Chapter 123 : The news of the main draw is self-defeating!

Although Kirihaya has just “formally” joined the tennis club of Rikkai University to participate in the tennis club; although Nioh and Maori have just returned from U17–

It is undeniable that it has been nearly a month since the beginning of the school year, and the tennis team’s positive trials are about to begin!

For Nioh and Maori, this race has no effect on them at all.

But for others one-

Yukimura wants to integrate a team that satisfies him;

Sanada wants to see if he has slackened his training;

Liu hopes to collect more data and information;

Not to mention Marui and Kuwabara–they have long wanted to be elected!

Even Liu Sheng, who is the new president of the Student Union, is looking forward to winning the official position in the competition. He is standing in the court of the court in an khaki-colored official election suit.

The above-mentioned seniors are all looking forward to the trial, and Kirihaya naturally anxiously waits to take the racquet to the game right away.

But what frustrated him was one-because a month ago, he didn’t know he had joined the department, so he missed the freshman trial!

This news is simply a bolt from the blue for Kirihaya-National One freshmen only have this chance to participate in the main contest! (I will explain here, the rules are made by people~)

Didn’t you see that even his Marui-senpai still maintained the position of being a candidate for a year in Kokuichi?

(In fact, this is not the case. Rikkai is supreme in strength. If you can do it, you will be on the 860; the real reason is because of Nioh’s special training. As for the actual combat experience-do you think you can play against the same doubles group every day, and can phantom various styles Does the Nioh of the contestants lack actual combat experience?)

So, Kirihaya is rare today with a little melancholy–

Although even if he can participate in the main contest, he may not be able to become the main election-the minister can’t beat the deputy minister, the deputy minister can’t beat, and the senior Liu can’t win the same!

Senior Nioh will definitely not be able to beat, and Senior Maori will definitely not be able to beat;

– And Marui-senpai and Kuwabara-senpai seem to be unable to fight either;

E, even though senior Liu Sheng has been in the department for a short time, he can’t beat him 80%!

In this way, the eight main elections have been gathered! He didn’t even think of a candidate place.

The predecessors are too strong, and I have no room for this junior to play!

Grinning racquet for morning training with double punishment-oh, he is late again today-Kirihaya is very depressed.

Although he was also desperately studying and reviewing because of Rikkai University’s strong tennis club (Akaya was 11 years old for several months in order to get into Rikkai University, studying hard every day! It’s super difficult! It shows his determination to enter Rikkai! And, obsession The power is really strong~) オ The score is scratched, plus the tennis specialty points bonus is the big Rikkai, which is hard to enter, but can’t

Becoming a good candidate is a huge blow to Kirihaya, who likes to be competitive, even if he knows the (bhci) strength gap.

The lively and cheerful juniors on weekdays, today’s rare quietness, attracted the attention of many seniors.

“Akaya, what’s the matter? Are you in a bad shape today?”

As the minister, Yukimura naturally has privileges in the tennis club.

For example, he can ignore the basic swing training of all the members, stop swinging, walk straight to Kirihaya, and ask why the juniors are depressed.


Kirihaya didn’t dare to stop swinging, and after yelling Yukimura “Minister”, he didn’t know what to say-

Do you want to tell the minister that I am feeling down because of the main race?

This idea is too naive!

No, you can’t say that!

If you don’t say this, how can you explain to the minister now?

Huh, right!

Kirihaya thought of something and his eyes lit up–

“Minister, it’s actually an English weekly test!

He deliberately said in a complaining tone.

Although he didn’t like English at first, he had never understood English class before, and he didn’t care about his English grades at all-as long as the teacher didn’t use this as a reason to penalize him for copying words!

But wouldn’t it be great to use this as a reason?!

So, Kirihaya explained his English performance to Yukimura in detail, and complained to the minister who smiled softly to him-the English teacher always punished him for copying words.

