Chapter 611 : Rely on, analyze


The high school student waved racquet with his right arm, and the blindfolded eyes did not seem to affect his movements.

“Yes, you are stronger than I thought.”

Unbreakable Iron Man exclaimed.

What he said was not a top-down view of junior high school students, but a real appreciation for Seiichi Yukimura.

This year, he is still a sophomore in high school. He can possess the No.11 badge of the First Army, which is enough to prove that his talent is powerful, and it is enough to prove that his tennis strength is absolutely comparable to that of the ordinary First Army.

However, after this true temperament high school student praised the junior high school student, the next second he left his appreciation for Yukimura behind.

He believes that the middle school student on the opposite side of the net is considered the top powerhouse in the middle of the country, but in the U17 training camp

“Need me to let you down again?~”

No.11 said arrogantly.

The high school students of the first army are like-this arrogance-

He is playing with his eyes blindfolded!

This tone, combined with the arrogant expression of the iron man, is enough to make most opponents angry.

But Seiichi Yukimura does not belong to “most opponents”.

The minister of Rikkai University is calm and self-contained, and the “arrogance” hidden in his heart is much less than that of the senior high school students in the army opposite?

The fluctuation of mental power melted into the air.

Tennis has a unique rhythm and rhythm when the iron man does not notice it.

The camera broadcasts the live footage of this network court to the screen in the main control room.

“It seems that our No.11 can’t try the depth of Minister Rikkai.”

The mental coach Saitō Itaru looked at the screen and said with a headache.

I know that Seiichi Yukimura has an extraordinary phantom of different dimensions, but I can’t know the specific level of his tennis strength.

Although based on the psychological speculation of the No. 1 Byōdōin Hōō of the first army, the No. 11 Unbreakable Iron Man and the Minister of Rikkai, who are the strongest and outstanding in this round of reshuffle, have successfully become opponents, but from the current situation –This game has not given the coaches anything new until now.

The ball skills used by Seiichi Yukimura–

“Is it still’killing the five senses”?”

Coach Tuo Zhi held his arms and frowned tightly.

Although coach Tuo Zhi is not at the scene, he, like his two colleagues, is the top tennis coach in Japan. Therefore, although he can’t feel the mental power fluctuations on the court, he can also infer from the court process Yukimura’s current ball skills.

Although the “Missing the Five Senses” is strong, the “waiting process” is too long.

As the opponent’s level of strength moves up, the five senses that will be effective soon, if you want to play its original role and make the opponent “lost all external perception”, it will take longer to prepare!

Of course, although Seiichi Yukimura’s strength increases, and as the strength gap between him and his opponent widens, the time to fully manifest the effect will be shorter.

But what the coaches want to see is not this skill.

What they want to explore is the different dimension of Minister Rikkai!

To be more precise, it is “different-dimensional profound meaning”!

They don’t want to study the applicability of the “Missing the Five Senses” to the First Army. They just want to find out the strength of Seiichi Yukimura!

Just give them a glimpse of the real strength of a tennis player in a few minutes, and they will have the opportunity to study the player’s strength baseline.


Just like the high school students Byōdōin Hōō and Onijujiro, like today’s Nioh Masaharu-their level of strength exceeds the upper limit that the coaches can analyze!

“You said, is there a possibility–”

“Yukimura hasn’t realized that yet?”

Coach Tuo Zhi was very entangled.

“No, from the analysis of the strength shown by Seiichi Yukimura in the previous team shuffle of court No. 5 and No. 3, he can’t just superficially master his own different dimension.”

The mixed practice coach just put forward a questioning hypothesis, and he denied his own words.

“If he hadn’t mastered that, he shouldn’t have stayed here before.

Coach Tuo Zhi said irritably.

Just like Rikkai’s second-year player Kirihara Akaya, if Rikkai wants to break through and want that, he should choose the “back mountain” place, right?

Nioh Masaharu, who was able to defeat Onijujiro in a different-dimensional phantom state when he first entered the second year of the country, it is impossible not to tell his teammates “the best and most suitable choice.”

