Chapter 85 : Come to the welcome match

above the court.

The crowd followed Mushen Yi’s gaze and looked at the neckline of Byōdōin Hōō. The NO.1 badge on it was very dazzling.

At the beginning of the national competition, Byōdōin Hōō was defeated in the hands of Mushen Yi. They were not the opponents of Byodoin Temple, and naturally they were not the opponents of Mushen Yi.

There are still a lot of high school players in the first army, and they were indeed defeated by Mushen Yi in the third year of the national competition.

In this way, the argument that they are all defeated, although somewhat arrogant, can barely make sense.

After Byōdōin Hōō heard Mushen Yi’s words, he chuckled and sneered:

“Mushen Yi, your arrogance is still the same as before. I don’t know if your strength is still the same in that novice village in the middle of the country?”

He was defeated in the hands of Mushen Yi, and then came to the u17 training camp and was defeated by Oni Jujiro. After Byōdōin Hōō was tempered on the cliff and developed the realm of different dimensions, this made his strength soar, and his aura was even more domineering.

To be honest, Byōdōin Hōō also wants to learn about Mushen Yi’s strength.

“Oh, it looks like you who walked out of the novice village have been tempered in the u17 training camp? Your strength has improved a lot, right?”

Mushen Yi was not affected at all, and said with a faint smile: “How about? Come to the welcome match?

“There is this 650 meaning.” Byōdōin Hōō naturally wouldn’t flinch.

Coach Saito and Coach Kurobe on the side looked at each other, and both were a little helpless.

Private matches are forbidden in the U17 training camp. They can only be shuffled by the coaching staff to advance to the tournament.


One is the No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō selected by the U17 training camp.

One is a recognized professional player in the domestic tennis circle, and the mental manipulator Mushen Yi who once defeated Byōdōin Hōō in the middle of the country.

With the strength of these two powerhouses, they are qualified and capable of breaking this rule.

Mushen Yi went directly to Court No. 1.

The surrounding players retreated one after another, and the first team members gathered around, looking at the upcoming match with expectant eyes.

To be honest, they are also very curious, can Byōdōin Hōō, who tempered their mental power to a different dimension on the cliff, can defeat Mushen Yi?

This match is also Byōdōin Hōō’s battle for revenge.

“Ghost, who do you think can win?”

With a playful smile on Irie Kanata’s face, she looked at the two with a chuckle, “If the result comes out, you can (cgbg) try it out.”

“Let’s talk at that time.” Oni Jujiro embraced Hungarian with both hands, his face was fierce, and his tone was flat and said: “Mushen Yi’s strength should be even better.”

“There seems to be only a school of ghosts between us. We haven’t played against the Faun’s Hyotei, right?”

Tanegashima Shuji said with a chuckle: “Oh, I didn’t deliberately expose your scars. I didn’t even enter the national competition. Who knows that Okayama Oku still hides a master like you?”

“Don’t be humble Tanegashima.” Oni Jujiro is nothing unusual. In the past few months in the u17 training camp, he has been accustomed to the habitual character of his teammates.

“Hey, Ash, you need to ask the wiser.” Irie Kanata looked at Tsukimitsu Ochi with a calm face and said with a faint smile: “The more wise, who do you think is stronger and weaker in Byodoin and your younger brother?”

“I’ll know when the match is over.” Tsukimitsu Ochi said calmly without changing his face.

“Hehehe, Yuezhi doesn’t seem to care about the younger brother, but in his heart he cares about and cares about Hyotei Junior High School.”

Tohno Atsukyo Jiejie said with a weird smile: “When I heard Hyotei won the championship again, he showed a bright smile and sprayed. I didn’t expect that the smarter you are, you will laugh too!”

Tsukimitsu Ochi gave Tohno a cold look, but it was a pity that Tohno Atsukyo was like a dog skin plaster.

There are also Kaji Kazena, Omagari, Kimijima and others. Although they are only a freshman, they are called the “Diamond Generation” in junior high school.

Even when they came to the u17 training camp, after adapting to the hell-style training rhythm here, their strengths were also improving by leaps and bounds.

One by one from the low-level courts to the high-level courts, and then the second army and the first army, their strength has also been recognized and respected by the second and third highs of the training camp.

Similarly, as a senior, they have also spent time with Mushen Yi and played against Mushen Yi in the third stage. They are opponents and friends.

The tennis circle says big or small, and they are all players of the’Diamond Generation’, so naturally they are more or less connected.

Mushen Yi’s declaration of “All my subordinates are defeated” just now also contained a kind of joke, which was regarded as a greeting from an old friend after a long time.

There are also senior two and senior three in the first army.

Although they have never played against Mushen Yi, they are familiar with Mushen Yi from the high school of Byodoin and the reports of domestic sports media.

The prestige of the spirit manipulator Mushen Yi has long resounded in the u17 training camp!

Mushen Yi didn’t even need to test. He didn’t even participate in the shuffle game. He didn’t even get promoted by court. He was directly elected by the first army. No one had the slightest objection. With the strength that he once defeated Byōdōin Hōō, no one dared to do so. objection.

The only thing they are curious about is, the current Mushen Yi and the current Byōdōin Hōō, who is strong and who is weak? What will be the result of the match after these months of individual progress?

This is what they are looking forward to!

In the midst of their respective chats and different thoughts, Mushen Yi and Byōdōin Hōō on the field warmed up, and the match began.

The referee is ready, and the high-speed camera, speedometer and other equipment are placed.

In the u17 training camp, all tennis-related and unrelated high-tech, only you can’t think of, no training camp can not do.

The ordinary players around were not thinking about training anymore, and they were distracted one by one, turning their heads frequently with dual purposes.

Coach Saito rubbed his head and made a few gestures directly at the middle villa in the distance. Then the audience broadcast sounded: “Everyone has a half-hour break.”

Everyone cheered for an instant, and immediately gathered towards the No. 1 field.

In this atmosphere, Mushen Yi came directly to the net and was about to start re-shooting, looking at Byōdōin Hōō with a chuckle: “Which way?”

“Let you serve first.

Looking at Byōdōin Hōō’s arrogant look, Mushen Yi smiled: “Please, don’t use this as an excuse for losing, hurry up, which way?”

“Huh, I look like that kind of person?” Byodoin Fenghuang said disdainfully, “positive.”


racquet turned and clicked.

“You serve first.” Mushen Yi picked up the racquet and turned back to the baseline, “Let me see your progress during this time, don’t let me down.”.

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