Chapter 389 : u17 rumors, internal reaction

When the U17 training camp suddenly decided to recruit a group of high school students, it also sent invitations to many middle school students. This news was quickly spread throughout the training camp under the secret impetus of the coaching staff.

As long as the high school students who are still staying in this U17 training camp, they have more or less passive understanding of “the middle school students are very talented and very talented in the past few years”, “now is the golden age of middle school students”, etc. Such “rumors” deliberately spread by people.

Even a certain high school student who does not ask about world affairs and is dedicated to training also compulsively hears certain information from other people’s small talk.

After Tokugawa Kazuya completed a day’s training mission, he found that today’s high school students are extremely impetuous.

“Hey, have you all heard of it? About those upcoming junior high students.”

As soon as the arduous training task is completed, someone picks up the topic.

“Of course, who has never heard of it! The coaches don’t know what to think, how can those middle school students keep up with our training!”

“That’s right, they don’t leave as soon as they come in.

This topic is indeed very attractive to high school students, but most high school students treat this decision of the coaching staff as a joke.

“Did they come in to play games? We don’t have time to accompany them to play “House Wine-!!”

“Hmph, if they enter U17, let them know how to write the words’respect seniors’. Don’t think that entering means that their strength has been recognized by us-it!”

There are also some high school students who behave very contemptuously. When they talk about middle school students, they have a sense of superiority in their tone. Some people even start to think about things like “establishing majesty”.

“Forget it, forget it, let alone the middle school students, let’s talk about the upcoming high school students. There may be some rivals among them who can compete with us!”

But there are also a small number of more realistic people who are not interested in gossip and only worry about the upcoming high school students.

You know, U17’s internal competition mechanism is very strict.

With so many players, it is impossible for U17 to accept all of them. Only excellent players can stay. If you can’t show your strength, then it will be sooner or later that you will be swept out.

Everyone around you will be a competitor!

“How is it possible?! What are you thinking about!,

“This is the last batch of first-year high school players. The qualifications can’t match the previous batches! Don’t be scared by the one who was recruited in the first batch!”

“Yes! Yes! Not everyone can quickly qualify all the way to that position as soon as they come in!”

“In the entire first year of high school, that’s just the one!”

I don’t know what taboos the person who spoke just now mentioned, the people next to him changed their faces and repeatedly denied it. Although their words sounded somewhat reasonable in Tokugawa’s ears, he also heard the fear in those voices.

With a dull look, he glanced at the high school students who didn’t know how to make progress, were afraid of being knocked down, but didn’t know how to train in private. Tokugawa Kazuya carried his tennis bag all the way to a place where there were fewer and fewer players.

“Senior Irie.”

The familiar saxophone tone reached his ears, and Tokugawa frowned patiently.

Irie Kanata doesn’t know if it is acting or is really a pain in music.

For almost two years, I heard from Tokugawa that his predecessor’s playing level has not improved a little.

This can be regarded as a manifestation of control.

Every time I grasped my playing level to a constant level, and always stepped on the edge of the patience of my colleagues but rarely crossed the line, so that so many bad-tempered people in the army did not really because of this. I have troubled Irie.

“Senior didn’t train anymore?”

Tokugawa Kazuya quickly adjusted his facial expression and returned to the state of expressionlessness before.

Irie Kanata stopped playing, quite dissatisfied with the “incomprehensible style” of this junior. However, it is precisely because Tokugawa is always expressionless that he always looks for opportunities to make Tokugawa Kazuya’s face more vivid.

“Didn’t Tokugawa hear the news that has spread throughout the training camp? A new batch of juniors is coming.

Irie asked Tokugawa in a surprised tone.

“I really look forward to the arrival of the younger generations.”

“I really can’t wait for a moment!”

He then told his feelings in a tone of expectation.

I don’t know if there are anyone who fits my art outlook among the newcomers!

If so, you can talk to him about Shakespeare~

Irie curled up his mouth and smiled crookedly. It seemed that he was really looking forward to the arrival of the “juniors” in his mouth.

“It’s just news.”

Unsurprisingly Irie’s expectation, Tokugawa was very indifferent to things other than tennis.

“The coaches even condoned the spread of such news, and many people couldn’t concentrate on training because of this.

A hint of dissatisfaction flashed in his cold eyes, and Tokugawa Kazuya was quite dissatisfied with the coaches’ tacit behavior this time.

“Doesn’t Tokugawa know? Of course the coaches did this deliberately. The pool of U17 has been silent for too long. If there is no more running water, it will really become’dead water’.”

“Furthermore, in this junior high school student, it seems that there are acquaintances we know.

Irie watched Tokugawa start to train himself again, seemingly indifferent to the “new people”, so he could only pick out a topic he wanted to talk about.

Tokugawa’s swinging arm stopped suddenly.

“Didn’t you ask me anything before Maori left?”

Seeing what she had guessed right, Irie Kanata followed the guess and asked tentatively.

“He asked me to take care of the people in the tennis club of Rikkai National Middle School.”

Ask for flowers,

After being silent for a while, Tokugawa might have thought that Maori might also ask Irie to do so, so he simply said this in one sentence.

In Tokugawa’s view, this is not something worth concealing.

Irie is trustworthy.

Without the help of Irie and ghosts, Tokugawa himself would not know whether he would stay in this U17. That person is really breathtaking!

I once again remembered the person who made him a goal once, and although he was relieved by the feeling of hatred halfway because someone resolved, but still regarded him as an opponent, Tokugawa’s breath became a bit colder, and he started again. Standard swing training.

“Is that so, Maori didn’t even tell me.”

“I don’t know if Tanegashima knows this

Irie looked hurt, then muttered to herself.

“Maori is troubled.


“The Rikkai Da, who has completed the three consecutive tyrants, does not need to be taken care of.”

This time, Tokugawa didn’t even look at Irie, who seemed to be secretly hurting himself next to him. He just said a few words in an attitude of respect for his predecessors.

Even if he doesn’t pay attention to things other than practice tennis, the whispering exchanges of those high school players, that is, his colleagues, will let him know something from time to time.

What’s more, Tanegashima Shuji was the former minister of Rikkai University, and Byodoin was the legendary minister of Makinofuji, who had completed two consecutive hegemonies that year.

A few months ago, as soon as the news of Rikkai’s third consecutive dominance came out, Tanegashima immediately walked around in front of Byodoin Temple with wind for several laps.

Tokugawa thought about the rare black face of Byōdōin Hōō he saw at the time, and he only felt relieved in his heart!

When he thought of the Byodo-in Temple that was so angry that he was about to explode, his swing speed increased a lot without consciously, and the aura of fierceness all over his body eased slightly.

As soon as Irie saw him, he knew that he had remembered the black history of their U17 ー Army No.1 being so angry that they were turned into faces.

To be honest, he himself regrets this matter.

Maori was so clever, he swiftly took Tanegashima away with his eyesight and hands; Ochi is also true, as the minister of Hyotei, he went to help Rikkai.

And Watanabe may have been worried that Byodoin’s anger not only smashed the luminous ball at Tanegashima, but also smashed the Maori and became more intelligent, which led to the reduction of the army’s combat strength on the upcoming expedition. It also helped to stop the furious. Byodoin!

What a pity!

Irie thought that he could at least watch a good show of “No.1 VSNO.2”, but I didn’t expect it to be just on the spot.


The seniors naturally have to take good care of the younger generations!

Maori, please follow the Byodoin Temple with peace of mind. The junior high school students will leave it to me and Guijun to take care of them. Don’t bother Tokugawa and Shuji!

Thinking like this, Irie smiled more sincerely. earth,

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