Chapter 315 : End of match and restart


“Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma brothers, do they all have the limit of seamlessness?!”

“It’s incredible!”

“But when I think about it, I’m relieved, after all, they are the heirs of the samurai Nanjiro, they are young samurai!

The two brilliant lights shining on the court are Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma, and they have stepped into the seamless performance at the same time!

Japan team player area.

“Echizen-senpai really has perfect clothes!”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke sighed and shook a little, “And it seems that Echizen Ryoma seems to be able to control the world seamlessly!”

“In fact, everyone has perfect clothes.” Mushen Yi said with a faint smile: “It depends on whether you can find your original intention, or find that state!”

“It’s difficult for seniors.”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke said with a wry smile: “So, even if everyone has a perfect fit, how much can be turned on?”

Shiraishi’s words also illustrate the importance of’talent’, which is indeed cruel to ordinary players!

For ordinary players, their end may just be the start of some days 787!

above the court.

In the seventh round, it was Echizen Ryoma’s serve round.

Edgar and Jonal on the opposite side were extremely solemn and focused, they knew that this should be the full shot of the Echizen brothers!

“Whether we can win depends on whether Jonal can collect the information!” Edgar sighed in his heart.

They forced the Echizen brothers to do their best. Only by collecting this data can they compete against it, and it is possible to turn defeat into victory!

“I’m going to serve.”

After Echizen Ryoma gave a reminder, he threw the tennis ball directly into the sky, and then quickly swung the racket down!


The speed of this ball is extremely fast, not to mention that the ordinary audience did not keep up with the rhythm, even the master Edgar did not catch the trajectory of the tennis.


Hearing the tennis ball bounce lightly behind him, Edgar’s face changed suddenly, and he turned his head quickly with some shock.

“So fast!”

Edgar’s eyes shrank, and Echizen Ryoma’s current serving speed exceeded his reaction limit?!

Is the seamless bonus so terrifying?!

“In the bounds!’

Referee’s (cgbg) voice sounded loudly: “15:0! Japan team scored!”

The audience was in an uproar!

“Too fast?! I can’t see clearly with my 5.0 vision?!”

“This is the bonus of “the limit of seamlessness”, it is unbelievable! Echizen Ryoma’s current strength seems to be above Edgar?!”

“It deserves to be the ultimate meaning of Selfless State, there is such a strong bonus!”

“The strength of Echizen Ryoma is so terrifying, the strength of Echizen Ryoga is so hard to imagine!”

Amidst the shock of the audience, Edgar and Jonal exchanged serve positions.

“Be careful of Jonal,” Edgar reminded.

Jonal nodded solemnly and said, “I understand Edgar!”

The match starts again.

Echizen Ryoma starts serving again!



That super high-speed serve, even Edgar did not catch up, let alone Jonal, who is slightly inferior?

Echizen Ryoma also took advantage of the bonus of ACE serve and scored!

“Inside! 30:0! Japan team scored!”

The audience was in an uproar again, and there was thunderous applause!

Jonal and Edgar exchanged serve positions.

After thinking about it, Jonal reminded him:

“Edgar, the next serve point may be one meter inside the singles line. You can give it a try in advance.”

“I see.” Edgar nodded solemnly.

The match starts again.

“Need me to slow down a bit?” Echizen Ryoma said with a chuckle.

Jonal and Edgar did not respond, they still have this psychological quality!

Echizen Ryoma directly started serving.


This time, serve is still extremely fast.

The audience couldn’t keep up with the rhythm and speed at all.

The same is true for Edgar. No matter how strong he is, he still needs to adapt to multiple games.

Only this time, he followed Jonal’s suggestion and ran directly to the singles line within one meter.

Prejudge in advance, swing with a little luck.


When Edgar felt the impact of the tennis ball, he understood that Jonal’s stats were working.

It was just this sudden return attack that did not allow him to play his own skills, but the tennis was still reluctantly successfully returned.

The audience was shocked!

Everyone was shocked by Edgar’s sudden counterattack, one by one seemed unbelievable!

Echizen Ryoma, under the seamless addition of heavenly clothes, his super fast serve, was unexpectedly hit back by Edgar for the second time?!

Before everyone woke up, Echizen Ryoga teleported to catch up with this return ball, and then slammed straight down!


It was faster than Echizen Ryoma, so Edgar and Jonal couldn’t react at all.

“In the bound! 40:0! The Japan team scored!”

The audience awakened like an afterthought, and then a sensation that resounded through the sky broke out!

They finally saw the strength of Echizen Ryoga under the’Seamless Clothes’.

Only one word can be used to describe: Niubi!

“Small, don’t get overwhelmed.” Echizen Ryoga reminded.

“I see.” Echizen Ryoma curled his lips and started serving again.



This time Jonal took the serve, he didn’t react at all to catch up.

In other words, Jonal knew he couldn’t catch up, so he chose to concentrate on collecting the opponent’s data.

This also allowed Echizen Ryoma to score ACE again!

“5:2! The Japan team won this round!”

Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma have a “seamless” bonus, and their overall strength has been greatly improved.

Edgar couldn’t fight back at all, and Jonal did not hesitate to give up the fight back and concentrate on collecting new data on his opponent.

In the eighth round of the match, the Japan team also won smoothly!

“The first match is over!”

Referee’s voice sounded loudly: “The score is 6:2! Team Japan wins!”

Watching the two teams return to the contestant area to rest, the audience started to talk.

Sigh for the powerful strength of Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma, and at the same time guessing whether Jonal can collect the data of the Echizen brothers this time!

This will determine the final direction of the next match!

“The second set of match starts, please come on the field with two teams of contestants.”

The audience was talking a lot, the rest time was over, and the match continued.

Echizen Ryoga and Echizen Ryoma, Edgar and Jonal, the two teams played on the field, amid the applause of the audience, kicked off the second set of match. .

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