Chapter 149 :Smooth singles two, Hyotei’s resentment

Although Hyotei’s singles lost three times, Huadi and Sanada presented a wonderful game for the audience.

The way you come to me will make the audience cheer!

Even if Rikkai wins and Hyotei loses, this result does not prevent them from giving warm applause to the two players at the same time.

Although Kawachi lost, his strength was still recognized by the audience-after all, there are not many people who can win four games in the hands of the long-famous Rikkai Deputy Minister “Emperor” Sanada Genichiro.

Therefore, even if the final of the Kanto Championship is here, Hyotei has lost three games in a row to Rikkai. The audience is still looking forward to the next singles second game with great interest.

–Unfortunately, they are going to be disappointed

On the electronic display screen, a line of large characters–

Singles 2: Rikkai Da, Yanagi RenjiVS Hyotei, Shishido Ryoh

After Mukahi Gakuto switched to teaming up with Oshitari Yushi, Shishido Ryoh was left alone.

Atobe once tried to get him to form a group of doubles with other people-after all, their Hyotei really couldn’t find a doubles combination that could make a big difference.

However, Shishido Ryoh seems to be born incapable of doubles.

His temperament is so unique, it seems that he is only suitable for singles.

But Atobe still did not give up, let him and other members of the team to practice doubles separately.

According to the instructions, Shiobe and a group of people tried it again, and the final result made Atobe’s gorgeous black face.

Anato Ryo, who has a long, supple and beautiful ponytail, does not have the same personality as “kindness” or “quiet” as on the outside.

Rotochan is “cut, it’s too shabby”. He has always been a man full of tough manliness!

#Appearance (at least the current appearance) and the heart are just the opposite#

It seems impossible for such a Shiro to develop on doubles

After weighing it, Atobe decided to let him play singles two!

–However, this is not an appropriate decision either

Looking at the court, Shishido Ryoh was defeated in a rally with Yanagi Renji, almost unable to fight back. Atobe resented someone lying behind him more and more–

Akutakawa Jirou! When will you be able to sleep enough!

I never thought that the gorgeous Hyotei tennis club would have a variant of Akutakawa Jirou, which can be a positive selection in the school’s main selection without sleeping all day long without training.

–He is the only tennis player in the entire junior high school tennis world, right?

Atobe turned his head and glanced at Akutagawa–he was still asleep!

The support is so loud that he can’t wake him up. Fortunately, there is Huadi around my uncle, can I call (fall) to wake him up?!

No, this uncle doesn’t believe that Cilang is not interested in anything!

There is always a way, there is always a way to inspire him

But before Atobe, who was a headache for the members, could think of a way, their Hyotei lost cleanly in the singles two of the game.

The loss was quite quick and straightforward!

“Game6:0, Rikkai is big, Yanagi Renji wins!”

Anato Ryo, whose face was so terrible, returned to Hyotei’s player seat with a look of unwillingness.

He hasn’t reflected it yet, and he has lost!

He is not the kind of person who can’t afford to lose;

But this match made him extremely frustrated!

–Have you ever seen a tennis player who can “predict” every move of an opponent?

Have you ever seen a tennis player who can accurately calculate the point, strength, speed, and even tiny spins of a tennis ball?

Have you ever seen the kind of tennis player who keeps talking about data, not only suppressing you on tennis, but also like crushing you on IQ?

Shishido Ryoh saw this kind of soft player today!

When I met Yanagi Renji, a strategist at Rikkai, Song Hu fully understood what is called “. “The power of data tennis”!

That kind of play that not only suppresses you in terms of strength, but also despises you in terms of IQ, is really cheating!

With this kind of brain, why not go to the Olympiad or something to make Rikkai shine?

This (money) level of intelligence – Yanagi Renji from Rikkai, what kind of sportsman are you still?!

Does playing tennis now have more mental arithmetic data than mathematics?

Shishido Ryoh, who has not outstanding academic performance, is not only depressed because of the loss today, but also hit by Yanagi Renji, the schoolmaster from Rikkai University!

#论学霸’s gas field suppression and IQ contempt for Xueba#

#当学霸 picked up racquet, really does not give a way to those who have well-developed limbs but simple minds! #

PS, na, that’s it, only Chotaro can cooperate with his six-house seniors-this is the fate of doubles!.

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