Chapter 537 : Night Talk u17 World Cup

Sanada, who was looked at with a smile like Yukimura, felt that if he didn’t answer his Yuran firmly, then he wouldn’t have to continue talking – he would just “Smile Jiuquan”!

“I heard you clearly, Yukimura.

“Just to confirm it!”

Sanada said quickly.

He didn’t change his face while telling such a lie.

This made Tanegashima amazed in his heart.

“Rikkai has no dead ends!”

Deputy Minister Rikkai said very imposingly, and then received a complimentary look from Minister Rikkai.

“”Small target’–”

But then, Sanada took a deep breath.

“There are no dead ends!”

Since the Kwantung Youth Selection can do it, they will definitely be able to do it in this U17 selection!

The Deputy Minister Rikkai thought fiercely and glanced at his teammates with a sense of threat.

Player Yanagi was calm and silent.

The Kuwabara player looked at his partner without panic.

Although Marui’s expression was a bit stiff, he quickly made a lot of determination and became serious.

–The above three players, in terms of attitude, even if they are not good enough, they are still qualified.

And Liu Junshi never needed to worry about Sanada.

So, let’s exclude Rikkai Chief Minister Seiichi Yukimura, who Sanada can’t control, and remove the already overwhelming second-year ace Kirihara Akaya, and Rikkai’s junior high school player is now left.

“–Three” Nioh Masaharu, who has made Rikkai’s first deputy minister displeased from the beginning of the country, but can’t control it!

Sanada stared at the Nioh player who was about to lie on the table next to the wooden table.

However, no matter how he stared, Nioh still looked “unmotivated”.

#Already knows the “spoiler” Nioh does not look forward to the moment of “drawing”#

#Anyway, it is such a simple “small goal”, there is no pressure at all~#

The 101 dormitory is deadlocked.

The originally gentle and warm meeting atmosphere was full of murderousness for a while.

However, Minister Rikkai ignored it.

“Well, since there are no dead ends, then we continue to talk about the U17 World Cup!”

Tanegashima, who realized that Yukimura didn’t want to talk to ease the atmosphere, smiled and continued with the U17 World Cup that he had not finished introducing.

As a senior, you must be considerate of your juniors.

As a senior, even if you like to watch a theater, you have to stop.

As a senior, you must finish the important things before going to the theater!

Tanegashima Shuji is a very good senior high school student, so he reluctantly gave up watching the possible “small dispute” between the white-haired junior and the black-faced junior, and continued his U17 World Cup introduction.

“This year’s U17 was held in Australia, and the start of the game was in December.

Therefore, they don’t have much time to waste easily now.

Every minute and every second of time is extremely precious.

–Although in Tanegashima’s heart, the time spent with younger generations is priceless.

But for the future of junior high school students in tennis, Tanegashima still hopes to finish these things first, so that his juniors have a general understanding of the U17 World Cup, and then continue the warm exchange between them.

“A total of 32 countries and regions participated in the U17 World Cup.”

“The rankings of the participating countries have not changed for a long time.

“Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Spain, the World Cup U17 teams of these four countries are the last four. The teams from other countries are not at the same level as them!”

“Among them, the German-national team, ranked first, has won nine consecutive championships!”

Tanegashima said in a formulaic tone.

He is very guilty now.

“Nine consecutive championships?!”

Kirihaya’s eyes widened in surprise.

“Wang Zhede-the national team?”

Liu also joked in cooperation.

“It is said that they are also very confident of winning again this year.

While collecting data and intelligence, Liu, who learned of the news by the way, then added for his predecessors.

However, when he said that, the expression on his face was not a compliment, but an eagerness to challenge amidst a deep hidden worry.

“You are sure of ten consecutive championships?”

“That’s not sure if I can win the championship this year!”

Yukimura again took it out of context.

Wang Zhede-the national team, why does it sound a little uncomfortable in his heart?

Minister Rikkai now understands the feelings of the players from other schools towards Rikkai.

–Who wants to admit that other people’s team is the “king”?

–Who wants to be the background board for others’ coronation carnival?

The character Seiichi Yukimura wants has always been an absolute protagonist!

He hasn’t experienced the taste of the background board yet!

“Senior Tanegashima.”

The fighting spirit of the teammates is so high that Nioh, who is lying lazily on the wooden table, feels that he is a little out of group.

Therefore, this middle school player decided to let his teammates know the “reality”!

“Senior, where is the Japanese national team ranking now?”

Nioh asked as if just casually.

However, his question made Tanegashima’s guilty conscience reached its peak.

In addition, he also succeeded in stiffening the expression of Army Master Liu, who had already known some information and had a high morale.

Japan’s current world ranking

This is really a “good-question-question”!

“Yes, senior, you just mentioned that the US team is fifth in the world, what about us?”

“When are we now?”

Kirihaya didn’t know what was going on, and asked enthusiastically.

On the contrary, Yanagyu and Marui had noticed something bad in advance from the reaction of their restless white-haired teammates.

“Our current ranking”

“I mean, the current U17 World Cup ranking of the Japanese team–”

Tanegashima, a high school student, didn’t want to take the blame for this at all!