Kirihaya, who thought he was smart and witty, didn’t see the sympathetic eyes of his Nioh senior who was not far away, and the figure of Deputy Minister Sanada approaching him with a burning anger.

“Kirihara Akaya, it’s too lax!”

Kirihaya, who was talking too excited, accidentally amplified the voice, causing Sanada, who was seriously training, to hear what he was complaining about Yukimura.

“English turned out to be love! I didn’t get a point!”

If it weren’t for the wrong occasion, Sanada would have to shoot the table.

“Deputy, Deputy Minister!”

Kirihaya was trembling with shock when Sanada came over suddenly.

The gentle Minister Yukimura crossed his hips and arms at this time, without saying a word-the grades are so bad! Akaya, don’t you know that one of the subjects failed, and you can’t represent the school?!

Will our Rikkai Grand Tennis Department have the first minister who can’t participate in the game because of his failure?

Yukimura, who is angry, definitely won’t help the younger generation this time–Ichiro can’t do anything to him, right?

Liu had the heart to help Kirihaya, who was trembling with fear, relieved.

But one-English test love?!

According to the probability calculation, if Akaya finishes writing the question without falling, the probability of love is actually the same as the probability of full marks.

Therefore, Junshi Liu instantly understood the truth of Kirihaya’s English love-Akaya, you have handed in a blank paper!

Otherwise, it will be a multiple choice question!

Even if you don’t know how to do it, multiple-choice questions can be fooled!

The chance of being so lucky that the whole paper is wrong is close to zero!

Liu who came to this conclusion was totally unable to persuade himself to help Kirihaya defend himself in front of Sanada.

“Deputy Minister, I just fell asleep during the exam!”

As expected by Liu, it was so.

However, the military commander gave this simple (stupid) younger generation helplessly–

It’s better not to tell this fact!


“Too lax! Kirihara Akaya!”

The topic will not be, and doing your best is also a way of rigorous hard work;

But just gave up, and didn’t care about the exam at all–

“Go to the playground right away and run a hundred laps!”

An angry Sanada directly ordered Kirihaya to run the lap. (At this time, there is no such thing as “Iron Fist Punishment”, and it seems that Akaya didn’t look good when he first joined the department~)

“Yes, Deputy Minister!”

The younger generation shivering with fright rushed into the playground immediately.


Junshi Liu was still feeling the innocence of his younger generation secretly in his heart, and Sanada directly focused on him, the university tyrant known as the “Rikkai Great Living Dictionary”.

“Kirihaya’s English must be supplemented! There are other subjects, and you must follow along!”

Sanada said loudly to Liu.

Although he doesn’t know the specific results of Kirihaya’s other subjects, his intuition tells him that it must not be much better!

“You come to help Kirihaya with tuition!”

“We Rikkai have no dead ends!”

“Kirihaya must not be a subject!

Without waiting for Yanagi Renji to reply, Sanada directly handed over the task of tutoring to him.

Jun Master Liu had a bad instinct and wanted to say something, but one-

“Thank you Renji!”

Yukimura gave the final word to Yanagi Renji, who was struggling in the sinkhole of “Tutorial for Kirihaya”, and added the last shovel of soil!

At this moment, Kirihaya, who is running, doesn’t know what a tragic future is waiting for him.

The teenager who thinks that his goal in life is tennis and doesn’t care about his test scores, in the next three years, under the ardent supervision of the seniors, he will be crying and sadness facing the test papers of various subjects!

PS, why does Rikkai’s ace Kirihaya have tears in his eyes? Because of his deep love for tennis!

In order to participate in the tennis match, you all don’t know how much pain and sweat he paid for the various test papers!

I was immersed in sucking kelp and couldn’t help myself-I sucked, facing Akaya, I can still follow the codeword when I stay up late! (Also, I can’t find the feeling for Yanagyu-Ahhhh, it’s Nioh Yanagyu, Mouri gets smarter! Everyone! Read these two official doubles combinations with me three times!)

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