to that of the Demon Generals. What would such a monster be doing here?”

“Well, you’re right… haha. Even if it’s not from the Demon Race, it’s still a humanoid monster.”

When a monster evolves, it often becomes huge for the purpose of showing off. But if they evolve further, they can become a higher race called the “demon race,” which retains the characteristics of monsters but becomes humanoid.

However, the demons that reach the level of “demon race” are rare, being limited to the Demon Generals and leaders of the Demon King’s army. They are legendary existences that aren’t encountered so often.

“Anyway, now’s our chance. I don’t know if they’re the remnants of the demon king’s army or not. Let’s kill them and show them the true power of humans.

While the monsters were discussing something, the adventurers tore out of the corpse hands that were holding them down and got up.

“Even if it’s not part of the demon race, they still outnumber us. I think we should make a run for it.”

“You’re too weak, Merle. I’m sure they’ll have plenty of money with them. This is a nice pinch and our chance.”

“Heck, we’ll take them down and make a fortune!”

Merle uneasily advises them all to run away, but the party members were all motivated and no one wanted to. 

In the meantime, Merle was inwardly tormenting himself with the idea that a pinch is a pinch.


The party members, except for Merle, attacked the demons with a rousing shout.

The first one to leap forward was Dash, the strongest warrior in the party with two names.

He ran through the labyrinth with incredible speed while aiming for the humanoid monster who had his back turned and launched a full powered sword attack with a flowing motion.

Dash slashed the humanoid demon several times and felt a response. He was sure of victory and smiled. However,

“… ‘Invisible Chain’…”

The humanoid demon raised its scythe like staff and whispered such a spell.

The adventurers were instantly bound by invisible chains around their arms and torso, and fell to the ground again, unable to free their bodies.

“Da…Damn it! What a strong magic chain, I can’t break free!”

“Isn’t ‘Invisible Chain’ a 6th rank magic? How did it complete such a complex spell in an instant?”

“And this guy…is regenerating the parts I cut off? Is he an undead?”

When the adventurers cast their gaze, the humanoid monster who stood on the same spot while receiving the sword attack without moving an inch. Didn’t even seem to feel pain.

“To answer your question, I am an “Undead King” according to how humans classify me. Any weapon other than Mithril has no effect on me.”

The monster replies plainly.

–The Undead king–.

The undead king is the highest level of the undead. It’s an S-ranked monster that is a further evolution of the undead lord that is said to destroy small villages.

It’s so legendary that there is a legend that a single Undead King once destroyed an entire country.

And the appearance of a humanoid monster who handles a 6th rank high level magic so lightly and exudes extraordinary magic power and murderous intent shows the unmistakable truth that it is an undead king.

“An undead king, huh?”

“Why is such a monster here?”

“So that’s why these guys were following…!”

The adventurers realize.

Even though there were so many strong ogres and hobgoblins, it was possible for the humanoid monster to lead them as a group because he was overwhelmingly superior.

“We can’t win!… I thought the Demon King’s army was already gone!”

When the adventurers said that in panic, the Undead King released a terrifying murderous intent that was uncomfortable and unmatched so far.

“Do not lump us in with the Demon King’s army. The one we serve is far greater than the Demon King. He will eventually rule this world.”

“That can’t be right. You can’t possibly …… there can’t be such an existence!”

The adventures shudder at the Undead King’s murderous aura.

The monster in front of them alone seems to be clearly not something that they – or even humans – can compete with. And yet, there was an even more powerful being. An existence that surpasses even the Demon King.

While the adventurers were trembling, wondering if it was the end of the world for them, the undead king walked towards them.

Dash panicked.

“Wait… I’m sorry! That’s right! I’ll give you all the money you want, but can you please let me off the hook this once?”

Dash said while smiling sheepishly as he was bound like a hornworm by the invisible chain.

But the Undead King glared at him with a surprisingly cold expression.

