Chapter 445 : The difference between eyesight

Nioh’s mood fluctuations are very small.

It’s like a wave of water caused by a thin leaf falling on the water, just a few ripples.

But it was such a small opportunity to test, but Irie accurately grasped it in the palm of his hand!


Nioh looked inexplicable, and suppressed the smile that had been around the corner of his mouth since the start of the game.

“Senior Irie is really amazing.”

He seemed to be out of words. He said such a sentence dryly, which seemed clumsy and tongue-in-cheek. He didn’t confuse all kinds of words, true or false, as he usually did.

Although Nioh didn’t understand why the senior on the opposite side of the net could make himself a stable “coordination” problem, but he can be sure – senior Irie, as expected, has always been hiding his strength!

Did he follow Tokugawa and Maori in the U17 training camp with Irie Kanata before, Irie didn’t use all his strength? Didn’t he hide the last hole card?

Or is it that this predecessor with strong eyesight has developed new moves and new trump cards in the days after he left until today?

Nioh pondered Irie’s thoughts in his heart.

He quickly thought about Irie’s style of play, trying to get any hints.

He has only a general impression of all the memories since his rebirth. After all, it has been too long and too long, and the time interval between previous and present lives added up to several decades, coupled with the trip through the three-way river, Nioh really can’t remember the detailed football skills of these seniors.

His instinct told him that the 060 generation opposite had a problem.

But, where is the problem?!


The court will not leave enough time for players to think.

Tanegashima still licked his lips, and was not affected by his opponents and juniors and partners in the slightest. He didn’t even open the mouth to remind both parties that they were going to serve, so he started tossing the ball and swinging the racket.

It’s best for the younger generation to think about things that he doesn’t understand!

Senior’s duty is to lead the direction, not to encourage them!

Tanegashima is very clear about his role. In this doubles, he is not the protagonist. The younger generation by his side is.

Of course, if the boundaries are relaxed, the two colleagues on the opposite side will “reluctantly” be the protagonists!

Tanegashima’s popularity has always been very good. Except for some conflicts with the boss of the first army because of some “arguing disputes”, his interpersonal relationship in U17 can be said to be perfect.

– Tanegashima Shuji is a well-deserved interpersonal MVP in the U17 training camp!

Because he hated airplanes, Tanegashima, who refused to expedition repeatedly and stayed in the U17 training camp, had a deep understanding of the abilities and talents of the third-year high school student opposite.

He knew where his colleague was really terrifying.

Although Irie Kanata has always been serious in the eyes of outsiders who do not know the truth, but in the eyes of the more familiar high school students, Irie is only keen on acting and uses his ability and hobby to disrupt his opponents. State of mind.

But Tanegashima, who is more familiar with Irie, scoffed at both of the above statements.

The really scary place of Irie Kanata is not those little tricks!

Also in the early days of Nioh’s second year, I came into contact with this junior Tanegashima, naturally, I guessed in my heart the reason for Nioh’s previous “homology” wavering.

But he just didn’t say.

If you say it, you can’t temper the younger generation.

“15:0, Nioh and Tanegashima score!”

The high school students who used 60% of their strength to paddle happily, played their serve game without any psychological pressure.

He played quite happily when his juniors were “in the same tune”!

Only when you fall can you understand what “pain” is. Those who have looked up at the sky will understand the height of the sky that day, and those who have seen the sea by the beach will know the magnificence of the sea.

Teach the sea in every way and talk about soldiers on paper; but it is not as good as the actual operation and practice!

Only the experience that I personally got will be remembered for a long time.

Little Nioh, the painstaking efforts of the predecessors, such a clever you, must be able to understand quickly, right?


“15:15, Irie and Tokugawa score!”

The tennis fell on the half-court between himself and his junior doubles, and the stable link of “homology” once again felt unsmooth, but Tanegashima was still calm.

The sloppy-looking senior army still had a smile on the corner of his mouth.


Toss the ball, swing, and serve again.

Bang! Bang!

The rhythm was consciously slowed down by Tanegashima.

Although Nioh’s “homology” had some problems that surprised him in this game, it was still “homology” after all. If you want to convey some tactics and communicate some thoughts to your predecessors, “homology” is still very useful.


“30:15, Irie and Tokugawa score!”

But even so, the time will not be long.

The pace is not much slower at all!

Tanegashima’s own strength of 60% is obviously not enough to withstand the two top (bhcj) top high school students of the U17 training camp who are gradually using all the basic strength on the opposite side. And the “homology” that he “relied on” was also very subtle lagging frequently.

The situation seems to be very unfavorable for both Nioh Masaharu and Tanegashima Shuji.

Nioh has realized this. The reason why he let his predecessors slow down the pace of the game is to leave himself longer thinking time.

It just doesn’t seem to be dragged anymore!

“40:15, Irie and Tokugawa score!”

Nioh is extremely cautious.

When he didn’t find out what was wrong with himself, he would not rashly use more strength and deeper hole cards.

Although Tanegashima is casual, he doesn’t want to use all his strength in front of his younger generations and his friends for a private game.

His serve bureau is about to be broken, and Tanegashima’s mentality is still stable.

He is not in a hurry.

No hurries?

The younger generations around you are so smart, and the final victory of this doubles game will be theirs sooner or later!


The break of the “homology” link is even more obvious this time. It’s like a pair of scissors cut a knife on a wide shiny ribbon.

Although the next moment, the “homology” returned to stability.

But the tennis ball fell on the ground and the score was set!

“2:1, Irie and Tokugawa are leading!’

Oni Jujiro said with his arms folded.

He seemed to have a little interest, and the voice shouting for the score became a little more vigorous.

Tanegashima glanced at the No. 5 gatekeeper on the court side, and said nothing.

The previous game is really worth studying and appreciating. The seemingly simple things can be more prominent.

In this game just now, although I didn’t use wonderful skills, but because of this, it is worth watching!

Not Tanegashima Shuji boasting. With the No. 2 tennis talent of this army, as long as he is standing on the court with a racquet, even if there is a limitation of strength, the limitation on his skills is quite large!

“Finally it’s my turn.”

The predecessor of the No. 3 court opposite the net has a brisk and habitually gentle tone.

Whether facing colleagues or younger generations, Irie has always been gentle, approachable and easy to get along with. This is not a complete deception. Because Irie Kanata is a very gentle boy.

Nioh combed his mental power inch by inch, and didn’t notice any problems.

It was terrible, he thought.

“15:0, Irie and Tokugawa score!”

Can’t find the problem is the biggest problem!

The junior high student on the court frowned slightly, and once again felt troubled by the methods of this invisible predecessor.

“Nioh, did you think of something?”

“If you don’t understand a game, seniors can play a few more games with you!”

Irie’s tone was still gentle.

His character is also really kind.

But with this kind of character, he can be called a “gentle” senior, and he has sharper eyesight than Atobe.

Nioh sighed, his heart sinking.

and many more!

The sentence he just thought of–“A sharper vision than Atobe.”

Eye power! Eye power!

The “eyesight” of the current Hyotei Gakuen Tennis Club’s Minister of Junior High and the “eyesight” of the high school student who is still on the third court of U17 is not the same thing at all!

Although the initial foundation is the “Ice World” that can see through the blind spots, the later development direction is to withdraw from the south to the north, completely opposite to the completely different!

PS, Tanegashima: I don’t work hard, I paddle. But the final victory belongs to me and my younger generation!.

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