Chapter 199 : Control the audience, empty cicada appears

After watching the match of the Minister’s show of power, the next game that everyone is looking forward to is court No. 3 – Yanagi Renji VS Kirihara Akaya!

Kirihaya is in the second grade this year. If nothing else, he will definitely become a regular election this year.

Many first graders and even second graders in the tennis club admire this young man who is a bit small but really powerful.

“Partner, you said Akaya played against Yoo, how many points can he score?”

“Mr. Nioh, you should ask Liu about this question; I am not playing statistical tennis.”

In the face of Nioh, Yanagi always tried his best to maintain a superficial attitude.

“Yiu is great, but Akaya has made a lot of progress.”

Although Marui affirmed Liu’s strength, Kirihaya’s progress cannot be underestimated.

“So Wen is too optimistic about Akaya?”

Under the shade of the tree, Yukimura said with interest. (Marui: No, Minister, I didn’t say that, you understand it like that!)

–Len’s “September 13” 2’s tennis prowess is so unfavorable by everyone? Let’s take a look at this game. Our Rikkai military division can’t be the kind of logistics staff who can only do internal affairs!

If you lose…

Turning to face the court, Yukimura smiled perfectly at the two people on the court.

Kirihaya only pays attention to his senior Liu, and has no knowledge of the turmoil outside the field; but Liu, who is good at observing the surrounding environment to collect information, has discovered the “deep malice” from his teammates who are still ministering under the shade of the tree. And the vice minister had not had time to pull the brim of his hat to conceal the pity he saw in his eyes.

The situation seems a bit bad!


Looking at the younger generation who was smiling brightly on the other side, Liu changed his mind in an instant.

He originally planned to release Kirihaya; after all, Kirihaya is the future successor of Rikkai’s big tennis club, and he is still a younger generation he cares about. Liu did not want Kirihaya to lose too badly and sadly-of course, it was him who won in the end.

It’s just that if the water is released, the score has a lot of room for manipulation

But now all his previous thoughts have disappeared!

#达则兼济the world, the poor will be good alone#

Anyway, Akaya’s anti-strike ability is very strong, and he will lose regardless of the score-then I will do my best!

Yanagi Renji made up his mind in an instant.

The black-haired teenager with curling hair in front of him and the entire court, as well as the breeze and sunshine

All this was transformed into a stream of data in Liu’s mind.

[The school competition is too cheating for me. 】

Liu actually felt that the game was unfair from the beginning. Because almost all of Kirihaya’s strength data is clearly remembered by him, so…

Slap one by one

“1:0, Liu leads!”

The first game is Yanagi Renji’s serve game. Although Liu, who has the advantage of serve, has less eyesight than Atobe, because of the data-the blind spot, he has long been familiar with it!

“Senior Liu, I will defeat you!”

The boy widened the green eyes of the lake, and spoke with enthusiasm.

Although he lost the first game, he didn’t seem to be overstimulated, which made Yukimura nodded-it seems that Akaya has really matured a lot.


Kirihaya squeezed the tennis ball in his left hand, and his knuckles made a frightening sound.

The older members on the sidelines hurriedly greeted some freshmen to stand farther away-they still know the irregular serve of the knuckle serve. Although there is a barbed wire, if it is accidentally injured by a bounced tennis ball, it can only It’s unlucky to be able to admit it!

Expand one-

After being hit by racquet, the yellow tennis ball burst out.

It quickly fell to the ground, causing a cloud of smoke.

Liu is not the slightest strange, he swings and hits the ball–

“Even to fight back!”

“As expected, Senior Liu!”

“Senior is so amazing!”

The people outside the court were surprised again and again.


“15:0, Willow scored!”

Kirihaya’s face sank, is his knuckle serving broken?

No, try again!

Pincha, bangyi-

The extremely fast tennis ball hit Yanagi Renji, and someone outside the court was already exclaiming, but Liu calmly moved two steps to the right, and then swung a-


“30:0, Willow scored!

“It’s useless, Akaya.”

“All your actions are in the forecast of my data.”

As the tennis ball landed, Liu said.

Everything is regular, even if it is an irregular serve, there will be a drop point, as long as it is based on Kirihaya’s swing motion, the amount of force, and the rotation applied-all of which can be obtained through observation and data-it can be advanced Calculate the tennis ball’s landing point and the direction and angle of the bounce!

Yanagi Renji, Rikkai’s strategist, does not have the mental power to cover the audience, but he has the ability to turn everything in the audience into data in his eyes!

The “irregular serve” in the eyes of others is just a serve with a slightly stronger rotation force in his eyes.

As long as the tennis ball’s landing point and the direction and angle of the bounce are found, there is no difficulty in hitting the tennis ball with Liu’s strength!

“40:15, Willow scored!”

Missed a small point, but it’s okay

The ball was really a knife drill, and Liu didn’t think he could beat Kirihaya without losing it.

But, in the end, he won, Yanagi Renji!


“2:0, Liu leads!”

It’s so cold and merciless, Liu.

Nioh watched the game and sighed for his junior.

I remember that before meeting Kirihaya in the main draw, Liu always gave him a little bit. So although it was Liu who won in the end, Kirihaya didn’t know how cold and terrifying Liu’s data tennis was until the “cannibalism” of U17.

The world of data has no emotions, but people have emotions.

But if the player truly isolates himself from the data, just like the current Liu, even if the opponent in front of him is a younger generation with deep feelings, he will definitely not give the opponent any chance of victory!

In the third game, it was Liu’s serve game again.


Kirihaya stared at Liu’s movement, is this left or right?

Can’t see it, but it doesn’t matter, his speed is very fast, so one-

“The chance that a tennis ball will hit Akaya racquet on the ground is 90%.

Yanagi Renji predicted the ending perfectly.


“15:0, Willow scored!”

I didn’t receive it!

The tennis ball almost landed on the racquet cable, just a little bit!

“Hurry up and end the game, Akaya.

Let Yukimura also see my strength, otherwise the probability of unlucky afterwards is 99% or 999%!

“This trick is–”

“Empty cicada!”


The flying tennis serve landed, and then 2.8 did not rebound high, but rolled directly to the ground!

“30:0, Willow scored!’

Kirihaya rushed to catch the ball and stopped there, the green eyes of the lake were full of shock.


“40:0, Willow score! Enter the match point!”

Still there is no bounce, but just scroll!


The third ACE serve!

“3:0, Liu leads!”

Liu’s serving technique “empty cicada” was officially launched in this contest!

After showing his power for the first time, he obviously got a remarkable result of scoring a goal!

PS: Write about how many brain cells died in the game, but still have to persist! I still like to write daily, but the game is essential (and there is Seigaku behind, I feel desperate, what should I do if I am familiar with Hyotei for four days ? How to grasp the character of Seigaku?-I should learn psychology, every day I try to figure out the character’s psychology).

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