Chapter 161 : History reappears, Rikkai is very angry!

Whether it was Rikkai or Shitenhouji’s player seat, it was all silent at this time.

Rikkai nature is worried about Kirihaya;

Knowing the hidden dangers of this state of Kirihaya and the harm to the body and spirit, no one wants their descendants to enter this terrifying state.

And now, Shiraishi Kuranosuke has actually forced Kirihaya into a deeper demonization than red eyes!


Liu had long forgotten that they let Kirihaya’s singles three, deliberately let Kirihaya lose once to calm down.

At this moment, Yanagi Renji can’t wait to get off the court and pick up racquet and fight Shiraishi!

People are eccentric. Compared to Shiraishi, who has no personal relationship at present, it is obvious that Liu feels more distressed for his younger generations.

And Shitenhouji’s situation is different again–

The members have forgotten to be funny, and all of them are worried;

The first grader of Rikkai is so crazy, like a devil, Shiraishi must be careful not to get hurt!

Secretly praying for the waves in their hearts, they also watched the game with their hearts hanging.

Teammates were worried about their own singles three players. At this time, Shiraishi on the court became calmer and calmer in the face of the constant smashing tennis balls;

His mind is turning fast now, constantly thinking about how to persuade Kirihaya to quit that state.


890 “3:5, Rikkai and Kirihaya score!”

But obviously, Shiraishi dodged a tennis ball, and he failed again.

Kirihaya didn’t listen to his persuasion at all, and his breath became more and more violent.

–This won’t work!

Shiraishi feels that he still wants to win the game-after all, this is a game, representing the school on the field;

And I actually don’t want to lose..

You can’t blindly dodge and lose points, but you can’t stimulate the opponent’s first-year students in a deeper level.

What should I do? Do you want to be hard?

After thinking about it carefully, Shiraishi decided to use his own method of mirroring his sister! Try it one last time!

If it fails the last time, he can only silently say sorry to Kirihaya!

#妹控 Bible Shiraishi#

#Professional coax girl

#Bible Shiraishi’s stunt: good at coaxing bear children-find each other’s beauty from all aspects!#

“Kirihaya-san, although your hairstyle looks like wakame, I think it’s super handsome!”

Shiraishi Kuranosuke looked sincere and sincere under the shocked gaze of his group of Shitenhouji.

“Which store did you make your hair? Can you recommend me?”

Yes, after looking at Kirihaya, Shiraishi thinks he has found the breakthrough point for #开方心房#!

What happened next stunned Rikkai Dai and Shitenhouji all–

Kirihara Akaya, the “little devil” who is arrogant, withdrew from the state of demonization, and lowered his head shyly!

And he blushed!


“Really? Senior Shiraishi.

Kirihaya, who had just opened his teeth and claws, was embarrassed and shy holding racquet innocuously.

–Ahhhh, praised!

#我就知道 My hairstyle is the most handsome#

# Senior Shiraishi is so visionary, he must be a good person!#

“Well, Kirihaya-san, very handsome!”

As Shitenhouji’s minister, Shiraishi stood on the court and said these words seriously, and his serious expression completely hit Kirihaya’s heart!

“Senior Shiraishi! After the competition, I will give you the business card of the store I often go to!”

“You are really good at tennis!”

Kirihaya, who is still a first-year student, has a soft and cute smile. With the blush on his face, it is as cute as #娇羞的小白免#–


Shiraishi only felt that his heart was shot by the “eye kill” from the green and watery cat eyes of Lake Kirihaya!

He feels that he is full of power at the moment!

The admiring eyes from the adorable younger generation made him feel comfortable!

It’s so cute! No wonder it’s so spoiled~

If we are in Shitenhouji, the seniors (bhci) will also take good care of them and prevent others from bullying Kirihaya classmates like #小萌#!

So, he looked at Kirihaya’s eyes unconsciously with the gaze of #慈愛(邊出)前代爱# like a direct predecessor!

This kind of very friendly scene between the predecessors and predecessors poked the hearts of many people, and the blood flowed#ah!

Nioh was stunned at this time-is this the live version of the U17 doubles that Wen Tai said at the time?!

It’s really an eye-catching!

Shiraishi Kuranosuke, you die for me! Don’t abduct our younger generation!

It’s enough to play your tennis well, we will solve the Akaya matter by ourselves!

Liu’s expression is no longer the original calm and plain, and now it is simply hideous – Akaya, isn’t it just being praised? If you like Huan, we Rikkai can say it to you!

#小海带的 Rikkai大Invisible Guardian: Yanagi Renji#

#My child is tricked by rhetoric, can I go to the police#

#What is the probability of meeting Shitenhouji next year, suddenly want to play with Shiraishi#

Marui Bunta has blown up her hair completely this time – Akaya, you are not a girl, what are you shy? Don’t bother with the villain who looks like a kidnapper!

# Own sister (crossed out) my younger brother is going to be abducted by bad guys!#

# What should I do if I’m too naive to cheat?#

Sanada felt uncomfortable inexplicably – Kirihaya, concentrate on the game! Don’t talk nonsense to your opponent!

# Own fan (crossed out) The younger generation admires others, a little unhappy#

Rikkai comes with the attribute of protecting short, and it also comes with the attribute of “food protecting”!

What Shiraishi did just now is obviously to pull # Rikkai大的海带# into his own bowl!

It is simply unforgivable!

#可恶! Akaya, ignore him!#

#Predecessors are here! Shitenhouji’s minister get out!#

#扎心, today’s Rikkai Taisho elections have received tons of damage from the Bible Shiraishi in their hearts! #

PS, today’s game solved the problem of Akaya’s demonization and completed the predetermined goal (to calm down the younger generation), but the seniors of Rikkai are more worried and sad~

#My younger generation is inspired by a few words of others to evolve, how can it be repaired!#

(Is this a #白切# branch line?)

The Akaya of the country one is really super cute, and it is completely different from the handsome of the country two!

And, Shiraishi is very gentle, yes, but don’t forget that he is a member of the U17 plant group (the demon king group) in the future! And the perfect bible, how can it leave the flaws of losing? On the will to win, Jian Lin Maybe it’s the strongest one in Shitenhouji

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