Chapter 313 : The perfect fit of the Echizen brothers

“0:2! The Japan team won this round!’

After a fierce battle, the second match came to an end. Echizen Ryoga took the initiative and broke with a stronger strength.

As for the two junior high school students Echizen Ryoma and Jonal, they couldn’t intervene at all.

It can be said that this second match is actually a personal duel between Echizen Ryoga and Edgar.

There was thunderous applause from the audience!

“In terms of personal strength, Echizen Ryoga is better!”

“Edgar’s strength is also very good, “Art Tennis” shows gorgeous and gorgeous, but also shows superb technology, but there are still some gaps!”

“Deserving of the inheritor of the samurai, the young samurai deserves it!!

“In the third round, it was Echizen Ryoma’s serve round. Suddenly, I had some small expectations. I hope he can have a better performance!

During the heated discussion, Echizen Ryoma went to baseline and prepared to serve.

The match between Echizen Ryoga and Edgar just now also allowed him to see the true style of the world stage and understand the true strength of the top four players.

However, Echizen Ryoma didn’t feel frustrated and gave up. Instead, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled confidently: “It’s not too far away!”

Echizen Ryoma will not be defeated by this small setback, Xiaoqiang-like spirit and perseverance are his most powerful talents!


At the moment when the voice fell, Echizen Ryoma’s body 26 suddenly burst out with a bright light – Selfless State!

The audience shakes!

The two teammates of the Faguo team also looked at Echizen Ryoma cautiously.

In this atmosphere, Echizen Ryoma directly started serving!


A big explosion bombarded the net, and everyone at Higa Middle-School off the court was instantly excited. This is their proud skill!

The tennis ball quickly flew across the net, fell heavily to the ground, and a strong vibration came, which is enough to explain the terrifying power and impact of this ball!

Edgar reacted quickly to catch up and directly intercepted with both hands.


“Very strong.”

Edgar was a little surprised, but he still fought back strongly, “Isn’t it just a chance for me to use the jump serve against a master?”


The tennis ball was directly intercepted by Edgar and hit back.

But as soon as the tennis ball crossed the net, it was easily intercepted by Echizen Ryoga. His face still had a faint smile: “Isn’t this a doubles match?,

Holding the clapping hand as steady as Mount Tai, quickly draws towards the front corner of the net.

Jonal ran and chased him quickly, his weak and short body still showed not weak reaction and speed.

It’s just that after Jonal caught up, he swung to intercept!


The strong power on the tennis ball directly knocked his racquet into the air!

Edgar of Baseline had a headache, not because he didn’t want to go forward to help defend, but because he couldn’t go forward.

If Edgar leaves the baseline and runs to support Jonal, Echizen Ryoga will definitely seize this opportunity to hit the baseline in a blind spot!

Mobilize the opponent, lead the opponent away from his defend area, and then attack strongly, which is also one of the basic tactics of tennis.

It’s impossible to support Jonal, but if you don’t, he will not be Echizen Ryoga’s opponent.

“It’s really troublesome.” Edgar sighed and went to help Jonal up.

at the same time.

The referee’s voice sounded loudly: “15:0! The Japan team scored!”

There was warm applause from the audience!

This time the fight between the two sides still showed the players’ personal strength and tacit cooperation!

Echizen Ryoma started serving again, and it was Jonal’s turn to serve in this round.

After seeing this scene, Echizen Ryoma gave a chuckle, threw the tennis ball directly into the sky, and then slashed the tennis ball with both hands like a samurai sword.


Move like Thunder serve!

The tennis ball struck the net like thunder. Jonal’s eyes widened and he chased after it reluctantly.


The tennis ball was ejected directly, and he did not catch the trajectory of the ball at all, or it was too late to catch it.

“30:0! Team Japan scored!”

The applause sounded violently again!

Those big Rikkai players around are cheering and applauding for Echizen Ryoma’s wonderful performance!

“Very good imitation.” Yukimura commented faintly: “I hope his physical strength can support this consumption.”

“Don’t worry, Echizen guy will definitely stick to the end.” Sanada Xianichiro thought of Echizen Ryoma’s spirit of never giving up, and it was a bit of a headache.

The junior high school students seemed to be very understanding and general, and each showed a knowing smile.

above the court.

Echizen Ryoma started the third serve.


Still moving like Thunder serve, with good results, he naturally wants to take advantage of the victory and pursue it.

Only this time it was Edgar, the high school student of the Faguo team, who was stronger and more skilled.

After Edgar caught up quickly, he immediately caught the trajectory of the tennis ball, and then the racquet in his hand rotated.


Head hit the tennis ball directly, hitting this move’like a Thunder’ back across the net.

“Fortunately, the investigation was done in advance.” Edgar said lightly.

In front of the net, Echizen Ryoga quickly caught up, and a fierce light burst out from his clapping hand, and he tried his best to start again.


The tennis ball flew away with double force, and even the spin and impact on it were doubled back!

“Arc de Triomphe!

Edgar once again raised the “Triumphal Arch” behind him, doubling this move to return the ball to a strong interception.

After the fight in the last round, Edgar also found out the bottom line of the “threatening”, which can be resolved by fast and slow ball return.

call out!

A’shark’ appeared directly out of thin air, as if jumping from the sea level, full of a bloody and murderous atmosphere.

This is a terrifying lob!

Edgar was clearly ready to hit the rear, aiming the primary target of the attack at Echizen Ryoma.

It’s just obvious that Echizen Ryoga didn’t give him this opportunity. He kicked the ground fiercely and leaped directly up, the terrifying jumping power shocked the audience!

Many people who understand “Ten Thousand Hardenings” are even more surprised!

“How can it be?!”

“Doesn’t it have the weakness of reducing the ability of other parts of the body?”

“No! Look at the feet of Echizen Ryoga! Isn’t that the breath and light that Qian 787 has tempered?!”

Everyone was shocked!

Echizen Ryoga’s skill in the use of temperament is similar to that of Echizen Ryoma. By transferring the strength of temperament, it can be freely transferred to all parts of the body.

In this way, the weakness of the’thousand tempering’ can be resolved!

Echizen Ryoga, who was condescending in the air, once again transferred his tempered power to his hands, and then smashed violently in front of the net!


The tennis ball blasted the ground like a cannonball, and Jonal, who was defending in front of the net, was unable to fight back, making the tennis ball out.

“40:0! The Japan team scored!”

The audience shook, and thunderous applause!

The audience was shocked by Echizen Ryoga’s excellent performance!

Although they are all’hardened and tempered’, the power displayed by different users is also different!

At least Echizen Ryoga’s bounce ability gives people the illusion of a delay trapeze, which obviously brings the’thousands of tempers’ to the fullest!

“It’s the eldest brother.”” Echizen Ryoma also sighed a little, with a rare look of admiration on his face.

Echizen Ryoga just saw it, and laughed jokingly: “Do you think the big brother is very powerful? Smaller.”

Echizen Ryoma dropped his mouth without answering, and started serving again.

This time it’s Jonal’s turn to take the serve again, and the audience can see that Jonal is obviously not Echizen Ryoma’s opponent.

as predicted.

Echizen Ryoma’s “movement is like Thunder” serve, and once again won from Jonal.

“3:0! The Japan team won this round!”.

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