Chapter 129 : Yanagyu, Kirihaya; send a proposition together!

After the match between Yukimura and Liu in Group A, the match between Yagyu and Kirihaya was the most concerned and anticipated by everyone.

Was it Yanagi, who joined the tennis club with his excellent athletic talent last year, won, or did Kirihaya, a potential junior who entered the club this year, succeeded in the next game?

Although Kirihaya and Sanada lost the game, his strength is not weak;

But after all, Liu Sheng is one year older than Kirihaya and has advantages in physical fitness (such as physical strength), not to mention Nioh as a partner.

In the face of such a game, even Liu, who just lost, temporarily abandoned some of his personal emotions and prepared with anticipation to record the data of the two players in this seemingly evenly matched game with unknown outcome.

#Only data can comfort the heart of Liu Junshi who lost the ball#

# After Akaya has followed Nioh, is there any “close to Zhu, red, close to ink, black”#

#柳生 how to mix with Nioh fox–is it a kind of attraction#

“Akaya, behave well!”

Marui cheered Kirihaya on the sidelines.

“Yiu Sheng, you have to come on!”

17 Although it is to encourage younger generations first, Marui did not forget Yagyu Hiroshi, who had a “revolutionary friendship” with him.

–Everyone is the same person who is suffering under Nioh racquet, of course we must encourage each other!

As for the expectation of the result of the game-of course, friendship is first, and the game is second~

The teammates off the court think this way, the Yanagyu and Kirihaya on the court are obviously not on the same brain waves as Marui at present-heh, you are not a contestant, of course you don’t care about the outcome!

Yanagi and Kirihaya said: They are very concerned about the outcome of this game!

Maori has steadily won a spot in the C group, so, for the khaki-colored formal dress, Yanagi did not want to play his “gentleman style” and gave the victory to the younger generation!

#Mom just tell me, let the girl paper~#

# Kirihaya is not a girl paper, why should I let him? #

Yanagyu calmly and deliberately fought for a long time-after Nioh’s training, if Kirihaya really broke out, he would definitely not be able to suppress him for a while;

But the protracted war is different!

Physical strength can only be effective with long-term training;

Although Yagyu is only one term older than Kirihaya, his physical strength is far better than Kirihaya.

One year doesn’t sound long, but don’t forget-junior high school and high school are when these athletic teenagers grow their bodies!

What’s more, after a long period of training, Liu Sheng’s physical strength has obviously improved greatly…

So, the game became like this (painting style)

Kirihaya almost hit Yanagi at the beginning and won two games in a row;

Later, Liu Sheng slowly turned offense into defense and won the next round, but Kirihaya also won the next round with a momentum;

With a score of 3:1, Kirihaya took the lead.

However, due to the front exploded too much, Kirihaya was obviously weak in the latter game, and the performance of the strength appeared to decline.

If, at this time, Kirihaya is stimulated and directly opens the “red-eye mode”, he may really be able to win the final victory in one go.

However, this trick has been verified by many parties and is in a state of harm to Kirihaya himself. His family, the minister, and the current “coach” (?) Nioh strongly opposed it and banned it.

Coupled with Nioh’s “training” these days, not to mention how much mental power has increased at once, but Kirihaya’s mental resistance has been quickly trained.

Therefore, the spirit of Kirihaya-

Although there is no breakthrough in quantity, there is a big progress in quality!

Congratulations, at least in the face of this degree-the stimulus of losing the ball, Kirihaya can still restrain himself~

Liu Sheng relied on his physical strength to “bully” his junior brother, but he didn’t have any softheartedness or shame–

#本来是Officially certified “pseudo gentleman”#

#Presenter also don’t want to lose#

#It’s too embarrassing to lose to the younger generation in front of Nioh–not even the one with great potential!#

#If you are not selected this time, how embarrassed to team up with Nioh-kun in the future#

So, after a fierce battle!

tiebreak, 10:8, Yagyu wins!

The tiebreak was dragged abruptly–but fortunately, Yanagi had a good mentality, and it was almost dragged to death in the end. Kirihaya

The younger generation with hair like kelp, after the game, it really looks like it was fished out of the sea

Yukimura nodded in satisfaction.

Although Kirihaya didn’t win, he was able to fight Yanagi to this level–

Okay, boy, you are very talented, and the Rikkai Tennis Club will hand it over to you the next year!

Sanada also praised Kirihaya, who showed indomitable spirit despite losing the game-

“Very good, although I didn’t have enough physical strength, I lasted till the end!”

With this sentence, Kirihaya was flattered-the deputy minister actually praised me!

A compliment from Sanada achieved an unexpected and reasonable effect on Kirihaya–

Kirihaya, who was soaked with sweat but behaved like a dehydrated plant, immediately resurrected with blood full of spirit!

“Deputy Minister, I will continue to work hard in 867!

So, what a heavy shadow Sanada left in this child’s heart~

Nioh sighed with the “special” relationship between the younger generation and Sanada, and watched when Yanagyu walked over and waved him–

“Congratulations, Bilyshi~”

“Then Nioh will come and cheer for me next game?,

Yagyu has just passed a game that is very inconsistent with his image as a gentleman. Now he maintains the posture of Light Wind Jiyue, but he says the most “vicious” words for Nioh.

This question is simply a proposition for Nioh now!

Maori is still around!

Yukimura and Liu haven’t left yet!

Marui and Kuwabara have already seen it!

There is also a group of other tennis club members who are not far away, pretending not to care, but listening with their ears upright!

In the crowd, Nioh really can’t just tell an answer.

PS, everyone remember, this article has no heroine, no CP!

Think about it for yourself~~~

Send the original version of the proposition with a long history-your mother and your wife fell into the water at the same time, who to save?

Tennis version: Your current partner competes with your scheduled partner in the future, who do you cheer for and who do you support? (Well, about this issue, I didn’t think about it~).

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