Chapter 242 : Contestants gather, school honor

In the afternoon, everyone gathered.

The news that Group C was going to challenge Group B collectively was spread by Inui Sadaharu about his roommates.

Yagyu-Rikkai Taisho Election-There is a person who called a gentleman and a partner is a fraudster-helpful-Bilyshi: Yes, I enthusiastically told everyone! How can Nioh-kun’s game lose the audience~

Oishi- Seigaku Deputy Minister. There is a title that Seigaku’s mother likes to nag and care about teammates-Syuichirou: Echizen is going to play, why don’t you tell your seniors! For safety reasons, I’m not saying that Yoo is that kind of violent person, it’s just that Does Echizen don’t need us to cheer? It’s better to tell Taocheng Haitang and others

Kikumaru- Seigaku is choosing-lively and cheerful-getting along with a lot of people-there is a “many of people” here, Hyotei is choosing Xiangri-Eiji: Hyotei’s Oshitari is going to play! Xiangri still doesn’t know, right? I’ll tell him !

And, the manager of Saint Rudolph of the Moon Watching. There is a life-long enemy named Fuji Syusuke-dedicated to his own “script”-hobby is also collecting data-early: huh huh ~ even if you don’t tell me, I can collect perfect Information! Fuji Syusuke, my old enemy, I will not give up watching your games to collect your data!

After the introduction, thanks to the help of the above-mentioned training members, no one lay in bed or found another place to train on their own, but came to the competition venue uniformly.

Kirihara Akaya carried the racquet and did not walk towards Fuji, but walked directly towards an empty place where only four people stood.

In that direction, there are his ministers and deputy ministers


“Wait! I want to challenge you!”

Kirihaya raised his head and declared war on the minister of Seigaku.

As always, Kunimitsu can’t see his face: Are you trying to challenge Fuji? Why come and find me..

“Minister, I will end the game immediately!”

After speaking his challenge to the starter, Kirihaya said to his gentle and kind minister with a behaving face.

“Vice Minister, haha, I’m going to play against Kunimitsu first! You probably have to wait for more than four years like Seigaku’s sea urchin!”

The triumphant Kirihaya was immediately punched by Rikkai’s black-faced deputy minister.

“Oh! Minister, just take care of him! I’m going to play, vice minister, do you want to break my brain and make me lose the match with Kunimitsu?!

Kirihaya hugged his head and moved away from the four people in Group A. He was so wronged, he clearly didn’t lie, and he told the truth, why was he beaten?

Atobe held his arms and watched Rikkai’s “noisy” drama.

[Really “lucky” Rikkai is a sophomore, but if you want to play with your hand, you should beat Seigaku’s Fuji first!]

Atobe thought, snorted coldly.

Yukimura ignored it. Isn’t it because Hyotei’s minister is feeling upset again?

[It’s okay, Mr. Atobe. I believe that after the Masaharu and Oshitari comparison, you will be even more unhappy~][Allow Akaya to play a game with the hand, and give him some experience)

The attitude of the Minister of Rikkai to the younger generation is completely different from that of his own children.

Glancing at Sanada with a sharp look, Seiichi Yukimura also faced a challenge from Seigaku’s younger generation.

“The Minister of Rikkai!”

“After the game with your military division, I will challenge you too!”

Echizen Ryoma’s eyes were burning with war.

“Okay, as long as you can defeat Renji, I will naturally fight.”

Yukimura said, giving Liu a look.

[Military, please come on~]

“Puff, if that’s the case, let me follow along!”

Nioh said, and walked towards Atobe.



“When your Hyotei genius loses again, it will be your turn~”

Oshitari Yuushi’s inexplicable loss in the Kanto Championship has become a joke between the official elections, and Nioh did not hesitate to raise the issue in front of the Minister of Hyotei.

[Akaya meets Seigaku’s genius and minister, I will be very pleased to meet Hyotei’s genius and minister Yukimura!]

Minister Rikkai was not pleased, Atobe didn’t know, but Atobe’s heart

[Coach Sakura, you really cheated our Hyotei!][However, my uncle’s skills are the most gorgeous, and I will definitely not lose this time!]