“Ranked 31st in the U17 World Cup!”

If the total number of countries and regions participating in the U17 World Cup ranking is not thirty-two, thirty-one is still a good place.

However, the 31st out of the total 32

“The second to last place!”

Kirihaya was stunned.

He wants to say Echizen Ryoma’s mantra “MADAMADADANE” now!

The U17 World Cup ranking for the thirty-first place, this is too far away!

“Ahem, little Akaya, you have to know one thing first!”

A little embarrassed Tanegashima coughed twice, and then tried to save the image of Japan’s U17.

“This U17 World Cup ranking is not based on one game!

“The rankings of the thirty-two countries and regions are the result of the accumulation and comparison of the results of the previous U17 World Cup countries!”

Therefore, Tanegashima firmly believes that his own U17 high school student will not carry this “black pot”!

The ranking is so low that it is definitely not that he and his colleagues are too weak!

“Our current U17 team is still very powerful.”

Tanegashima tried to explain.

“Look at Maori!”

At this moment, he finally remembered the benefits of this senior who was on the expedition who had gone far away.

“Maori’s tennis strength is not weak, right?”

“He is only No.10 in the First Army!”

First army player Tanegashima, directly used their first army tenth to give an example to the younger generations to illustrate that the current U17-army is still strong.

The U17 World Cup ranking is so low that it is completely different from the current U17 high school students without strength!

“After Maori entered U17, he has made great progress!”

In order to more fully prove the strength of the U17 Army, Tanegashima praised his junior high school students who had been thrown into the care of Tsukimitsu Ochi since he entered U17 in a “stocking style”.

Listening to Tanegashima’s convincing words, Kirihaya gradually calmed down.

The others, except Nioh, who had always been lazy, including Yukimura, all relaxed a little.

-Their plan to win the championship is still very promising!

It was Rikkai’s military division who got additional information from Tanegashima’s words.

Their Maori predecessors are “just No. 10”?

This “just”, the senior who is next to the rank of the first army, I don’t know how much, he used it very confidently!

–It seems that the ranks of Tanegashima’s seniors are at least the top five. Otherwise, in this U17 training camp where strength is respected, it is impossible for seniors to say “just No.10” so naturally!

Quietly jot down the accidental information in his heart, Liu and his teammates relaxed a little.

He always felt that they Rikkai wanted Yukimura’s “small goals” sounded very difficult, but in fact it was not that difficult.

What is really difficult is what sort of ranking they can get with their teammates after participating in the U17 World Cup!

The Japanese team’s current U17 World Cup ranking is so poor that Liu was on the verge of collapse. I imagined how poor the senior high school students who participated in the previous competitions were, so that they were only one step away from the bottom of the list!

Fortunately, Tanegashima’s words comforted Liu who was always upset.

Yanagi, who was directly pulled to the back mountain by the school bus of Rikkai University, had never seen the tragic reshuffle between Oni Jujiro and Momoshiro Takeshi. He had no idea about the current level of the top high school students in the U17 training camp.

However, Yanagi Renji still maintains a high level of trust in his predecessors.

In addition, he also believes in teammate Nioh Masaharu, who completed Rikkai’s junior year with him and everyone.

With Nioh’s strength, there is also an eye to judge the strength of other people

If the tennis skills of other senior high school students were as good as Yoo worried, Nioh would have instigated Yukimura to change that “small goal.”

The following gram is on, grabbing the spot of the seniors, if the strength is strong enough-the coaches will default, right?

With a clear mind, Liu thought so, very pleased.

Then, he, Yukimura and other teammates, in the same thinking, set the only goal of this World Cup to “winning the championship” this very clear point!

The “Final Four” that other teams are hoping for, they are not interested at all.

It doesn’t matter if they are “newborn calves and are not afraid of tigers”, or they are “ignorant and fearless”, the ranking they want is only the “first” with 2.9!

–If you even lower your goal, how can reality give you a trophy?

People who don’t even dare to think can’t do the best.

What’s more, Yukimura and Yoo know that they have the ability to compete first!

PS, when I wrote this, I thought I had a wrong memory, so I stopped for a while and searched it. As a result, I remember correctly, it is really a total of thirty-two!

*The expedition is not over yet, so now according to the comprehensive points ranking before the update, Ingland 5 (I remember this, the region competes? Or is the translation different?), the United States 7, Japan 31.

*In my impression, it is the above in the ranking column last week. Although there is no test evidence, but for the smoothness of the plot, there is also [highlight the strength of the current military high school students, they are really not weak], after all, it is a comprehensive score ranking, and it also takes into account the reputation of the u17 teams in various countries and the tennis industry. Evaluation, as well as the most basic results of various competitions going abroad.

Therefore, according to the above, the ranking list obtained after the warm-up match has changed. PS is my personal guess, and I plan to write it down. Even if Ghost, Tokugawa, Irie, and Tanegashima do not go abroad for expeditions, the strength of the expedition team currently led by Byodoin can’t be called a weak group, right? They go out to play games, and get up a little bit before the final ranking is updated.

The points are completely normal. It’s like the American team pulled England. Glen down. England is not weak, but the U.S. team is stronger~.

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