Chapter 333 :u17 World Cup semi-final end

There was thunderous applause from the audience!

The audience’s comments and exclamations also appeared.

“The Mu Shen still won without suspense!”

“Amadeus couldn’t win. We had guessed this a long time ago, but we didn’t expect that he was also defeated by nothing, and he didn’t even show any luck!

“It seems that Mushen Yi’s unbeaten standings, this year’s u17 World Cup is also very difficult to appear!”

“It’s not necessarily. This is only semi-final. There will be a final. Maybe a miracle will happen?!”

“The reason why a miracle is a miracle is because it is so difficult to appear!”

The audience had already guessed the result of the match, so there was not much shock!

Those professional players are also recalling the match duel just now. Whether it is Mushen Yi or Amadeus, they have given them a good actual combat experience!

During the heated discussion, referee’s voice sounded again:

“U17 World Cup semi-final, Japan team VS Ruishi team match result one-Japan team won with 3 wins and 0 losses standings!”

The referee’s voice regained everyone’s attention. It was only then that they suddenly realized that this semi-final had ended perfectly.

26 “The third winning streak of Team Japan has advanced!’

“It feels like the match is over in the blink of an eye!”

“Because the match is so wonderful, people can’t feel the passage of time at all, but this result is also within the acceptable range.”

“Team Ruishi still lost!”

“The current Japan team is already unstoppable!”

There was a lot of discussion. Players from the Japan team and the Ruishi team stepped onto the field with their own emotions under the attention of the public.

“Let’s go, we have successfully advanced to the final!” Oni Jujirou’s face, there was a rare smile on his face, “It’s only one step away from the championship!”

“Like yesterday, I remember that when we won the championship last year, we also advanced with this sweeping sweep.” Irie Kanata sighed slightly.

Tanegashima Shuji smiled and said, “This is the same for us this year, and we will win the championship smoothly!”

Although the expressions on the faces of Ajutsu, Atobe Keigo, and Kite Eishirou were not cheerful, their faces were soft.

Atobe Keigo’s face is even more graceful.

Everyone stepped onto the court calmly.

The Ruishi team on the other side.

“Lost.” Henry sighed, “Stop semi-final!”

“Sigh?”” Pete patted Henry on the shoulder and said with a chuckle: “We are the top four in the u17 World Cup, and our results are not inferior to last year!”


Albert Feature nodded and said: “But speaking of it, this is the last year of our high school students’ World Cup competition, and the next one will depend on you!”

“Come on!” Randy said with a smile.

Henry and other junior high school students nodded, and said solemnly: “Yes! Seniors!”

“Let’s go, we are on the court!”

Everyone stepped onto the court collectively,

Although they lost the match, everyone in the Kerui tenth team was not frustrated at all, and each one was high in fighting spirit, showing the strong aura of the world’s second team.

This scene caused the audience to applaud once again!

The momentum displayed by the Ruishi team is domineering even though they are defeated!

above the court.

The Japan team and the Ruishi team shook hands with each other, had a friendly conversation, and finished the semi-final of the u17 World Cup perfectly!

Amidst the applause of the audience, the two teams each left the contestant channel and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The Japan team locker room.

When Mushen Yi and others returned triumphantly, they welcomed the cheers of their teammates, all overjoyed and surprised!

“Don’t be so naive.

Oni Jujiro said faintly: “We were the last championship team. It was just a semi-final victory. How excited you are?’

“Ghost, you didn’t say that on court.” Irie said jokingly, “Also, can you put away the smile on your mouth?”

“Looking for death, Irie.” The ghost said coldly.

It’s just obvious that neither Irie nor anyone else was frightened at all.

After spending such a long time together, they have already known that Oni Jujiro is a hard-talked, cold-hearted player.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, they finished their cleaning and collectively left the locker room and returned to the contestant village.

It was another routine interview by the media reporters. After half an hour of busy work, all the talents of the Japan team were relieved!

In the afternoon, another semi-final opened.

This is also a heavyweight matchup-Team Dego VS West Band!

Everyone on the Japan team watched this closely related matchup on the screen. Which team wins will be their final opponent.

After a fierce battle and a long period of seesaw, the match gradually came to an end.

The Dego team won a semi-final victory with 3 wins and 1 loss standings and successfully advanced to the final!

Regarding this result, everyone in the Japan team was not surprised. It was within their acceptance range for the Dego team and the Xiban team to win or lose.

So far, the two semi-final games of the u17 World Cup have come to a perfect conclusion.

The final list of battles also appeared one-

Team Japan VS Dego!

Everyone is full of expectations for this peak duel, and they are also discussing who can win the final 797 profit!

Regarding outside speculation, everyone on the Japan team didn’t care.

After having the final goal, the Japan team watched the match video of the Dego team one after another, conducted pre-match research and worked out tactics.

Know yourself and your enemy!

The coaching staff quickly worked out a list of final players.

“Next I will announce the players who will play tomorrow.”

Coach Mifune said loudly, and everyone instantly gathered their eyes and listened.

“Mushen Yi, Byōdōin Hōō, Oni Jujiro, Tokugawa Kazuya, Handicraft Kunimitsu, Seiichi Yukimura, Sanada Genichiro.”

Before everyone could speak, Coach Mifune continued:

“Don’t let up the unselected players. In the event of an accident, the list of players will be changed urgently. Therefore, everyone will play together tomorrow!

“Yes!” everyone shouted in unison.

This also means that for tomorrow’s final, every player needs to make sufficient preparations just in case.

This battle is the final battle of the u17 World Cup.


The same goes for the Dego team on the other side.

Both teams are making perfect preparations to welcome the arrival of tomorrow’s final!

that’s all.

Time flies, and the u17 World Cup final is here. .

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