Even if Coach Takuchi is unwilling to admit defeat, he has to admit that he and his colleagues, at least for now, are not as good as the head coach Mifūne Nyudō San on the back mountain in terms of guiding the players to make breakthroughs!

Coach Kurobe listened to the words of his two colleagues, who were not obvious on the surface, but were somewhat frustrated in their hearts, and guessed Rikkai’s different dimensions, but the emotions in his heart were a little more funny.

– Seiichi Yukimura, Minister of Rikkai, is so narrow!

Without breaking the iron man from the beginning, the attitude of looking down and the attitude of contempt, which is clearly revealed from the beginning, how can the Minister Rikkai, who has always been looking down at others, not feel uncomfortable?

Never break the iron man when he said those things at the beginning, Yukimura’s “smile” was somewhat different.

In essence, No. 11, who is still rough and negative in EQ, can’t see it, but tactical coach Kurobe Yukio can see it clearly.

“First of all, the vision”

The tactical coach said in a low voice, wanting to use the existing intelligence and data to analyze the next step of Minister Rikkai.

Normally speaking, the “fighting of the five senses” is to “blind” all perceptions of the opponent’s vision, hearing, and touch to the outside world.


“Will there be any surprises next?”

Coach Saito gave a gentle smile, regardless of what “maybe terrible” things will happen to Yukimura’s opponent NO.11 next.


……. Flowers

Mental coach Saitō Itaru is good at analyzing the psychology of tennis players and analyzing the thoughts of many tennis players. He is a “master-level character” with micro-expressions, and he can see from Yukimura’s seemingly unchanged surface that Rikkai’s extremely subtle and concealed emotions.

–A true smile. Is it expectation?

–Next, is it finally going to “formally begin”?

Since Yukimura serve, this qualifying match has not even finished the first round!

–The first game, the score has not been determined so far!

Is this Yukimura’s deliberate layout, or is it really deadlocked?

Or, just temptation?

The mental coach Saitō Itaru felt that he couldn’t guess the thoughts of Minister Rikkai.

Kurobe feels that Yukimura is “promoting narrowness” because Rikkai Chief Minister knows that his opponent is blindfolded, but first let the “five senses” take effect in the visual aspect.

This approach is not only not helpful to the current situation of the game, but is likely to arouse the vigilance of the unbreakable iron man and allow him to break free before the move is fully effective.


However, contrary to Coach Kurobe–

Coach Saito thinks that Seiichi Yukimura is “terrible”.

He has a hunch that the rest of the game will definitely be a “surprise”!

As for the result of the game…

There is no second possibility!

Although the iron man is strong, but after all, it is better than Seiichi Yukimura.

Although the talent of No.11 is extremely restrained to many tennis players, especially mental players. But if there is an overwhelming advantage, then the incompatibility and natural restraint are just empty words.

–The so-called “restraint” is only based on the situation where the tennis players of both sides are equal in strength!


“Now, it’s a 2:2 draw!”

Unbreakable Iron Man secretly thought about the score in his heart.

The middle school student on the opposite side of the net really admired him for his tennis skills.

But it’s just “appreciation”.

He didn’t use all his strength.

Don’t talk about the other one-

No.11 has a pair of “extraordinary” eyes.

He was able to own the No.11 badge as a sophomore in high school, thanks to his eyes.

If he was blindfolded, he would lose at least 30% of his strength!

The most important thing is that without the “natural ability of eyes”, his opponent’s tennis prowess can be played!

Otherwise, the No.11 opponents of the First Army will “loss” at least 30% of their strength!

One increase and one decrease–

This pair of eyes is called the “mirror pupil” by coaches and insiders, which can bring “60% of the strength of the unbreakable iron man” to relatively poor!

If it weren’t for him, he was just a sophomore in high school, if it weren’t for him, he didn’t have the same control over his own strength as a senior.

PS, I slept until now and feel that chapter titles are more difficult than writing articles, then I will not deliberately keep the chapter titles tidy!

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