“My uncle is waiting for you!”

The Minister of Hyotei intends to be ashamed.

Wait, Atobe, this is the default. Will Oshitari fail?

Jiping Tachibana looked at his teammate Nioh in Group C in surprise, and seemed to have some news that Fudomine didn’t know.

Inui Sadaharu flipped through his notebook.

“no data!”

“But it can be inferred that there is a 65% probability that Hyotei and Rikkai will stay together. Nioh Masaharu defeated Oshitari Yuushi!”

He said and took a pen to record.

However, in a place he didn’t know, Liu gave him a look that hates iron but steel–

[Too bad! Sadaji, you haven’t grown in more than four years? Nioh didn’t beat Oshitari, it was Atobe!][You should be able to see from the analysis of Atobe’s personal character and Oshitari Yuushi’s micro-expressions-it really is that the intelligence collection is unqualified, and it needs to be tempered.

“Tachibana, do you have anything to say?”

“Come and speak! I support you!”

Nioh looked at Tachibana Yoshihira expectantly.

Tachibana-Lying Gun. Yoshihira: Sanada! Don’t look at me like that! I didn’t mean that!

“Sanada-kun, I hope I can play a game with you in the future!

Although Tachibana Jiping didn’t have this idea, he even wrote the challenge book under the support of his teammates in Group C. He is also a person who dares to think and do!

So he followed Nioh’s words and declared war on Rikkai’s deputy minister.

“Too lax! I am waiting for you!”

Sanada glared at Nioh, then said solemnly to Tachibana Yoshihira.

The match with Group B has not yet started, and there is a friction between Group C and Group A.

“. “Everyone is very energetic.”

Coach Ryūzaki happily walked out of the passage on the second floor.

Coach Sakura and Coach Huacun also stood with her in the corridor on the second floor.


The candidates quickly stood up.

Coach Huacun took a look-isn’t this the team based on the school?! Haven’t you already allocated the dormitories? Faced with the temptation of the youth elections for places, why don’t you stand in teams according to groups and dormitories!

She is still too young to understand that the honor of Middle-School is the most important thing in the hearts of teenagers.

For the sake of Rikkai, Yukimura in Nioh’s memory can abandon everything and get up from the hospital bed and desperately rehabilitate just for Rikkai’s three consecutive national champions.

For Hyotei, the proud Atobe Keigo is willing to bear the stigma, and is willing to swallow bitterness and accept a place that seems to be a charity in his heart

For Seigaku, Kunimitsu, a player who yearns for professional tennis, can endure his arm pain and overdraw his tennis life time and time again.

Tennis has no boundaries, which is correct;

But for these teenagers, tennis is usually just tennis; but in the arena between schools, it is an honor to win even if you die!

So Kirihara Akaya chose to challenge Fuji Syusuke, so Echizen Ryoma chose to challenge Yanagi Renji, so Nioh Masaharu chose to challenge Oshitari Yuushi!

Seiichi Yukimura thought that “for Rikkai, we must try to get as many places as possible”, it is impossible for others to think of it.

The coaches are still a bit wrong.

Their arrangement can certainly arouse everyone’s fighting spirit, but it is more of a school-to-school confrontation!

“Hyotei Rikkai, Rikkai Seigaku, Fudomine and Yamabuki”

Coach Sakura whispered. Sure enough, he still lacks coaching experience, and this youth election may become a duel between schools!

PS, the sense of personal competition? Doesn’t exist, this is the Kanto School’s Alternative Tournament! What do you say? Japan-U.S. Exchange Tournament? No, that’s not important, the important thing is still these tennis teenagers~ The current situation is that Akaya is attracted to Seigaku. , Ryoma is eyeing Rikkai, Masaharu is playing with Hyotei~ The rest is not very important, Liu Junshi will continue to nest without accident

Group B, unless I overturn the previous article and get Shiraishi over, so he might have the motivation to fight for A! However, Group AB will be selected, the fox just thought it was fun, and then he found Atobe!.

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