“Do you think demons want money and gold? You tried to hunt me, so as such, you were prepared to be hunted too, right?”

The undead king slowly raised the scythe towards the adventurers, intending to end it all immediately.

To the adventurers, the scythe looked like the scythe of the god of death, reaping life. And just when they thought the scythe had flashed…

“Hi, hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

The adventurers ran away with all their might, their legs tangled up in fear.

They ran through the corridor without glancing back and returned through the original route which they entered. They escaped from the labyrinth shortly afterwords all breathless. 


(Even though I just cut the chain, they’re pretty quick and cowardly.)

The Undead King named “Lord” by Brad the great shrugged.

He didn’t raise the scythe to harm the adventurers. He simply cut the chains that were holding them.

The adventurers may have lost their sense of normality and they probably still don’t even know that their restraints were lifted.

(If it was before, I would have eaten them without hesitation, but the great one instructed us not to harm humans. I’ll skip it this time. Besides, there’s an important meeting to attend.)

The Lord stroked his chin while feeling uncomfortable with his body that gained flesh due to his evolution to “Undead King”. He returned to their stronghold with the monsters.

Hundreds of monsters were already gathered in the main hall of the stronghold, a temple named “Sanctuary”, deep in the labyrinth.

The 100 sky mountain indigenous monsters that Brad tamed and the Sky mountain wild monsters that succumbed to Brad’s Corps (Provisional).

Compared to the 1000 battalions led by the cyclops, their number was below half, but their power was unmatched.

This is because many of the monsters have gained unmatched strength through the leveling techniques Brad taught them and have evolved into higher-ranking species as their levels rose.

Just as Lord has reached the evolution of “Undead King”. Goblins have evolved into hobgoblins and orcs have evolved into high orcs.

When a monster evolves one step, its power is completely different. In terms of ability, it should be equal in ratio to the cyclops battalion.

And before the powerful group of monsters, on the stage were five monsters exuding exceptionally terrifying magic power.

These are the monsters that Brad named. The seven beings, including Lord and Shadow, who is currently investigating the Deltora Peninsula, were the top executives who are currently leading the monsters in Brad Corps (provisional)- Commonly known as the “Seven Magic Swords”

When Lord came and stood next to them, the slightly noisy hall suddenly calmed down. 

“Listen, my brothers!”

Lord raises his voice.

“As you can see I’m not the only one here. I thought it was necessary to share the will of our great lord, Brad-sama once again, who wanted to claim sky mountain and make new allies.”

Monsters listen to the words as though it were an oracle speaking.

“Brad-sama wants to rule this world and eventually, all the dimensional worlds as well. He ordered Shadow to investigate the Deltora Peninsula, which is proof that he will soon have the Peninsula in his hands.”

Lord speaks brilliantly about what he thinks are Brad’s ideals.

“But even in this world, there are many obstacles such as humans and the demon king’s army. Our job is to be the “strongest shield” that protects Brad-sama.”

That was Lord’s opinion on what the great Brad required of them.

“As an expression of our determination, from now on, this Legion formed by the great Brad shall be known as the “Blood Service”. A legion that serves only Brad-sama. With the “Seven Magic Swords” specially named by Brad, we will offer our best service to him.”

In response to such a high-ranking declaration by Lord, the monsters who were silent until now screamed like an army in fervor.

There can be no objection. Lord worships Brad like a god as he talks about Brad’s greatness every day.

“Glory to Lord Brad!”

When one of the monsters shouted those words, everyone began to chant it, albeit an unfamiliar and difficult human language.

Their voices continued to echo through the labyrinth, showing the magnitude of the monsters’ loyalty to Brad.


Without Brad’s knowledge, Brad Corps the “Blood Service” was formed as they began to work towards the ideals which they thought were Brad’s.

It wasn’t long before hundreds of monsters led by the “Four Demon General” Lionetta and the commander Vieira joined them.

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